Spiritual developmentReligion


The birth of a child is an important event in the family, but parents will face a huge number of difficulties before they can breathe a sigh of relief. Education includes a huge number of components, because it is very important not just to teach the child to read and write, to give him an education, but to raise a worthy member of society with stable moral and spiritual values.

In many respects, the child's godparents should take care of the spiritual upbringing of the child. Very many do not understand their task, baptizing a child. After all, it's not the gifts that they will now give to their godson for birthdays, name days and other holidays, now they are responsible for the faith of the baby, his Christian upbringing.

The sacrament of baptism is considered one of the most important events in human life and symbolizes purification and spiritual birth. The procedure itself requires a triple immersion in the water, as a symbol of the three days when Jesus was in the tomb, after which his Resurrection took place.

The godparents or, as they are also called, the recipients, are entrusted to the baby and are now his second parents, therefore responsibility for Christian upbringing lies precisely on their shoulders.

It is difficult to say what motives parents are guided by choosing godparents for their baby, but there are a number of limitations that need to be known in advance. So, for example, first of all parents themselves can not be godchild for the child, also unbelievers can not take such duties. Mentally ill and morally fallen should not become a font with a baby in his arms, and young children are not allowed to this ceremony as receptors. Husband and wife who are married can not be godchild of one child, but they can quite baptize their own brothers and sisters (for example, the wife is a girl and the husband is a boy).

In general, following the church canons, only one receiver is sufficient to hold the christening. The godmother is required in cases when the person being baptized is a girl, and vice versa, the godfather is needed when the boy is baptized. However, we traditionally choose two parents, because this absolutely does not contradict the church statute.

It is believed that it is the godfather who takes care of the expenses for baptism. Also he must buy a gift and a cross to his goddaughter or godson. If the child is still very small, then the cross is best worn on a wide ribbon, so that the baby does not damage the delicate skin around his neck.

The godmother should take on the purchase of the baptismal kit, which includes a cap, shirt and a kryzhma (towel or diaper) - it is the baby that is wrapped in it after the font.

However, in modern realities, not always godparents have the financial opportunity to pay all the conventions, the main thing is their presence and acceptance of responsibility for the further spiritual upbringing of the child. Each church can demand its compulsory recruitment, which the infant must be baptized.

Usually, the recipients buy the gift for the child's christenings together, the same cross and chain of silver or gold.

If you were among the invited guests for such a family holiday, then traditionally as a gift you can present a blanket for the baby, diapers, ryashonki, clothes, etc.

It is worth mentioning that when choosing children for the child, it is necessary to give preference to those people who will later be able to give the child proper spiritual education, surround them with care and love. Parents should not seek material benefits in the choice of the godparents, guided by the level of financial security of applicants. Godparents are first of all mentors who will help the child to choose the way and to be defined with priorities and vital values.

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