Food and drinkRecipes

How tasty to cook Bulgarian pepper

Bulgarian pepper is so rich in vitamins and vital microelements for our body that it can rightly be called a true healer of all times and peoples. All the useful substances that are contained in other vegetables and fruits are gathered together in Bulgarian pepper.

Those who have lowered hemoglobin, anemia, must necessarily include in their diet dishes that include Bulgarian pepper, because it is very rich in iron. Also in pepper contain such important for the body trace elements, like magnesium, calcium, iodine, zinc.

Those who have reduced immunity, also regularly need to eat Bulgarian pepper. Such vitamins as C and P, present in pepper, are involved in the strengthening of blood vessels.

It is generally accepted that vitamin C is present in an incredibly large quantity in lemon and black currant. However, it is not. Bulgarian pepper surpasses them in this indicator.

Pepper also contains a significant amount of vitamins B and PP, and this helps against insomnia, loss of strength, depression. In general, the wonderful properties of this product can be listed for a very long time, but still it is almost impossible to name them.

Let's dwell on some dishes, including Bulgarian pepper.

The main crown dish for everyone is a stuffed pepper with a filling: meat and rice. This dish attracts with its simplicity of preparation, taste and useful qualities.

For this recipe we take:

One kilogram of bell pepper (preferably the same size);

Four hundred grams of minced meat;

One large onion;

One carrot;

two tomatoes;

Two cloves of garlic;

Pepper, salt.

First you need to make pepper. To do this, the tops are cut off and the seeds are removed.

Then you need to boil the rice to half-cooked and mix it with minced meat. Also add there half of the onions, cut into cubes, and, accordingly, salt and pepper. Now you can fill the pepper stuffing, but not to the brim, but only two-thirds of the pepper. After all, as a result of the temperature effect, the rice swells slightly and, increasing in volume, rises to the edge of the pepper.

Carrots must be grated on a large grater, tomatoes cut into cubes, removing the skin beforehand. Crush the garlic. The remaining halves of onions are cut and lightly browned. Add carrots, garlic, tomatoes, a little salt, and put it out for five minutes.

After the vegetables are extinguished, you need to send them to a pan, and then put the pepper, only necessarily cut up. Pour water with pepper until half and simmer for about forty minutes under the lid. In the process of extinguishing, the pepper is soaked with sauce and becomes more juicy.

There is another recipe, which is in great demand - it's pickled Bulgarian pepper . Firstly, it is an excellent appetizer, warming up the appetite and pleasing the eye with its palette. Secondly, this is a wonderful harvest for the winter. Thirdly, it is an integral addition to many salads.

It is necessary to prepare such ingredients:

One kilogram of sweet pepper of different colors;

Two tablespoons of fried horseradish;

Two bay leaves;

200 milliliters of 3 percent vinegar;

Three heads of onions;

Three tablespoons of vegetable oil;

One teaspoon of sugar;

Six peas of sweet pepper;

Six buds of a carnation;


First you need to bake the sweet pepper in the oven , pre-cleaned of seeds. Then add salt, cover it tightly and leave it overnight. By morning he will let down the juice. Now we need to take the dishes and lay the layers of pepper, horseradish, onions, sliced in rings. The bay leaves should be placed in the middle between the layers. In the juice that formed overnight, add sugar, cloves, pepper and boil for ten minutes. After that, cool, strain, add vinegar and sunflower oil. This marinade should be filled with vegetables, cover and leave for ten days to insist. Before you serve the pepper on the table, it must be cut into rings and poured over the marinade.

In general, dishes from Bulgarian pepper are an indispensable attribute of both everyday and festive table, thanks to their external data and excellent taste and useful qualities.

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