Food and drinkRecipes

Dough for khinkali. KHINKALI: step-by-step recipe

Russian dumplings, Ukrainian vareniki, Italian ravioli ... In which kitchen there is no dish, which is a bag of dough with chopped meat inside? In the countries of Transcaucasia, this dish is called khinkali. It is clear that the dishes differ not only in name. Each of them has its own regional characteristics. So they also have khinkali. This feature lies in the fact that inside the pouch of the test must necessarily contain more and broth. And meat (in the traditional recipe it is lamb) is cut with a dagger into small pieces and mixed with greens.

The art of sculpting khinkali is the skill to create a lot of wrinkles. You should get really a bag, not a bag (varenik). Visually authentic khinkali looks, as if tied with a thread. Given this specificity, and the requirements for the test are special. After all, it must be very elastic and at the same time strong, so that the broth does not flow out prematurely. In this article, we will look at how to make dough for khinkali. The modeling of Caucasian dumplings is a whole art, and we will try to master it.

Classics and permissible innovations

Previously, the rules of cooking this dish were strict. For the filling used meat mountain goats or domestic sheep. The forcemeat was stabbed with a dagger. There were added only salt, black pepper, wild fennel and green coriander. Dough for khinkali also did not require a lot of ingredients: only flour, water and salt. Sometimes an egg was added to it. But the kneading test was very laborious. But the spent efforts paid off handsomely. The dough came out soft and elastic, well preserved tightness during cooking. The dimensions of the khinkali varied, depending on the regional characteristics. Somewhere they were the size of a walnut, and sometimes one "varenik" took up the whole plate. But what all the khinkali had in common was the shape of a bag with numerous wrinkles. What is permissible for a modern cook, who wants to taste delicacies of Caucasian cuisine? Firstly, expensive lamb can be replaced with beef or pork. Minced meat is allowed to pass through a meat grinder. But the dough for khinkali, if you want to get a bag of broth, should be prepared according to a traditional recipe.


In a deep bowl we sift through a glass of three glasses of flour. We pour a few pinch of salt. We make a depression on the top of the finger, and we pour a glass of water into this crater . It must be icy - such is the demand. Stir with a fork. When the mass begins to resemble the dough more or less, we shift it onto a table covered with flour and long mesim. It should turn out to be elastic and stop sticking to your fingers. When you have achieved this, close the dough for khinkali napkin and leave for thirty minutes. While engaging in the filling. In 500 grams of minced meat, add two bulbs passed through the meat grinder and pour a glass of ice water or broth. The filling absorbs the liquid well. It will come out wet and slightly viscous, but dense.

Another recipe for khinkali

The flour (half of the amount indicated in the above described method) is sieved by a slide, mixed with salt. We pour a glass of broth. In a separate bowl, shake the egg with a fork and also add it to the "crater". After hanging it, shift it to the table, sprinkled with flour. The dough will first very stick to your hands. Therefore, palms should also be dipped in flour from time to time. After the first, the longest, kneading, you need to give the test to rest from half an hour. During this time, you can prepare the filling. After that, you need to dough the dough for khinkali, add the remaining half of the flour and knead with another ten minutes or a quarter of an hour. It is necessary to proceed to the modeling of pouches immediately.

Recipe # 3

Some families add olive oil to the dough. So it is even more elastic. And the egg makes the dough strong, so that the broth from the middle of the khinkali does not pour out when cooking. We start kneading the same way as in the previous recipe. Sift into a bowl and a half cup of flour. This is half the required rate. We pour a teaspoon of salt. We mix and form a volcano with a crater. In it we pour two or three soup spoons of olive oil. Also drive one chicken egg. Slowly we knead with one hand, and the second we start pouring cold water. You can do a little differently. Salt beforehand dissolve in water and put it to cool. But this is an insignificant difference. When you get a homogeneous and soft mass, cover it with a towel and leave to rest for half an hour. After that, as the recipe of the test for khinkali No. 2 advises, add the remaining flour and knead it for ten minutes. But, unlike the previous method, we do not proceed to modeling. Again, cover the coloque with a towel for half an hour. After this time, we once again knead the dough. If it still clings to your hands, we add flour.

Roll out the dough

The real mistresses, when making homemade khinkali, roll out the dough for each bag separately. This can be done in two ways. The first is simply peeling off dough pieces the size of a large nut from a kolobok. This often leads to a variety of khinkali. You can resort to the second method: to form from the whole dough sausage, cut it into slices thickness of one and a half centimeters. Well, the easiest way is the way we usually make ravioli or vareniki. Roll out the dough in one thin layer and use a mold to cut out round cakes. With the only difference is that the glass here is not a glass or even a glass, but a saucer. Pancakes should be large - about 10-12 centimeters in diameter (like a CD-disk) - and thin, no more than two millimeters.

Forming bags

The Canon demands from the hostess that each khinkali has at least 20 folds. And some skilled workers can bring their number to 36! How to sculpt a khinkali? A step-by-step recipe suggests first laying out a tablespoon of ground meat in the middle of a flat cake. Next, with two fingers, take two opposite tips of the circle and connect them. We give the khinkali a little to hang, so that the dough stretches. Now let's remember how in childhood we put an accordion from a sheet of paper. Here is the same principle. Folding skins one to the other at the tail, moving a cake in a circle. Here you need a skill. Most likely, the first ten khinkali you spoil, but eventually the skill will come. Some cooks try to form billets in a different way. They simply join the edges of the flat cake together and twist the pouch to screw it up like a candy wrapper around a candy. This method is easy, but there is one but. In a saucepan with boiling water, the pouch can also quickly untie, as it was screwed.


Preparation khinkali nothing special is no different. They are cooked in the same way as ordinary dumplings. The only thing, do not throw in the boiling salted water immediately all the products. From contact with each other, they can stick together, and the dough can tear. Lower them one by one. After the bags come up, they need to boil for about six minutes. We put them on a large dish, sprinkle with large black pepper. Separately, you can serve tkemali, satsebeli or cornel sauce. And a bottle of hvanchkara would not hurt.

How to eat khinkali

This dish is taken only by hands. From the puncture with a fork, broth from the bag will flow out onto the plate, and cooking khinkali is a rather laborious process to allow such barbarity. After all, numerous folds, which painstakingly sculpted the landlady, are the guarantee that the dough will not break. Eat khinkali so. Take for the tail, dip "ass" in the sauce (if any) and nibble. Then a tasty, scalding broth will fall right into your mouth. Well, then eat the rest. Tails can be added to the edge of the plate.

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