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Horse and Dragon: compatibility in relationships and marriage

Horse and Dragon, the compatibility of which is described in our article, have similar characters. Therefore, it is quite difficult to get along with these two representatives of the animal world in human form. All that is required to create an ideal and lasting relationship is a little bit of compliance from both the person born under the sign of the Horse and the Dragon.

A little about the Horse

Horses are born fighters for a place in the sun. Such people will follow their goal by all means. Born in a year Horse will never bypass difficulties and problems side. They try to solve them regardless of the circumstances.

Horses are rather inquisitive. Representatives of this sign all their lives are engaged in self-education. Any science interested in them will be studied in the smallest detail. That is why most often professionals in a narrowly specialized direction are born under the sign of this representative of equine animals.

Horses are leaders in life, however, in case of despair, self-control may lose. In love, representatives of this sign are real conquerors. If a person of the opposite sex makes his heart beat harder, then, most likely, she has already been subdued.

Male horses do not respect women who are easily accessible and insecure.

A few words about the Dragons

Dragons are by nature quite aggressive and persistent. These qualities sometimes reach recklessness. However, representatives of the "dragon family" do not notice anything bad in this, because persistence is the character trait that helps to achieve success and prosperity in business.

Fall in love with Dragons sometimes without a memory. An obsession with a wonderful feeling can push those born under this sign to ill-considered and stupid acts. This, unfortunately, is used by most unscrupulous and cold-blooded people.

Dragons do not tolerate conflict and stressful situations. They prefer to turn around and leave. In all appreciate the balance and sense of control. Dragons are the leaders in life. Sometimes this quality comes to tyranny.

Women Dragons love to be admired and cuddled at their feet.

Horse and Dragon. Compatibility in love relationships

As for relationships and nascent feelings, these signs are ideally suited to each other, but only at the stage of the candy-flower period. The wallpaper is driven by excessive passion and pleasure from communication. But as soon as the relationship goes into a more serious key, the most sinister character traits of both of the signs are revealed.

After the Horse and Dragon (compatibility is described in detail in our article) go to the second stage in the relationship, the woman ceases to be interesting for him. This is a real catastrophe for the Dragon-girl, who simply adores when she is presented on a pedestal.

Noteworthy is that none of the signs do not like to yield. It is this character trait of both often leading to parting. Saves only dislike for the conflict situations of the Dragon, who prefers to quit quarrels. The horse, meanwhile, can think about the situation and cool down a little.

From the written conclusion suggests: compatibility (Horse and Dragon-woman) is far from ideal, but if both try, a strong relationship is possible.

Is marriage possible?

Horse and Dragon, whose compatibility is not ideal, can reach the altar. And if nevertheless these two managed to reach the altar, then one of them learned to give in to each other. This speaks volumes. In a family tandem, the Horse and the Dragon are just perfect. Of course, without conflicts in this pair will not do, because both in the blood management qualities. But if one of them lost the role of leader and reconciled with this position, then this is a huge plus for further relations.

In this case, we can safely say that compatibility (Horse and Dragon-man) will be ideal.

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