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History of Vietnam Conquest of Tonkin

Gradually attracting to their side the feudal lords and the top of the Vietnamese bureaucracy,

The French imperialists subdued Tonkin step by step. The selfless struggle of the Vietnamese people continued even after the Chinese troops were recalled from Vietnam as a result of the Franco-Chinese treaty. Dozens of partisan detachments operated in the provinces. As early as 1891, the French colonialists could see from the windows of Hue government buildings in the evenings fires of guerrilla fires on the surrounding hills.

Under the leadership of bold and talented leaders, partisans often joined together in large detachments, with which it was not easy to cope with the French regular troops. One of the famous people's leaders was De Tham, a brave elusive warrior, an energetic organizer, enjoying the support and love of the people. A large sum was promised for his head, but there was no traitor who would risk betraying the popular people's leader. De Tham combined the remnants of the "Black Flag" units and the units of warlike mountain tribes. Vietnamese peasants flocked under his banner, and individual landowners joined him, who did not want to tolerate foreign enslavement. The conquest of Tonkin in the history of Vietnam has a big role.

The offensive of the French troops in the Bak Nin area, where De Tham units were operating, failed. In 1894, the imperialists were forced to enter into negotiations with De Tham. They had to make concessions, withdraw their armed forces and recognize De Tham as the right to govern the four counties. The population of these counties was exempt from all taxes for three years. In 1895, the French colonialists treacherously violated this agreement. The struggle resumed. By 1896 the French regular troops succeeded in pushing rebel forces into the mountainous regions of Tonkin. These areas were removed from the civil administration system and turned into military districts. Here, the French militarists acted uncontrollably, brutally trying to break down the people's resistance.

Only after most of the detachments were defeated and the military commanders were captured by the French, De Tham stopped fighting.

The conquest of Tonkin has its contribution to the history of Vietnam.

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