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How much milk gives a cow per day - the norm and records

We consume dairy products daily. Even babies know that milk is given to cows. But how much milk a cow produces per day, and when she starts to do this, not every adult represents.

When a cow starts giving milk

These steppe animals grow and mature quite slowly. For a long time the owner takes care of the new little hedge, counting on the return only in the future. Sexual maturity in cows occurs after six months, but such a young animal is not ready to reproduce. Only in one and a half to two years, when the heifer fully develops and reaches a mass of more than 300 kg, it is impregnated. Pregnancy of a cow lasts 9 months, approximately from 240 to 311 days. After the birth of the calf, milk appears. At first the cow produces colostrum, which feeds the calf, it is not used for food. Thus, the owner of the cow will be able to receive the first milk only after two and a half or three years.

How many days does the cow give milk

A cow can not give milk all year round. Gradually, the yield decreases, the quality of the product falls. In order to maximize lactation, the cows are inseminated every year. The cow ration continues to give milk, but several months before the birth, it is launched. This means that the animal gradually stops milking, and the milk disappears. This is necessary for the body to rest, and directed all forces to the development of the calf. If this is not done, then both the cow and the newborn will be depleted.

Thus, the lactation period lasts no more than 320 days, and deadly - about one and a half to two months. Most of the milk is given to cows after the second, third and fourth calving.

Important information

On what does it depend, how much milk does the cow give per day? This indicator can be very different for different cows. We shall understand, on what depends, how many liters of milk the cow gives per day. First, the animal breed is of great importance. There are dairy, meat-dairy and meat breeds. The milk yields the most milk, meat meat lags far behind in this respect.

Secondly, the genetics, heredity and individual characteristics of the animal matter, because even among the same breed, the milk yields of different cows differ.

Thirdly, the great influence on how much milk a cow produces per day is the age of the animal. After the first calving she gives a little milk, after the seventh calving the productivity begins to fall.

And, finally, one of the most important parameters is the conditions of detention and nutrition. Even the best thoroughbred cow will not give much milk if it is poorly fed.

How much milk is given to dairy cows

There are several common dairy breeds. The Dutch, perhaps the oldest of the dairy. Some experts believe that the genes of this breed are more or less present in all dairy breeds. Milk productivity of this breed is from 4 000 kg per year.

The Holstein breed was bred in the USA and Canada. Today it is the most widespread dairy breed in the world. Its productivity can be more than 7 000 kg of milk per year. Udoyanie depends on climatic conditions, and in countries with milder climates can reach 10,000 kg per year. Based on these data, we can say how much milk a cow gives on the day of this breed - average milk yield in Russian farms - from 20 to 40 liters per day.

Simmental breed is widespread in Russia. It has not only good milk productivity - about 5,000 kg of milk per year (in some conditions - up to 9,000 kg), but also excellent meat qualities.

Yaroslavl breed is considered one of the best bred in our country. These black with a white spot on the head of the cow adapt well to different climatic conditions and can give up to 5,000 kg of milk.

In our fields you can often see the Kholmogory breed, which shows itself well in a cold climate and gives more than 6000 kg. A high milk yield shows the Aishirian breed, also preferring a cool climate. Black-and-white breed can give up to 6 000 kg of milk per year, besides these animals possess good meat qualities.

Meat and milk yield from 3 000 to 5 000 kg of milk per year.

How many cows give milk: rates and records

The drill for the first time can give 8-9 liters of milk a day, a thoroughbred cow after the second calving - from 15 to 40 liters per day. If a mature individual gives less than 10 liters, this indicates poor care or illness.

But among the bumps, there are real record-breakers. For example, the American cow of Julian Holstein breed for a year has given 30 805 kg of milk, Linda of the same breed - 28 740 kg.

From domestic drill black-and-motley breed by the name of Russian got 19 106 kg of milk per year.

Records are recorded and by daily milk yield. Kubinka Ubre Blanka, a cross between the Holstein breed and the hunchbacked zebu, gave 110.9 kg for one day. Do not lag behind and our cows - black and motley and Yaroslavl distances of 82 kg, Kholmogorsky - 78 kg.

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