
Flower of the hazel grouse

The flower of the hazel grouse is also known as the "royal crown", as its rich green leaves are crowned with bright orange bells. It belongs to the family of the Liliaceae. It occurs in the Mediterranean, North America and Asia. In Europe, it is known as the "tears of Mary".

This exotic flower attracts a lot of attention of amateur gardeners. It is a large bulbous plant that grows to 150 cm high and feels great on stony soils.

Despite the beauty of the flower, it has an unpleasant odor. Perhaps, due to this property, the hazel grouse of the emperor frightens off rodents.

After getting acquainted with this plant, you can avoid mistakes in its growth. Its growth begins in the early spring, almost immediately with the descent of snow. The Imperial Ryabchik rushes to the sun and reaches its maximum height in two weeks, which usually coincides with the beginning of flowering. A new young bulb is formed around the base of the mother bulb, to which the flower bud is attached. At the end of the growing season, the flower stem dries up and disappears, and in a mature bulb, about three kidneys are formed, thanks to which the cycle is repeated again in the spring.

When planting a hazel grouse, the imperial must be deepened by 25 cm for stability. Bulb performs an important role - its scales contain many nutrients. Flaking scales fall on new bulbs, thereby sharing with them the stocks of substances necessary for plant growth.

The flower of the hazel grouse is distinguished by a special arrangement of buds - they always look down. Seed boxes, formed in early summer, reach the size of flowers.

Despite the fact that the hazel grouse is famous since 1553, his triumphal march across Europe began in 1573. Climatic conditions contributed to its good vegetative and seed reproduction. The color of the petals of numerous varieties is quite diverse, but does not go beyond the yellow-orange-red (up to brownish shades) gamma.

To date, this plant is well known. It is grown everywhere, because it is unpretentious and has an amazing viability, which is noted by almost all owners. Seed reproduction does not require much effort. With the onion method, slow growth is noted.

This plant requires loose and nutritious soil, as well as good drainage. As a baking powder suitable humus or coarse-grained river sand. Periodically, you need to make mineral fertilizers, enriched with microelements.

The frost-resistance is characterized by such a flower as the hazel grouse of the emperor. Care for him will be needed only in winters with little snow. Of course, it does not freeze under severe frosts, but in order to make the plants more strong and abundantly blossomed, it is necessary to cover them for the winter (especially if the bulbs were grown in warm climatic conditions). For this, any non-caking material is perfect: straw, spruce, larch, reed and reed, but not humus and in no way peat. The layer of "protection" should be up to 30 cm. To avoid the appearance of such "guests" as mice, it is laid only after the soil freezes by about 15 cm. With the onset of spring, the shelter needs to be removed.

The Imperial Ryabchik also needs root top dressing. Watering should be done carefully, avoiding water falling on the leaves, which can lead to burns. It is not worth making loosening, because the roots often grow close to the surface, and they can be accidentally damaged. And the last tip: if you do not need seeds for further breeding, break off the ovaries immediately after the petals are shed.

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