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Decimal fractions

Decimals in mathematics are rational numbers that are equal to one, as well as several fractions to which a certain unit is divided. The record of this indicator, as a rule, contains two numbers. The first indicates how much the unit was divided in the process of creating the fraction, the second - how many such shares are included in the fractional number. As for the record of such an indicator, if it is written in the form of a numerator and a denominator separated by a line, then this format is called "ordinary" fraction. If a number is written with a comma, it is called "decimal," and this is exactly what will be discussed in this article.

Sometimes a three-story record of numbers, where the numerator is located above the denominator, and between them a feature, is not very convenient. This inconvenience became especially pronounced with the advent and mass distribution of computers. Decimal fractions do not have this disadvantage, there is no need to specify the numerator, because by definition it is always equal to the ten taken in the negative degree. It is for this reason that the fractional index can be given the form of a "one-line" entry. Despite the fact that its length is slightly larger, it is still much more convenient than using ordinary shot.

There is one more advantage of line entry. It is that decimals in this form are much easier to compare. The reasons for the simplicity are that to perform this process it is enough to compare two digits in the same digits. To compare the ordinary fraction, attention is drawn both to the denominator and to the numerator. This advantage is important not only for a person, but also for a personal computer, as it is quite simple to create a program aimed at comparing such numbers.

Actions such as adding and subtracting decimals are worked out over the centuries. They make it possible to carry out the necessary calculations not only on paper, but also in the mind, since they are much easier to add and subtract.

Decimal fractions, written down by a comma-separated string method, have the main purpose - a significant simplification of the calculation process with different mathematical values. But the modern development of technology and the creation of ever more advanced computing systems all of the listed advantages makes it all the less noticeable.

In addition, the described form of the record has its drawbacks. For example, in order to write a periodic fraction, decimal fractions add up with the number in parentheses, and irrational indicators in the format of line recording almost always have only an approximate value. Again, it is worth mentioning that at such a level of development of a person that is observed at the moment, as well as with rapidly developing technologies, the way to design a number in the form of a decimal fraction is much more convenient than the ordinary one.

After some operations with fractional numbers, the result can be an infinite exponent. In order for the result to be more or less understandable and for further calculations to be possible with it, it is necessary to round-off the decimal fractions. To begin with, you need to determine which level is worth bringing the numerical index to, and write the fraction to the next number that goes after this indicator. You can round up to thousandths, hundredths, tenths, and even to the whole number.

It is also important to know that an ordinary fraction can be converted to decimal in general without loss of accuracy, or to the accuracy of a certain conceived number of signs placed after the decimal point. Everything depends on the ratio of the numerator and the denominator.

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