
Divisions of the brain and their functions: structure, features and description

The brain is the main regulator of the functions of any living organism, one of the elements of the central nervous system. Until now, medical scientists are studying the features of the brain and discovering new and incredible possibilities. This is a very complex organ that connects our body with the external environment. The departments of the brain and their functions regulate all life processes. External receptors catch signals and inform about the arriving stimuli (light, sound, tactile and many others) of any part of the brain. The response comes immediately. How our main "processor" works, we will understand more in detail.

General description of the brain

The departments of the brain and their functions completely control our life processes. There is a human brain of 25 billion neurons. This incredible number of cells forms a gray matter. The brain covers several shells:

  • Soft;
  • Solid;
  • Arachnoid (here circulates the cerebrospinal fluid).

Liqvor is a cerebrospinal fluid in the brain plays the role of a shock absorber, a protector against any impact force.

As in men and women, the brain is developed in exactly the same way, although its weight is different. Quite recently, arguments have settled about the fact that the weight of the brain plays a role in mental development and intellectual abilities. The conclusion is unequivocal - it is not so. The weight of the brain is approximately 2% of the total mass of a person. In men, its weight is on the average 1 370 g, and in women - 1 240 g. The functions of human brain departments are developed standardly, life depends on them. Mental abilities depend on the quantitative connections created in the brain. Each brain cell is a neuron that generates and transmits impulses.

Cavities inside the brain are called ventricles. Cranial-cerebral paired nerves leave in different departments.

Functions of the departments of the brain (table)

Every department in the brain does its job. The table below shows this clearly. The brain, like a computer, clearly performs its tasks, receiving commands from the outside world.

Functions of the brain departments, the table reveals a schematic and capacious.

Below we will look at the brain departments in more detail.


The picture shows how the brain is arranged. The most significant part is occupied by the large hemispheres, despite this, all parts of the brain and their functions play a huge role in the work of the organism. There are five main departments:

  • The final (of the total mass is 80%);
  • Posterior (bridge and cerebellum);
  • intermediate;
  • oblong;
  • average.

At the same time, the brain divides into three main parts: the brain stem, cerebellum, two large hemispheres.

The Ultimate Brain

It is impossible to briefly describe the structure of the brain. To understand the brain departments and their functions, it is necessary to closely study their structure.

The terminal brain extends from the frontal to the occipital bone. Here we consider two large hemispheres: the left and right hemispheres. From others, this department is distinguished by the largest number of furrows and gyri. The development and structure of the brain are closely tied to each other. Specialists identified three types of cortex:

  • Ancient (with an olfactory tubercle, an anterior perforated substance, a semilunar podmozol and a side podmozolovoy gyrus);
  • Old (with dentate gyrus - fascia and hippocampus);
  • New (represents the rest of the bark).

The hemispheres are separated by a longitudinal furrow, in its depth there is a vault and a corpus callosum which connect the hemispheres. The corpus callosum itself is lined with nerve fibers and refers to the new cortex. The structure of the hemispheres is quite complex and resembles a multilevel system. Here, the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes, subcortex and cortex differ. A large number of functions are performed by large hemispheres. It is worth noting that the left hemisphere commands the right side of the body, and the right one, on the other hand, the left one.


The surface layer of the brain is the cortex, it has a thickness of 3 mm, covers the hemispheres. The structure consists of vertical nerve cells that have processes. The cortex also contains efferent and afferent nerve fibers, as well as neuroglia. The brain departments and their functions are discussed in the table, but what is the cortex? Its complex structure has horizontal stratification. There are six layers in the building:

  • Outer pyramidal;
  • External granular;
  • Internal granular;
  • molecular;
  • Internal pyramidal;
  • With spindle-shaped cells.

Each has a different width, density, the shape of the neurons. Vertical bundles of nerve fibers give the bark vertical striation. The area of the cortex is approximately 2,200 square centimeters, the number of neurons reaches here ten billion.

Divisions of the brain and their functions: the cortex

The bark directs several specific functions of the body. Each share is responsible for its parameters. Consider the functions attached to calendars in more detail:

  • Temporal - controls the sense of smell and hearing;
  • Parietal - responsible for taste and touch;
  • Occipital - vision;
  • Frontal - complex thinking, movement and speech.

Each neuron contacts other neurons, there are up to ten thousand contacts (gray matter). Nerve fibers are a white matter. Some part unites the hemisphere of the brain. White matter includes three types of fibers:

  • Associations associate different cortical areas in one hemisphere;
  • Commissural connect the hemispheres with each other;
  • Projections communicate with the lower formations, have the paths of analyzers.

