BeautySkin care

Gelatin mask for hair: reviews, action, methods of preparation

Modern medicine and cosmetology allow women always and everywhere to look great. But for this you need to spend a lot of time and money: going to beauty salons, visiting therapeutic and prophylactic treatment rooms, testing yourself with injecting and surgical methods of maintaining beauty - all this devastates wallets and credit cards with enormous speed, and also takes precious moments of rest.

However, along with sophisticated fashionable techniques, popular means for the care of scalp and hair are also very popular.

At stylish beauties the gelatinous mask for hair is popular, reviews about which say that this remedy is equally useful both for hair rods, and for roots.

Another positive thing - thanks to a variety of cooking options, this mask is suitable for all types of scalp and hair.

Masks with gelatin: use for hair

Gelatin is a natural protein of animal origin, containing in its composition a skin-related collagen.

This substance is responsible for the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, as well as for the shine and health of the hair. Use it at home can be not only in cooking.

Gelatine mask for hair, reviews about which only the most positive, helps to restore their structure.

In this case, the effect of this agent is equated to the effect of lamination or keratation - smooth and shiny, protected from harmful external influences, healthy and strong curls.

Recipes for the preparation of gelatin masks are based on the use of gelatin in steam or milk, added with nutritional and moisturizing components:

  • 1 egg, a little thistle oil, a few drops of retinol (vitamin A) or tocopherol (vitamin E) and, of course, steamed gelatin - this is the first gelatinous hair mask. The reviews claim that after the course of applying this composition the hair becomes smooth, shiny and stronger, an additional volume appears.
  • To stimulate hair growth, a gelatin-mustard mask is suitable : 1 liter. Art. Gelatinous granules you need to take 1 h. A spoonful of mustard powder, an egg and some fresh natural honey. Gelatin is pre-steamed, mustard diluted with warm water, all components are mixed and applied to the roots of hair. Burdock or coconut oil is rubbed along the entire length of the hair shafts .

Any woman can experiment by adding essential oils, oil solutions of vitamins, freshly squeezed juices of berries, vegetables or fruits, milk or kefir.

The use of gelatin for skin health

Gelatin mask for the face - an excellent way to return the skin youth and elasticity. It is prepared very simply - an egg is hammered into the steamed gelatin and a little honey is added. To achieve a tightening effect, it is necessary to do it at least once every seven days.

Owners of oily skin are suitable cleansing mask of gelatin, steamed not in water, but in warm milk.

Gelatine mask for hair, which reviews promise quick healing of the scalp, should be applied for a period of 40 to 60 minutes.

Masks for the face is desirable to withstand at least 25 minutes (during this time gelatin freezes, and the mask is removed as a film).

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