EducationThe science

Healthy blood vessels: a life without cardiovascular diseases

The blood in our body serves as a connecting element, ensuring the vital activity of every cell, every organ. Its movement in the body is called blood circulation, thanks to which oxygen, hormones and nutrients come to all tissues and organs, and from there, products of disintegration of waste substances are taken out with it. In addition, the blood carries out the thermoregulation of the body, and also protects it from harmful microbes. Continuity of blood circulation is provided by the blood vessels and the heart, which make up the circulatory system, all functions of which are strictly coordinated.

Blood vessels, Total The length of which in the aggregate is 100 thousand km, permeate the human body like a giant web, allowing each cell to be saturated with oxygen. The movement of blood occurs directly along the arteries, veins and capillaries.

Arteries are thick-walled vessels through which blood flows from the heart. They are very elastic and, depending on the volume of the blood pumped by the heart, can expand or contract. Arteries carry blood enriched with inhaled oxygen, that is, "clean". The veins, on the contrary, produce an outflow of blood filled with carbon dioxide. On them the blood moves to the heart. Venous walls are less thick than arteries. Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels with very thin walls, through which the recoil from the blood to the cells of oxygen and nutrients and the transition of carbon dioxide and the products of metabolism from cells to the blood.

The largest (in the cross section, reaching 5 cm) blood vessel in the human body - the aorta, which branches into arteries, arteries - to the arterioles (smaller vessels), and the ones, in turn, to the capillaries.

The impulse to the movement of blood is a heart contraction. The movement of blood occurs in two circles: a small (pulmonary) and a large circle of blood circulation, a continuous flow. When moving through a small circle, it is freed from carbon dioxide and saturated with oxygen. In a large circle, on the contrary, it gives oxygen and carries nutrients, taking carbon dioxide and separation products.

Human blood vessels play an extremely important role in the processes of vital activity of the body. They are not for nothing called "the main lines of life": linking together literally all the cells of the body, they ensure its well-coordinated work.

Scientists argue that blood vessels wear out and age somewhat earlier than other body systems. And the more contemptuous a person relates to when and what he eats and drinks, if he is not actively involved in sports, that is, the more disorderly his life, the faster the biological debris and various slags are deposited on the walls of the vessels. Slagging of blood vessels leads to a deterioration of the blood supply to the body, which, in turn, causes a shortage of necessary nutrients in the tissues. So all the known diseases develop to us, and so the aging of the organism takes place.

Cardiovascular diseases, along with diabetes and oncological diseases, today firmly hold the palm tree among the most dangerous and widespread diseases. The group of diseases of the blood vessels and heart includes the following:

- cardiac ischemia,

- rheumatic heart disease,

- diseases of the blood vessels of the brain,

- congenital heart disease ,

- pulmonary embolism,

- deep vein thrombosis,

- Peripheral arterial disease.

Such acute diseases as strokes and heart attacks occur mainly as a result of blockage of blood vessels, which then prevents blood flow to the brain or heart. The reason for the blockages is fat deposits on the inner walls of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart or brain.

The asymptomatic course of the disease is especially difficult to detect in vascular and heart diseases, so timely diagnosis will help not only to avoid serious complications, but in some cases to save lives.

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