BeautySkin care

How to become more beautiful in 30 days. How to become more beautiful than anyone in the classroom

Do you want to be irresistible on the significant event that is expected in a month? The question of how to become more beautiful in 30 days excites women of any age. To improve your appearance during this period, you can just enough to observe a few simple rules, and you will regain a healthy, and therefore, a beautiful appearance.

Hair, skin and nails

Every day half an hour before the first meal, one tablespoon of flax seeds should be eaten . They need to be thoroughly chewed with a glass of warm water. This product will make your skin more fresh and even, and also cleanse the body of accumulated harmful substances. In addition, the body weight will decrease a little, hair and nails will become much stronger. But in the event that there are stones in your body, you can not accept flaxseed in any case.

Every day an hour before bedtime, apply a mixture of vitamin E and glycerin on your face. Prepare it is simple enough, just take ten capsules of a vitamin, pierce them with a needle, squeeze the butter into a bottle, and then mix it with thirty milliliters of glycerin. These components are quite affordable, they can easily be purchased at a pharmacy at a low price.

Before applying this product to the skin of the face, it is necessary to clean it, and then with a soft brush make an easy massage before reddening the skin, since only in this state the cells absorb the beneficial substances best. While glycerin is absorbed, the skin remains a little sticky, so to soften the unpleasant sensations you can sprinkle it with a refreshing tonic.

This massage is very effective from the "crow's feet". The complexion becomes more even, and wrinkles are smoothed out. After that you will understand that you can become beautiful in 30 days.

A very useful product is the beet. It will also help to solve the problem of how to become more beautiful in 30 days. It is enough to boil this vegetable and eat it as a part of a salad at least once a day. Beets are a wonderful blood purifier. In addition, the internal organs will work much better.

For the beauty of nails and hair, you need to eat at least fifty grams of any nuts per day. In two weeks you will be able to notice significant improvements.

Hair Mask

To prepare a miracle mass, you must mix the mustard powder with vegetable oil (preferably from wheat germ or burdock) to the consistency of sour cream. Apply this mixture to damp hair and keep for about half an hour, and then rinse with water. This mask should be applied once every three days. After a month of regular application, your hair will become luxurious.

Prepare special water. To do this, add five drops of menthol oil in one liter of liquid. After each washing, you should rinse your hair with this water. This will give the scalp freshness, relieve headaches and dandruff, as well as eliminate the increased fatty hair. That's how to become more beautiful in 30 days.

Skin of feet

In order to proudly show off your bare feet, you have to get your toes for sleep. The material must be natural - wool or cotton, it all depends on the season. After a shower before going to bed, you need to lubricate your feet with butter, adding a few drops of mint oil. If you start doing this a month before the beach season, this procedure will turn your feet into an object of admiration and envy, and you will be made to understand that you are beautiful. For 30 days to achieve the desired is quite realistic.


To answer the question of how to become more beautiful in 30 days, it is important not to forget about eyelashes. To do this, it is necessary to wash the used tube thoroughly with soap and mildew. Then thoroughly dry it and drip into the oil of wheat germ. This product is ideal for tired eyelashes. It will contribute to their strengthening and growth. It is necessary to apply a brush for the entire length of the eyelashes with a brush, and in a month they will become noticeably thicker and longer.


How to become more beautiful than everyone in the class for a month? It is necessary to take care of the skin of the body. To prepare an effective remedy, it is enough to mix a glass of sea salt (although the cookery, enriched with iodine, is also suitable) with a glass of fatty sour cream. The resulting porridge massage the body after bathing, putting on a mitten-washcloth, and then rinse with water. With daily use of such a product, exfoliation of the cornified skin particles occurs, and small pimples gradually disappear. Sour cream nourishes the cells and softens the action of the salt, not allowing it to scratch the skin. The remaining mixture after the procedure can be stored in the refrigerator.

Another wonderful tool for the skin of the body will be amaranth oil. It is ideal for fighting abrasions, burns and wrinkles, stretch marks and scars. Lubricate the body and face with this oil every day, since its constituent element is squalene, the main component of the skin. The only drawback of this tool is the price, but the amaranth oil is worth it.


Do not sit on a strict diet, which takes away strength and reduces mood. It is enough to refrain from soda, sweets, chips and cakes. Between meals you need to bite something useful, such as nuts or low-fat yogurt.

Before eating, you need to drink a glass of water, and a little later - another. Without fluid, the skin becomes flabby and wrinkled. Twice a week you should eat fatty fish, seeds, nuts, eggs. Rich in protein and vitamin C, food contributes to the development of substances in the body that make the skin smooth and supple. No less good will bring carrots and apricots, tomatoes, spinach, black currants.

Beautiful hands

How to become even more beautiful, if only a month is allocated for this? Sexy look will be given to trained and beautiful biceps, shoulders and triceps. Instead of dumbbells, you can use water-filled bottles. Filling the tanks, remember that each exercise will need to be repeated at least fifteen times, so you should carefully choose the weight.

If you have excess weight, you should avoid T-shirts and tops. It is advisable to give preference to clothes with a sleeve length of three quarters. Do not wear massive bracelets that hide your wrists.

Slim stomach

Want to have a flat beautiful belly? Do exercises for the lower part, upper, and also for oblique muscles. But if you still can not get rid of wrinkles with the help of exercises, then you can go for a little trick. It is enough only to involve the stomach and not to slouch at all. So you will look much slimmer.

Slender and beautiful legs

As a workout, you can choose to walk with attacks. And the muscles of the outer side of the thighs can be strengthened by regular semi-squats. Buttocks will pull up squats.

Very attractive your feet will make a golden tan (not so important, artificial or natural). To achieve the goal, you can also use a foundation. They need to emphasize the shin in the middle line in front. This will visually extend the legs. And even such a tool can cover the fossa on the legs and hide the cellulite. But here it is important to remember that the cream should be selected on a shade lighter than its skin. The main thing in this business is a sense of proportion. Cracked and rough from wearing slates and flip-flops, the foot skin needs to be rubbed with pumice and then with a moisturizing cream.

That's how to become more beautiful girlfriends!

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