Considering the structure and functions of the brain regions, it is necessary to emphasize the role of gray and white matter. Hemispheres inside have basal ganglia (gray matter), the main function of which is the transmission of information. Between the cerebral cortex and the basal nucleus is a white matter. Here there are four parts:

  • Between furrows in the convolutions;
  • In external hemispheres;
  • Included in the inner capsule;
  • Located in the corpus callosum.

The white matter located here is formed by nerve fibers and connects the cortex with the underlying parts. Subcortical nuclei form the subcortex of the brain.

The ultimate brain controls all the vital functions of the body, as well as the intellectual abilities of man.

Intermediate brain

The brain departments and their functions (the table is presented above) include the intermediate brain. If to look more in detail, it is necessary to say that it consists of the ventral and dorsal parts. The ventral is the hypothalamus, the dorsal is the thalamus, the metatalamus, and the epithalamus.

The thalamus is the mediator, which sends the stimuli to the hemisphere. Often it is called a "visual hillock". It helps the body quickly adapt to changes in the external environment. The thalamus is connected to the cerebellum by means of the limbic system.

Hypothalamus directs autonomic functions. The effect goes through the nervous system, and, of course, the endocrine glands. Regulates the work of the endocrine glands, controls the metabolism. The pituitary gland is located directly below it. It regulates body temperature, cardiovascular and digestive system. Also the hypothalamus directs our food and drinking behavior, regulates wakefulness and sleep.


The hindbrain includes the front bridge and the cerebellum, which is located behind. Studying the structure and functions of the brain departments, we will consider in more detail the structure of the bridge: the dorsal surface is covered by the cerebellum, the ventral surface is represented by a fibrous structure. The fibers are directed in this section transversely. On each side of the bridge they go to the cerebellar middle leg. The bridge resembles a thick white cushion, located above the medulla oblongata. The nerve roots go out into the bulbar-bridge groove.

The structure of the rear bridge: on the front section it is clear that the front (large ventral) and posterior (minor dorsal) part consists. Between them, the boundary is a trapezoid body, the transverse thick fibers of which are regarded as the auditory path. The conductor function is completely dependent on the hindbrain.

Cerebellum (small brain)

The table "Department of the brain, structure, functions" indicates that the cerebellum is responsible for the coordination and movement of the body. This department is located behind the bridge. Often the cerebellum is called a "small brain". It occupies the posterior cranial fossa, covers the rhomboid fossa. The mass of the cerebellum is from 130 to 160 g. On the top are the large hemispheres, which are separated by a transverse slit. The lower part of the cerebellum is attached to the medulla oblongata.

Here, the two hemispheres, the lower, the upper surface and the worm differ. The boundary between them is called a horizontal deep slot. A lot of cracks cut the surface of the cerebellum, between them there are thin convolutions (rollers). Between grooves are groups of convolutions, divided into segments, they represent the lobes of the cerebellum (posterior, scrapie-nodular, anterior).

The cerebellum contains both gray and white matter. Gray is placed on the periphery, forming a cortex with molecular and pyriform neurons, and a granular layer. Under the bark, there is a white substance that penetrates into the gyrus. In white matter, there are inclusions of gray (its nuclei). In the section, this ratio is similar to a tree. Those who know the structure of the human brain, the functions of its departments, will easily answer that the cerebellum is a regulator of coordination of movements of our body.

Middle Brain

The middle brain is in the area of the anterior bridge and goes to the papillary bodies, as well as to the visual tracts. Here, clusters of nuclei are identified, which are called the hills of the quadruple. The structure and functions of the brain regions (table) indicate that this department is responsible for hidden vision, orienting reflex, gives orientation to reflexes to visual and auditory stimuli, and also maintains muscle tone of the human body.

Oblong Brain: stem part

The medulla oblongata is a natural extension of the spinal cord. That is why there is much in common in the structure. This becomes especially clear if we examine in detail the white matter. It is represented by its short and long nerve fibers. In the form of nuclei, gray matter is represented here. The brain departments and their functions (the table is presented above) indicates that the medulla oblongum directs our balance, coordination, regulates metabolism, directs respiration and circulation. Also responsible for such important reflexes of our body as sneezing and coughing, vomiting.

The stem part of the brain is divided into the posterior and middle brain. The trunk is called the middle, oblong, bridge and intermediate brain. Its structure is the descending and ascending paths connecting the trunk with the spinal cord and the brain. In this part, the heartbeat, breathing, articulate speech is monitored.

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