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Hesba is a wheelchair worthy of attention

Today we will be interested in Hesba. The stroller of this production (any of its models), according to many buyers, is worthy of attention. But is it really so? What is special about this manufacturer? In which cases, the chosen stroller can really please the customers? And who remains dissatisfied with it? There are a lot of criteria for choosing a vehicle for a baby. It is for them that we will evaluate Hesba. The stroller of this production is a fashionable and modern solution for many parents.


The first thing that moms pay attention to is the type of this or that vehicle. In our case, Hesba baby carriages are transport from the 2-in-1 series.

For this they already receive excellent reviews. German quality along with an expanded functionality is just what is needed when a child is born. Mummies note that with such a stroller you can get rid of unnecessary thinking about buying a new model in 6 months. After all, typical cradles become unusable to this period.

If you need a 2-in-1 stroller, but also an excellent quality, Hesba is perfect for you. German production makes itself felt. What else does the parent give to the manufacturer and the vehicle in general?


An important point is the choice of the color scheme of the future stroller. This point often makes parents think about their choice. Some want to buy something that fits predominantly to a particular sex (boy or girl), but to someone more to the taste of universal colors.

Faced such a situation? Hesba will come to the rescue. The stroller of this production (any model) is not only quality and functionality, but also a huge selection of color scales. Parents note that the color options for this manufacturer is more than enough.

Do you need a stroller only for a girl or a boy? No problem. Do you want something universal and durable? Also not a question! The main thing is that the color is not lost with time. Hesba (stroller) remains always bright, as the new one. So sometimes you can even buy it from your hands, not a new one, and do not be afraid that soon it will fade or break.


If you look at the characteristics that are available from the wheelchairs of our today's manufacturer, you can see - they are nothing special. Yes, German quality makes itself felt. But nothing more.

In general, regarding the general characteristics of Hesba, it differs little from the products of any other manufacturer. Some parents even emphasize that the cape on the legs is not exactly suitable, and the weight sometimes makes you think about buying. The pleasure is not easy - Hesba (stroller) weighs 18 kilograms. For the 2 in 1 model this is more than enough.

There is a depreciation system and inflatable wheels. Almost all Hesba strollers are equipped with metal knitting needles. This is a definite plus. But here patency in these models is not quite good. "Hesba" is perfect for summer and spring walks with a newborn and with a child up to 3 years. But here for the harsh Russian winters it is absolutely not that commodity.

I'm glad that the amortization of all models is beautiful. And the carriages "Hesba" move noiselessly, in contrast to the products of most competitors. Someone notes uncomfortable buttons on the product - they are too tight. This makes the connection of the stroller parts tight, but lasting and durable.

Price list

Pay attention to the cost of the goods. It plays a great role in the choice of children's things. What does the Hesba stroller worth here? The price of this product, according to many parents, is too high. On average, such a vehicle will cost 100-120 thousand rubles. But it is durable and high-quality.

Thus, some believe that Hesba is a kind of luxury that not everyone can afford. In most cases, this is indeed the case. But you can find strollers of this production from friends.

It is difficult to endure a unequivocal verdict. Hesba - stroller of German production of the highest quality. They are not always suitable for Russian roads, but they fully try to justify their cost. If the budget for the stroller is large, you can "shell out". Otherwise, it's worth saving for it. It is better to choose a cheaper analogue or even purchase a product brand "Hesba" with hands.

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