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How many live crows in the wild and captive

Such birds as the Voronts and thieves are permanent residents of our cities and parks. They are also heroes of songs, sayings, proverbs and fairy tales, are present in heraldry. Despite the similarity of their name in the Russian language, the raven and crow are still different from each other, because they are different biological species. The crow is smaller than the bird of the crow, and it lives less. How many live crows - just do not know. In the wild jungles of large cities, these birds usually last up to 10 years, but with a man - can live almost twice as long. The crow is easily tamed, it is non-conflicting and can learn to make different sounds.

As for a bird like a raven, it must be said that it is not only larger than its black and gray "namesake" (the weight of a crow is 700 g, the weight of a crow is one and even one and a half kilograms), but also lives longer. Of course, it's hard to see how many crows live in the wild. But we can assume that a lot, because during the time of the earthly life of any creature, experience accumulates and as a result, the intellect is manifested. And about crows it is reliably known, that they are extremely clever birds. For example, they soak stale pieces of bread in puddles. Generic memory, you will say, is a congenital type of behavior, like weaving a spider's web. Well, and how such a type of behavior peeped at the ravens: the birds deliberately put the nuts found on the roadway of the road so that the passing cars crushed a hard shell. And so only urban crows act, and rural ones continue to peck nuts with a beak. It is clear that in order to spy on the properties of automobile tires to crush hard objects, to make the appropriate logical conclusion and to introduce it in practice requires a rather long lifespan for the crow.

It is believed that on the will of crows can live up to 30 years, but on average these birds live about 20. These are predators living in a flock. That is, an aging and weakened individual has the opportunity, with a rich booty of his young and healthy brethren, to feed on crumbs from their table. Conversely, with the scarcity of the food base in the pack, weakened individuals may lose their own prey and die of hunger. Therefore, it is somewhat difficult to average the answer to the question of how many crows live. These are very social birds: it is known that crows, especially young ones, like to play with each other using various objects. However, knowing perfectly the habits of their relatives to take someone else's, crows carefully hide their supplies: the moment when no one looks at them, the supplies to the ground are waiting, and the loosened place is covered with fallen leaves.

People, watching the intellect of crows, in the Middle Ages endowed them with magical properties and considered birds-magicians. Perhaps this played a role in the ability of crows to imitate various sounds and even human speech? They can very much mimic the mewing of a cat, barking a dog, and now the mowing of a motorcycle. But, despite the dark glory of birds, like satellites of witches and sorcerers, people respect the ravens very much because they do not disdain carrion. In heraldry, the crow represents wisdom, foresight and longevity. People often tame them and keep them at home. Therefore, it is known how many crows live in the so-called captivity: 40-50 years. And this is not the limit, because veterinary science has not thoroughly studied the body of a crow as a poultry, so the life expectancy in half a century is in the absence of treatment or with minimal application.

Since these blue-black birds as pets often passed from father to son and even to his grandson, there were various myths about how many live crows. Legends endow them with longevity: 150, 200 years. Known undocumented case, when the raven lived to its 210 anniversary. But in fact, the oldest crows-longevity lasted until the 100th anniversary.

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