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Fighting Rodents.

The fight against rodents is probably from time immemorial, as soon as a person realized himself, he began to fight to exterminate rats, mice and other representatives of this family. Then it was explained simply, because rodents are capable of causing enormous losses to food stored in warehouses, and in the Middle Ages the life of the population of entire cities depended on the preservation of food in the winter. More than once, because of the invasion of rats in Europe, the real epidemics of hunger and mora, because rats are carriers of a number of diseases. But the most dangerous was and remains the plague, which in the 14th century claimed almost half of the population of that time in Europe. Although now we rarely encounter rats directly, but fleas that are on them can become a source of serious infection, so it's worth to be more careful while in places where these animals can potentially live!
Today, the majority of the world's population lives in cities and rarely faces mice and rats, but still it happens. Ironically, most of these rodents live not in rural areas, but in cities and near them. After all, a real paradise for these animals has been created in the city, they often do not need to look for food, it comes with garbage coming from people. Of course, mice may appear in the apartment, and it will not be easy to cope with them, but rats in the apartment can get by chance rather than intentionally. But no matter how they appeared, this is a sure sign that your home is not all right with cleanliness and hygiene standards. It is worth reconsidering your habitual way of life and your attitude to the sanitary norms. Here are just a couple of reasons why rodents may appear in your house:
- You irregularly take out the garbage and you can accumulate rubble of unnecessary rags and paper in the garage, balcony, pantry, etc.;
- You have a bad but steady habit of draining half-eaten food (soups, fish giblets, etc.) in the toilet bowl. Rats simply can get into the house through a sewer pipe!
But first of all you need to try to get rid of uninvited neighbors, it can be done by several methods. The most common in our time is the chemical method of fighting rodents, it is certainly effective, but it still has a couple of big drawbacks: first, with rats there is always a risk of poisoning domestic animals; And secondly, the rats are very quickly developed immunity to new poisons, so you have to constantly invent new ones.
There are also ancient ways of fighting rodents, here are some of them:
- You need to take the stoppers from the bottles and fry them well in fat or vegetable oil, then scatter in the habitats of rats and mice. The eaten cork will swell in the stomach of the rodent, from which he will soon die.
- With mice you can fight in the following way - we take a wide-bladed bottle from under the milk and pour a little vegetable oil into it, and cover its edges with oil. The mouse getting there is not able to get out!
- Another interesting method, you need to take a glass beaker and attach to the inner bottom of the bait (cheese) and put the glass bottom up on the edge of a penny. The mouse gets inside and trying the lure shakes the glass as a result of which it falls from a penny and the rodent is trapped.
Well, of course you can always use mousetraps. In addition to them, there are now many electronic and ultrasonic deterrents on the market, but how effective they are is not able to give an accurate answer and specialists. Combating rodents can be conducted by other methods, one of the examples below.
An interesting way to deal with rats was invented by sailors, they took several large rats and threw them into a barrel and tightly closed it leaving only a hole for air. Rats started to kill each other with hunger and as a result only one of the strongest remained. During the time spent in a barrel, she got so used to the meat of her relatives that she became a cannibal. Here her sailors released back to the ship and she began to attack her relatives, who soon all without exception were in a panic and tried to leave the ship. Scientists explain this behavior as follows: rats do not attack a cannibal group for a simple reason - they are not allowed to do this by instinct of self-preservation. Even if they kill a cannibal rat, they will have to partly become cannibals themselves (stick their teeth into the flesh of their congeners) and there is always a risk that one of the attacking rats might like the taste of the meat of their relatives. Then just change the "aggressor"!

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