EducationSecondary education and schools

Entertainment in the middle group: ideas. Leisure in the middle group

Evenings of entertainment or leisure and holidays are regularly held in kindergartens. Themes are diverse. Children are eagerly awaiting these activities and with the help of a tutor carefully prepare for them, make paraphernalia, learn poetry, memorize a melody. Leaders to such events are selected the most savvy and resourceful, able to freely stay in public.

Objectives of entertainment

Holidays and entertainment for kindergarten children are arranged to fill with bright impressions, emotional experiences of their everyday life. Successfully organized holidays are held with great success and are remembered for life. Reading poems, participating in theatrical performances, rhythmic and dance compositions, vocal performance of folk or composer songs - all this is included in the entertainment in the middle group. Therefore, we can say that these are synthetic activities that unite the various spheres of art, thereby exerting a complex positive influence on the consciousness and feelings of children. These events contribute to broadening the outlook, development of speech, memory, imagination, as they learn a lot of new things in the process of perception of the material.
During the preparation for the holiday, children develop communicative abilities that allow them to find a common language with their peers, they learn to be disciplined and culture behavior.

Idea of leisure

Every leisure is based on a certain idea, which runs the red thread through the whole event. Therefore, all the songs, dances, games, theatrical scenes and musical and artistic design should fully disclose this idea. It will be assimilated by each child if it meets the following requirements:

  • Availability. It implies adapted art material for a certain age of children, taking into account their individual characteristics. Entertainment in the middle group and others is based on the program of education and upbringing of children, approved by the Ministry of Education. Their singing and choreographic skills, interests are taken into account. That children are not overtired, the event should be started and finished clearly in time. Since the material for saturation in each group is different, then entertainment in the middle group lasts 20-30 minutes, in the older group - from 45 to 60.
  • The combination of different types of arts in collective and individual performance. Solving common tasks, each other's arts complement each other and with greater force saturate the emotional experiences of children. Also, a separate type of creativity has its influence on every child. In view of the rapid fatigue of children, entertainment in the middle group and the elder must be built with alternating activities. For example, if the children stood motionless and sang a song, then the next number should be a dance.

Adult Leisure

Entertainment can only be performed by adults, children act as spectators, while the entertainment scenarios in the middle group and the older ones are taken on the more complex in executive terms, but accessible to the perception of children. Children are very fond of the play, so you can prepare a fairy tale and show up behind the screen with the help of toys "bi-ba-bo" or even on the table - it will be a toy theater. Characters move around in front of children, as a decoration can be a building material.
For the performance of pictures, characters of fairy tales printed on a color printer are required, they are glued on flannel fabric or velvet paper. During the fairy tale characters appear on the flannelograph. Children will be delighted.

In content, such activities are cognitive in nature. Available stories about composers, musical sketches about genres, writers, about the phenomena of nature, about social norms - these are the themes of entertainment in the middle group.

Entertainment prepared by children

If the chances of children of younger groups are still small and they are mostly just spectators, then the children of middle and senior groups can already do much. Therefore, kindergartens organize entertainment, where children are active participants in the performances. Games-dramatization, puppet shows can put and the guys themselves, starting with the middle group. Older children gladly show a fairy tale behind the screen with the help of the Petrushki Theater. Even shy guys willingly take part and perform in front of the younger and middle groups, because behind the screen they are not visible. But this their independent activity on entertainment is not limited.

You can tell Kataev's fairy tale "Tsvetik-semitsvetik", so that children do not get tired of sitting - "dilute" with musical numbers, reading poems and performing crafts. Also organize leisure together with parents, for example, ask them to prepare a story-presentation with photos about their parents' family, whose children were born in the autumn, timed to the birthday of the birthday boy.


Musical entertainment in the middle group can take place in the form of a concert. Under one unifying theme, children sing, dance, read poetry, play musical instruments. For example, on the theme "Winter" children paint, and then perform familiar numbers. In leisure includes a new material, which is specially prepared for a specific topic, and the variations of old numbers are repeated. Children like to repeat learned, so they will expressly and with pleasure perform their favorite ditties or rhythmoplasty. It must be remembered that entertainment fills with the joy of all children, so every child should make a feasible contribution to the overall fun.

Children of the middle group need to be taught to listen to serious classical music. Evenings-concerts are arranged several times a year and include works by composers-classics. Children can not only sit listening, but also express their emotions through movements, for example, a waltz can improvise movements. Performing the play "Baba Yaga" from "Children's Album" by PI Tchaikovsky, you can ask the children to portray her to the music, telling them what she is doing with plastic.

Surprising moment

To leave for a long time in the children's memory leisure, entertainment in the middle group and older should include the unexpected appearance of the character. At the culmination moment of the holiday, you can visit Kikimora's guests or another negative hero who will bring confusion and confusion, children will gladly solve the given "zamorochki", and everyone will be happy, and the holiday will end with the victory of good and justice.

Recovery factors

Everywhere in kindergartens in all groups noisy and mobile competitions are held, sports entertainment in the middle group is held with interesting games and fascinating attractions. These activities are characterized by positive emotions, the joy of communication, sincere hearty laughter, surprise and enthusiasm, creativity - all these factors favor the improvement of children.

Specialists have proved that if a child from the cradle is immersed in an atmosphere of joy, warmth, he grows strong spirit and does not pass in various life situations. Therefore, various physical holidays and entertainment are held.

Child and movement

Sports entertainment in the middle group is fun. Children develop intelligence, savvy, imagination and creativity. The main task of such events is the emotional perception of life and the upbringing of the need for movement. When the child moves, he learns himself, learns to navigate in space and to act purposefully in the world. Joint holidays with parents, such as "Dad, Mom, I am a close family", unite children and adults with joyful experiences and bring great emotional pleasure. Holidays and entertainments form the right attitude to rest, finding in it fun, beauty and a source of joy.

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