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Funny sketches about vegetables on the Feast of Autumn or Autumn Ball

Very often at various events funny scenes are used. About miniature vegetables are very appropriate at the Autumn Ball or the Feast of Autumn. Usually they resemble short theatrical tales.

Tasks of scenes about vegetables

Such interludes, played out at children's events, expand the horizon, because kids learn something new from the world of plants. Funny sketches about vegetables can relate and relationships between people. This is because Potatoes and Cabbage, Carrots and Onions, Beetroot and Pumpkin seem to come to life and acquire features of human character.

Thus, funny sketches about vegetables also bring up a variety of positive qualities in children. Although sometimes they can make fun of negative character traits.

Autumn Ball - a fun holiday!

Not only kids, but even high school students can play funny skits about vegetables. At the Autumn Ball, it is quite possible to arrange a competition of interludes on this topic, represented by different classes.

It will be interesting to pass a quiz, in which viewers should name the characters who participate in the scenes. Let the artists not use the costumes to create a certain difficulty in guessing. In the basis of puzzles, you can put a tale of Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino."


You can make a funny presentation without any preparation. Very fun looks like a dramatization-impromptu. Artists are those who wish from the auditorium. They give out roles and words. To go on the scene should be immediately after the presenter calls the character, and speak his speech.

Pumpkin: "Well, leave me alone ... Give me a nap!"

Tomato: "Is it my fault that such an attractive and charming!"

Cucumber: "And on that end of the village vegetables will be more beautiful ..."

Cabbage: "I would still have a fur coat for the holiday. Who'd give, huh? "

Turnip: "That's because my grandfather planted me ... I'll free myself - I will take revenge!"


"A complex situation developed in the kitchen garden of a citizen of the Grandfather, he wanted to harvest a crop." He went up to the pumpkin: "Well, leave me alone ... Let's sleep!" Well, exactly how he himself screams in the mornings when his old woman sends him to work in the kitchen garden It turns out that he raises his hand.

Sigh sighed, went to Tomato. Tomato: "Is it my fault that such an attractive and charming!" It's a shame for Grandfather to raise his hand on him - really, what's his fault? I myself once was a handsome writer. Or was not? Or not quite handsome? Yeah, it does not matter now!

I decided to get Repka. Turnip: "It's because my grandfather planted me ... I'll free myself - I'll get revenge!" Grandpa peredruhal. Yeah, it was such a thing in his youth, together with his classmate hooliganized, and the young Grandfather then blamed everything on his friend. I jumped aside like a stung!

Rushed to the cabbage. Cabbage: "I would still have a fur coat for the holiday. Who would give, and? "Immediately the old man remembered his neighbor, to which he wedged the wedges - she, too, demanded the fur coat from him.

Then he decided to indulge in salads. He went to the bed, where he planted cucumbers. Cucumber: "And at that end of the village the vegetables will be more beautiful ..." Only he heard from afar. It is evident that the cucumber-fellow ran away to the other end of the village. Just like Dedok himself in his youth.

So Grandfather remained hungry. And the moral of this tale is this: treat others as you want others to treat you. "

"Lazy cucumber bush" - a scene about vegetables

A funny interlude reveals the meaning of the presence in some plants of antennae, with which they cling to the support. In parallel, the tale sneers over laziness - one of the most common human shortcomings. Many ridiculous sketches about vegetables set as their goal the education in children of industriousness and the desire to learn new things.

So, this is the story. The author says: "Cucumbers have risen on one garden".

Artists, depicting the heroes of the fairy tale, first sit, clasping their hands on their knees and lowering their faces. Then they raise their heads and look around. Hands slowly spread out to the sides. Then they rise to their full height. Only one boy can sit on the floor.

A vegetable grower comes, rejoices in the shoots, pours them from the watering can. Then she puts a support near them. To do this, fit the gym. The hostess admires her work and says: "It will be very convenient for my cucumbers to cling to their antennae for support! They will crawl up it to the sun, and the fruits will not lie on the bare ground. "

The largest cucumber:

Well, guys, good fellows!

Bequeathed by the fathers:

For support, cucumbers,

Well, cling your mustache!

All cucumbers grab their hands for support. And one - Lazy Cucumber - continues to sit.

The largest cucumber:

Well, you, funny fellow,

Why do not you obey?

Or you're not a cucumber,

Once on the ground lying around?

Lazy Cucumber:

I will do what I want!

I do not need your advice!

The largest cucumber:

Well, okay, I will not say anything ...

Then, my friend, do not howl!


The sun shone, the rain poured on the cucumbers. The bushes grew, they showed fruits - beautiful green cucumbers.

Ogorodnitsa: "Oh, what wonderful cucumbers I have grown!" She pretends that she gathers fruits from the bushes in the basket. And then he stumbles upon the Lazy Cucumber lying on the ground.


Oh, and what's this?

There are fruits on the ground ...

And they are quite rotten

From heat and water ...

I will pull it out quickly,

That all did not fall ill!

She "pulls" the bush and pushes it off the stage. He rests and shouts: "I do not want to! Leave me alone! I want to lie still on the ground! "

Leader: "So, because of his laziness, the Lazy Cucumber died, could not give good tasty fruits, could not make friends with his neighbors, because only those who love work, amicably, live happily!"

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