
How quickly to cure a cold without drugs

Cold often overtakes at the wrong time. As a rule, sore throat, runny nose and cough, accompanied by weakness and fever, dump us just before an important event - a business meeting, a report, a session, a romantic date or a long-awaited visit. And in this case, the question arises: "How quickly to cure a cold?" Advertising on TV, in newspapers and magazines promises an instant recovery when taking any medication. Of course, it's very tempting to swallow a pill or drink a syrup and almost immediately (maximum - the next day) feel relief. But in fact, medicinal methods for treating colds are not a panacea at all, and in many cases it is much better to forget about pills and remember the proven grandmother's methods.

How quickly to cure a cold with folk medicine? It is necessary to call for help all kinds of means: medicinal teas, herbal decoctions, inhalations and rinses. If you have the first sign of a cold - perspiration or sore throat, a slight cough, runny nose, do not waste time hoping that everything will go away by itself! Make yourself a tea with raspberries, brew chamomile or linden, steam rosehip (most convenient to do it in a thermos). By the way, the dog rose must be poured with boiling water and insisted, but not boiled - if you boil the berries for some time, you will get just a tasty compote, in which there are very few useful substances left. If you do not have temperature, you can get your feet stuck or take a warm bath with sea salt, pine extract or medicinal herbs (chamomile, mint, sage, calendula) for this purpose. After such a procedure, it is necessary to warmly dress, drink a cup of warm tea and go to bed.

If the cold is accompanied by a strong cold, then it is necessary to wash the nose with a saline solution as often as possible (it can be ready, such as Salina or Aqua-Maris, or it can be homemade, prepared from a liter of water and a teaspoon of salt). On the feet you need to wear warm (ideally - woolen) socks, in which you can pour a little mustard. Another interesting folk method for fighting the common cold is rubbing your feet with garlic (by the way, this method is also used for coughing). After such a procedure, which is best done at night, you have to put socks on your feet. If you do not have a high temperature, you can warm up your nose with salt pouches, preheated in the oven, microwave or in a frying pan, or just cooked chicken eggs. In addition, at the first signs of the common cold, especially when the nose "pours a stream", self-made drops in the nose, consisting of carrot juice, honey and a small amount of water, and also freshly squeezed aloe juice help perfectly .

With a sore throat, you should start rinsing with a decoction of sage, chamomile or calendula. You can make a compress from the cabbage leaves and wrap it around your neck with a warm scarf - this will help to ease the pain more quickly. You can also gargle with a solution of common salt and soda with iodine (half a spoonful of salt and soda and 4 drops of iodine in a glass of warm water). However, keep in mind that a very severe sore throat with difficulty swallowing, especially if accompanied by a high fever, is characteristic not so much for a cold as for a sore throat or exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis .

How quickly to cure a cold, accompanied by a cough? The most important advice - try to drink as much as possible! To do this, you can use decoctions of herbs, teas, compotes and fruit drinks, table mineral water - in short, anything. If you do not have temperature, you can put a compress on the chest of potatoes or put a warm water bottle, and then bundle up and go to bed. Also, when coughing, inhalation helps. If you do not have an inhaler, you can cover yourself with a sheet or a large towel and breathe over the pot with freshly brewed potatoes or hot herbal decoction.

Thinking about how quickly to cure a cold, keep in mind that procedures, be it gargling or flushing your nose, should be done as often as possible (every 2-3 hours), because one or two procedures, of course, will make things a little easier , But will not lead to the desired result. Therefore, do not be lazy and do not stop treatment as soon as you become a little better. But if you are treating cold at home, but do not feel relieved for several days, be sure to seek medical advice. After all, under the banal common cold, a wide variety of viral and bacterial diseases can be masked , in which not only warm drinking, rinsing and inhalation, but also medicinal treatment, which the doctor should appoint.

Be healthy!

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