HealthDiseases and Conditions

Diseases of the endocrine system

Diseases of the endocrine system arise from excessive or inadequate secretion of hormones. The presence of common manifestations is characteristic of these ailments. Endocrine diseases are accompanied by symptoms in the form of drowsiness, weakness, fatigue, emotional instability. In addition, patients are characterized by a violation of sleep, sweating, thirst, swelling of the face and eyelids, a sharp increase in weight or, on the contrary, losing weight, a violation of the cycle of menstruation.

Hypoglycemia is caused by a decrease in blood glucose. This is due to increased secretion of insulin in the cells of the pancreas. The beginning of the development of this disease endocrine system is characterized by a strong sense of hunger, trembling limbs, weakness. Further development of the disease is accompanied by a violation of coordination, a sense of fear, confusion, mental agitation. The disease can be triggered by an overdose of insulin in diabetes mellitus or a deficiency in the consumption of carbohydrates.

With hypothyroidism, the secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormones decreases, which slows down metabolic processes. For this disease endocrine system is characterized by the manifestation of constant chilliness, memory loss, drowsiness, dry skin, constipation. The ailment also affects other organs, mainly the cardiovascular system.

Non-diabetes mellitus is caused by low production of vasopressin. This hormone is responsible for regulating the secretion and consumption of fluid by the body. As practice shows, this form occurs in young men. For the disease is characterized by abundant and fairly frequent urination, sleep disturbance, severe thirst. Further its course is accompanied by a decrease in body weight, lack of appetite. There is also an increase in irritability and fatigue, a tendency to constipation and dry skin. The ailment affects the sexual sphere.

Diabetes is caused by a relative or absolute deficiency in insulin and is characterized by a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. Diabetes mellitus type 1 develops in childhood or adolescence. For this type of disease of the endocrine system, timely regular administration of insulin is necessary. Diabetes mellitus type 2, as a rule, develops after forty years. This ailment is caused by inadequate insulin production in the pancreas. The main symptoms should include weight loss, dry mouth, weakness, increased irritability, sleep disturbance. The disease affects other organs and systems.

Thyrotoxicosis (diffuse toxic goiter) is characterized by hyperfunction in the thyroid gland. This disease arises due to the development of benign education. The disease can occur in mild, moderate or severe forms.

Endemic goiter is characteristic of the population in a certain geographical area. For the ailment is a significant increase in the thyroid gland. There is a disease due to lack of iodine.

Adrenal insufficiency is caused by primary destruction of the adrenal cortex. The disease can also develop due to a secondary change in it, caused by a decrease in certain hormones (adrenocorticotropic hormone in particular).

Endocrine obesity is characterized by an uneven distribution of fatty tissue with a pronounced edema of the limbs and face.

Thyroiditis is an inflammation of the thyroid gland. Separate purulent, subacute and autoimmune thyroiditis. The autoimmune form arises from the formation of antibodies that manifest aggression to tissue in the thyroid gland. As a result, there is a significant reduction in the gland. Subacute form is provoked by viruses and is accompanied by pain, enlargement of the gland. The purulent form is caused by a bacterial infection.

Diseases of the lymphatic system.

These ailments can be acquired or congenital. Congenital pathologies are characterized by a decrease or a complete absence of lymphatic vessels in separate parts of the body or organs. The acquired forms include inflammation of the nodes, as well as inflammation of the walls of the lymphatic vessels

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