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Divination at Christmas - find out your destiny

At least once, but every girl wondered about the condemned-ryazhenogo. The best time for divination is Christmas. It is on the holy days that the souls of the dead come to earth from the "other world", the unclean power walks the earth. That's when you can look to the future and see what is waiting. Guessing can start from January 6 and finish on January 19, meet with friends-friends and forward to the world of secrets.

Divination by the book is the most common kind of fortune telling for Christmas. Asking yourself a question you can get an instant response to it. By guessing the page number and the line, you will read your answer. And it is best to take books about love. You can also find out the answer to the question with rice. To do this, take a jar of rice and spread a napkin. Then you need to hold your left hand, placing it palm down over the jar and asking aloud a question, the answer to which should be unambiguous. Taking a handful of rice from the jar, pour it on a spreading napkin and count the grains. Even number - the answer is positive, odd - negative.

Christmas fortune-telling can begin with fortune-telling by the shade from the ashes. To do this, you need to light a candle and put out the light. Crumpled sheet of paper put on a saucer and light it. After the sheet is burned, from different directions you need to bring to the plate a candle that picture: what will show you the ashes and will be your destiny. Of course, it's best to see there only positive pictures.

As a version of fortune telling for Christmas, you can use threads. You and your girlfriends should take threads of the same length, but of different colors and set them on fire at the same time. At whom the thread will burn faster than all, that will soon become a bride.

Divination by Christmas can be done on the street, there are many options for this. For example, you can find out the cherished name of the future husband. It is only necessary to leave the house and ask the first person whose name is addressed to him, and they will call him a suitor. You can also blindfold and ask to be promoted, if you go not to the side of the house, then this year expect marriage. You can also remove the boot from the foot and throw it away. If the sock from the boot shows not in the direction of the house, it's time to prepare for the wedding. The main thing is not to lose sight of the boots, in order to find him later.

To conduct divination at Christmas, you can take in the help of pets. In a row, you need to put something tasty, as well as something inedible, a mirror and a saucer with water. Now you need to see what your pet will do if you start eating, then you are lucky - the betrothed will be rich and generous. If you drink - then you should expect a man abusing alcohol, but if you look in the mirror - that narcissistic selfish.

Before going to bed, you can put your personal comb under the pillow and in the dream you will get a tapered one. You can also eat something salty, but do not drink it with water. Going to bed, ask the future husband to give you a drink. He who brings water in his dreams and becomes a husband.

More modern divination can be arranged at a disco. During the Christmas season, go for exactly one hour to the disco and order black coffee without sugar. All that will happen in this period of time will somehow characterize the coming year. Well, if you get to know a handsome man, then soon be a wedding.

You can also close your eyes and ask a question at midnight. Then turn on the radio or TV. What will be said is either a song that will play and will be the answer.

For married ladies, you can also arrange fortune-telling for Christmas. You need to pour water in a glass and prepare sheets of paper with the name of a mistress, a spoonful of salt and a candle. Salt from the spoon is poured into a glass, then a sheet of paper is ignited from the candle. In the glass begin to interfere with the spoonful of salt. If the salt has dissolved, and the paper is still slowly smoldering, then the husband will remain with you. And if on the contrary - then wait for a divorce.

So stock up everything you need and find out your destiny.

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