HealthDiseases and Conditions

Cytomegalovirus: treatment will help to take the disease under control

Cytomegalovirus is an insidious infectious agent that penetrates into the human body, remains in it forever, and practically all infected have a latent form of the disease. Therefore, when a cytomegalovirus is found, treatment is already performed at a serious stage of the disease.
Infection begins to intensify with prolonged and severe decrease in immunity, as a result of regular intake of medicines, pregnancy and other factors that affect the protective functions of the body.

Cytomegalovirus infection was detected in the middle of the last century. Today it is found in 10 percent of adolescents and 40 in adults. A wide spread of the disease occurs due to the propensity of the pathogen to lifelong preservation within the human body. With strong immunity, people who have cytomegalovirus, treatment is not required. But it is worth defending the system, how the disease immediately makes itself known. Encouragingly, the fact that the virus is difficult to move among people, requires long-term bodily contact with an infected person for infection.

Most often, the transmission of the virus occurs in an airborne way, when pathogens penetrate the body together with the patient's saliva when kissing. You can get infected at sexual relations, the transmission of infection occurs together with the mucus of the cervix or with sperm.

Transplantation of the virus occurs during the development of the fetus in the womb from mother to child. Infection occurs in the newborn when fed with breast milk. You can get infected during transplantation by donor organs or blood transfusions.

If cytomegalovirus has entered the body, treatment should be started immediately. Usually the symptoms begin to appear within one to two months in a very acute form and are characterized by the following symptoms. There is a sharp increase in body temperature, there are signs of general intoxication. Man quickly weakens, gets tired. He has vascular-vegetative disorders, excessive salivation, inflammation of the urino-genital organs.

If there is no treatment for the diagnosis of cytomegalovirus, then the infection takes a generalized form with multiple lesions of various systems and organs. In patients, the spleen and liver tissue become inflamed, the vessels of the eyes and brain are affected, the submaxillary glands are enlarged. A person becomes ill with bronchitis, pneumonia, a skin rash appears, and joints become inflamed.

The maximum risk is for pregnant women and children. It is one of the causes of miscarriage or development in the newborn of serious diseases, lesions of the nervous system. In 20 percent of cases, fetal death occurs before the onset of labor.

If in the early stages of pregnancy a child usually dies, then in case of infection in later terms, children can survive. To begin the correct treatment of cytomegalovirus infection in children, it is necessary to diagnose the disease correctly. This is difficult because of the absence of signs of the disease. Symptoms are detected even when the infection began to affect the most important organs and systems of the child. However, with good immunity, the latent form of the disease does not harm the body and does not cause inconvenience.
The fact that if a cytomegalovirus infection has got into the body is sad, its treatment is impossible. Existing medications make it possible only to take the disease under control, but can not completely destroy the causative agent of the infection. To bring the patient's state back to normal allow drugs (interferon), which increase immunity and suppress the activity of the virus.

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