EducationThe science

Functions of the forebrain: amusing and understandable

The forebrain makes us a person, both intellectually and emotionally. It is very complicated. The functions of the human brain are diverse, but the main difference of man is the uniquely developed forebrain, and therefore most of the higher functions that distinguish man from animals are performed by this department. The author of this article had the opportunity to read the most interesting and up-to-date literature on this issue, so you can read about the functions of the brain departments related to intelligence.

The newest function of the forebrain is planning and communication . This component of intelligence allows us to choose in the process of communication strategies that will be beneficial in the long term. The front parts of the cerebral cortex are engaged in this. This department is responsible for the ability to reflect, recall the past and critically evaluate its activities, think through possible scenarios of events and decide the good old Hamlet question, whether to act or not. The degree of maturity of this zone of the brain depends on our organization. So the function of the forebrain is not such an abstract knowledge. Although, of course, do not blame for sloppiness only their biological characteristics. This function can be developed.

All students and schoolchildren do not doubt the importance of such a function of the forebrain, as memory . This is also a function of the cerebral cortex. Why do not we remember what happened to us before two years? Because the area of the cortex, which is responsible for a conscious memory, was still immature. Recent studies suggest that the storage of information is in those areas where the impulse came from sensory organs, so different types of memory are associated with different zones in the brain. However, for all zones is characterized by satiety and fatigue, so it is critically important for a good memory to sleep enough (at least 7 hours), because it is in a dream that the brain transmits data from temporary resources to permanent ones. Therefore, when preparing for the exams, it is good to split your day into two parts by an afternoon nap.

Emotions are closely related to memory , what the best teachers and leaders use. They present the material so brightly that the students or employees have a strong emotional footprint in their minds, and they do not even have to make an effort to remember. Emotions are not only related to our work capacity, but also to immunity. In people who constantly experience negative emotions, the number of cells that are struggling with the development of pathogens penetrating inside us decreases. Also, negative emotions increase the level of cortisol, which destroys the brain. Therefore, it is necessary to try to deceive the zones in the brain responsible for emotions. How to do it? Force the muscles of the face to relax, then make yourself smile artificially. You immediately feel how the mood changes. This function of the forebrain is given insufficient importance in our rational world, but suppressed emotions very cruelly revenge human disease. For the emotions are different parts of the human brain , it works not only the forebrain, but also the cerebellum.

The function of speech is critically important for a person to feel good in society. Scientists, in addition, noticed that a person who constantly displays speech activity, is less likely to get Alzheimer's disease. So talk, read to yourself, write - and you will be healthy for a very long time. The speech is answered by at least three zones in the brain: part of the frontal gyrus, the back of the auditory cortex and the hidden Reil islet.

Mathematical abilities are very important for us in everyday life, even girls allow themselves to make mistakes from time to time, writing off everything for "women's logic". The significance of this function of the forebrain is confirmed by the fact that for the majority of highly paid occupations it is critically important to have a good analytical function of the brain. The basic level of mathematical abilities is approximately the same for all, and very much depends on the attitude to this activity and mood. It is also interesting that good musicians often have impressive mathematical abilities.

Spatial thinking is also a very useful "in life" function. It includes a whole range of skills - it's the ability to notice details, and the ability to form a layout of parts and compare existing data on similar structures with new ones. Occupied with this process, basically the same areas that are responsible for vision.

As you can see, the forebrain is the basis of our intellect, the article described various functions that are components of the intellect. For those who are interested in the details, I recommend the book by David Gamon and Allen Bragdon, which is called "Super Brain. Manual."

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