
Early potato varieties

For any summer resident or owner of the infield, it is very important to know the super-end varieties of potatoes, the most productive ones, and, of course, those that can lie throughout the winter. To date, there are about four thousand varieties of potato, of which only 290 are allowed for use in food on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Potato varieties differ among themselves not only in color, taste, form of tubers, but also, certainly, by maturity. When planting potatoes must take into account a huge number of conditions:

  • Firstly, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the region in which you are going to plant the plant;
  • Secondly, the maturation period (early potato varieties reach full maturation within 70-75 days, the mid-ripeness - about 90 days, late - more than 120 days);
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to take into account the purpose with which potatoes are planted (processing into chips, dry potatoes, starch production, for sale, etc.). For sale, the most profitable potato varieties, such as: Lorkh, Berlichingen, Hybrid-14 and others, will be the most optimal.

Unfortunately, potatoes from Israel, Egypt, Poland, Morocco and Cyprus are increasingly found on the shelves of Russian shops. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that in a larger territory of our state very long and cold winters and a very short warm period. The only way scientists have found is to use early potato varieties when planting.

But the early-ripening varieties are suitable for consumption only in the summer and autumn period of time and are completely resistant to storage. At first the tubers of the plant are elastic, juicy and friable, after a long storage, most of them rot and become completely unsuitable for consumption in the human diet.

Varms, Vyatka, Belorussian early, Priekulsky early, Iskra, Domodedovo - early varieties of potatoes, which are most popular among Russians.

Vyatka is a variety that is characterized by high yield and good resistance to diseases (phytophthora, viral diseases, scab, etc.). Tubers are very resilient, large, oval in shape. After a direct excavation, the tubers are stored for 3-4 months.

Warms is a variety of early maturing potatoes. Tubers are elongated, having a skin whitish in color. When cooking is not boiled, so it is more suitable for salads.

Domodedovo - a variety related to the early ripening variety. Excellent taste, high yield - that's what the advantages of this potato are. Tuber of oblong form, not very large, with almost invisible eyes. Potato comparatively rarely becomes a victim of viral infections or bacterial diseases.

Priekulsky early is a type of potato that has a decent yield and is characterized by rapid maturation. The appearance is not discreet, the flesh is white, very juicy. When cutting, the potatoes are not covered with black spots.

To early potato varieties yielded a large crop, it is necessary to follow certain rules for its cultivation.

  • Firstly, the early potatoes must be watered at the rate of 10 liters of water for three planted shrubs. Moisten the soil as needed, but not less than 1 time per week.
  • Secondly, potato yields a good harvest in cases where mulching is used. This procedure is similar to creating a greenhouse. After the potato is planted in the ground, the whole area is covered with mulch material. Moisture from the ground practically does not evaporate, weeds do not germinate, and the earth does not become covered with a crust.
  • Thirdly, early varieties of potatoes are very fond of friable and loose ground, so be prepared for this test.

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