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Feeling of freedom or when the baby begins to crawl

Sometimes young parents are extremely difficult to understand the huge number of recommendations for the upbringing and development of the child. This is not surprising, because they are influenced on various sides by the most respectful experience of respectable mothers and grandmothers, authoritative pediatric instructions, bold and creative suggestions of new Internet friends, as well as the opinion of Aunt Masha from the 6th floor and familiar to the hospital , Which also can not be ignored. And if about such important periods in the life of crumbs as the first smile, the ability to hold a head or sit, all this trustworthy public still comes to some compromise, then with the stage when the child begins to crawl, mom and dad will have to cope on their own. What disagreements can arise about these seemingly simple children's movements? And the point, in fact, is as follows. Many modern parents proudly claim that their child did not crawl at all, and thanks, for example, to the walkers, immediately after they learned to sit, went or even ran. In addition, statistics show that children who crawl for a long time and with pleasure, much later climb the legs or do not want to walk at all. But do not stop the crawling crumb!

So, crawl or not crawl? That is the question.

First of all, let's define: when does the child begin to crawl? On average, this occurs between the 5th and 6th month of the baby's life. By 7-8 months - the crumb moves in this way is already quite confident. Moreover, each individual karapuza has its own special style of crawling: backwards, sideways, obliquely, in Plastunian - variations of mass. But what if your child at this age still prefers to lie in a crib or sit in a highchair? Why does not the child crawl? I want to immediately note that there are no grounds for panic. Perhaps, the muscular skeleton of the baby is not yet developed enough. Here, gymnastics and a special massage course will come to the rescue. And perhaps, a congenital calm temperament disposes of a crumb for less active pursuits. In any case, consultation with a competent specialist will not hurt.

Then you should decide: will you specially teach the baby to crawl? Of course, parents must decide. But, probably, the following facts will significantly tip the scales in the direction of "for". Crawling is an ideal way to strengthen the muscular skeleton, to harmoniously develop the shoulder girdle of the upper limbs. This means that the body of a baby who knows how to crawl will be much stronger and stronger. In addition, it is during this period that some parts of the brain develop. That is, it is crawling that can eliminate small brain disturbances associated with genital pathologies. It's amazing, but the fact is: the school successes of your crumbs directly depend on the period when the child begins to crawl. After all, it is crawling that allows you to stretch the ligaments of your hands correctly, which greatly contributes to the development of fine motor skills. This means that with calligraphy and drawing your child will not have any problems. Normal coordination of movements, orientation in space, development of the vestibular apparatus and self-confidence are also positive results of crawling.

Thus, the stage of development when a child begins to creep is extremely useful, and its beneficial effect is scientifically proven. To prepare a baby for this period, pediatricians advise as often as possible to spread the newborn on the stomach, and by the 4th month to do certain exercises. For example, the mother can itself rearrange the arms and legs of the crumbs, one hand supporting it under the chest. Another option is to keep the youngster so that its lower limbs do not touch the surface, and the upper ones are alternately rearranged so that they "go".

How to help the child crawl? It is necessary to create suitable conditions: moderately soft surface, protecting the baby from injury, comfortable, clean, and most importantly, a safe space for crawling and bright, eye-catching toys that can well serve as an incentive for movement.

It is during this period that your daughter or son opens up entirely new horizons for themselves, which means they need your love, encouragement and support more than ever. Well, crawled?

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