EducationThe science

Exact sciences - what they are

What is exact science? Is it possible to give some clear definitions to them if any knowledge has its own structure and characteristics, its theories, laws and basic concepts. Along with this, the exact sciences are now called those areas in the context of which exact laws are studied (in the quantitative sense), and strict and established methods are used to test hypotheses. They are based on logical reasoning, which are then reproduced in experiments. Needless to say, science and technology are interrelated so much that one without the other practically does not exist. And the reason for this is that this kind of science assumes more precise measurements, which contribute to the movement of technological progress.

What exact sciences exist?

With this issue most often there are schoolchildren who are on the verge of adulthood. It is extremely important for them to take into account all their individual psychological characteristics in order to choose the right profession. But before work on a specialty it is still far, after all it is initially important to receive a special education. That's why if you feel that this is yours, and you like it - you can study the exact sciences, the list of which is not so extensive. So, the following sciences are considered to be exact sciences:

1. Mathematics - in its context, all its conditional sections (geometry, trigonometry and others) are taken into account. Of course, the science that we study at school is completely different from the one that has to be comprehended in higher education institutions. About its accuracy, many are debating, since it is mathematics that underlies all other sciences.

2. Informatics and programming also began to be applied to exact sciences. Needless to say, there's nothing to argue about. There are no abstract concepts, everything is obvious and exact in the "if-that" style. And programming is now used in many spheres of human life.

3. Not so long ago in this list included and psychology. Many sincerely oppose that this discipline has entered the category of "exact sciences". But in fact, if you look at the theoretical and methodological features of this scientific knowledge, you can understand that this science is just still very young, but, in fact, its basic concepts, theories and laws are always accurate.

The exact sciences include natural:

1. Physics - this science studies the fundamental and general laws that determine the structure of the material and rational world. All of its laws are the basis of natural science, which, in turn, relies on mathematics. But physics can also be called a rather conventional exact science, if one "cares" to the fact that all studies in the category of this knowledge were conducted and formulated in ideal conditions.

2. Chemistry is the most extensive field, studying substances, their basic properties, structure and transformations, which occur as a result of various chemical reactions. Just like any other exact science, chemistry is based on the fundamental laws to which all research is subject.

3. Biology is an exact science that studies living beings and the characteristics of their interaction with the outside world. All this is subject to the laws of chemistry and physics, but the main area for studying is directly those aspects of life that include the evolution, growth, structure and functioning of certain biological beings.

In contrast to accurate put humanitarian scientific knowledge. And to this category every year carry more and more theoretically grounded disciplines. Therefore, any existing classifications are rather conventional, and both exact sciences and humanitarian ones are closely interrelated and can hardly exist without each other.

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