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Diets for teenagers: nuances and important points.

Teenagers who are overweight are not uncommon. They suffer from complexes and insecurities. At present, the quality of food leaves much to be desired. Numerous fast food, questionable food in school canteens, a huge number of harmful products have a very negative effect on the health of the younger generation. In adolescence comes the first love and appearance is of great importance. Therefore, it is so important to bring your body in order to get rid of complexes. Specialists offer such a way out of the situation, like diets for teenagers. They differ from adults in that they are softer, more gentle and balanced. And the diet for adolescents under 14 years is markedly different from the teenage diet for seventeen. This is due to the fact that the older the person, the more he is allowed. It is about the possibility of carrying out unloading days or drinking coffee.

Many young people believe that a teenage diet is a panacea for all problems. But it is important to understand that you need to approach this question wisely. After a complete refusal of food can lead to such undesirable consequences as a metabolic disorder or even the occurrence of certain mental illnesses, such as anorexia. The need to introduce a diet for adolescents should be determined by a doctor. He analyzes the level of the patient's physical development, the ratio of anthropometric data (height, weight, circumference of the chest and head) and his age.

There are a number of prescriptions that promote diets for teenagers. The first dishes are best cooked not on meat broths, but on vegetable broths. The choice of cereals should also be approached responsibly: it is recommended to eat oatmeal and buckwheat. Protein bread will help to maintain a sense of satiety. Experts recommend to include in the diet products that contain a small number of calories.

Food is best stewed, boiled or baked. Eliminate fried foods, as they further arouse appetite. Parents from childhood should be engaged in teaching the child how to eat properly. You can not hurry, you need to thoroughly chew food and in general eat slowly. The last meal should take place at least 2 hours before the teenager goes to bed.

Do not forget that diets for teenagers still restrict the diet and it is sometimes difficult for a child to adhere to them. Therefore, it is necessary to help him, that is, just change the diet regime of your entire family for a while. This will save the teen from temptations.

The diet of a teenager prone to fattening should not be sharp, but gradual. You should slowly replace some foods with less caloric foods. As you know, adipose tissue supplies carbohydrates to the body, so you need to completely remove sugar, bread, condensed milk, jam, semolina, jams, sweets, confectionery, pasta and the like from the ration. Offer the child vegetable dishes, as well as fruit. Include in the teen menu zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, radish, greens, carrots, cabbage and pumpkin. Vegetables are a diuretic, regulate the work of the intestines and remove slags. Unsafe sorts of fruits and berries a teenager can eat without restrictions.

Rigid diets for teenagers, which are based on large restrictions, are absolutely unacceptable. This is due to the fact that children, as a rule, do not last long, and then again return to the usual regime. As a result, an even greater increase in weight can be observed. In order to avoid problems with excess weight, parents should form correct eating habits in children, and also instill love for sports.

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