Publications and Writing ArticlesPoetry

Eighth is an integral part of poetry

Without stanzas, poetry is almost impossible. Of course, some authors purposely resort to the astrophy of their works, emphasizing their indivisibility, but at the same time such poems are not always easy to perceive. The most common form of stanzas is a quatrain, but there are five, six and seven semestigions, many of these stanzas have their own names borrowed from Latin. The octet, or octet, is a stanza of eight lines in which the poet holds a whole literary work. Usually in the first line of the eight-style, which is often its name, the thesis is expressed, which is further developed by the author. This kind of stanzas perfectly proves that brevity is the sister of talent.

Rhyme in the Eight Texture

Clear canons of rhyme in the eighth of the text does not exist - everything here is left to the discretion of the author. For example, the classical octave is a Tuscan octave, usually divided into canonical (with rhyme ababbcc) and noncanonical (abcdefgg) - now this form of the poem is practically not found. The octet of Sicilian became one of the favorite techniques of Alexander Blok, his rhyme - abababab - one of the simplest in versification, but this kind of octet today is also not very popular, as well as the eighths, built on ring rhyme. The triolets also do not enjoy the poet's love - in this form of octets the fourth line repeats the first, seventh and eighth - the second (represented as abaaabab). The modern eight-stitch is a cross rhyme. Most often, poets simply unite two quatrains in it.

Eight in the lyrics

It is possible to reason about the place of octets in poetry for a very long time. What is the octet, Derzhavin and Karamzin already knew, later their experiments with this form of the poem were continued by Lermontov and Pushkin, Mayakovsky and Bunin. It's hard to find the lyrics that did not try to try to write octets. We can not fail to note a whole series of works by Mandelstam, Akhmatova's works, in which these lyrics showed their full talent for versification, expressing their thoughts and feelings in the form of the eight-pointed.


It is surprising that the octet appeared at the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, in those faraway times there were only two of its forms, Sicilian and Tuscan, but it continues to be popular to this day. The eighth is the ideal way to express your thoughts in a short and at the same time capacious form - this explains the love of poets of different eras to this unusual form of the poem.

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