EducationColleges and Universities

Curator - who is this?

Everyone heard the word "curator". Who is it? It's a person watching the process of work or some other action.

Curator in business

It must be understood that the curator of the project is simply an indispensable person. It is best that his role is performed by the leader. It can perform the following useful functions:

  • To draw the attention of managers to the progress of work;
  • Remove obstacles;
  • Provide everything necessary;
  • Support employees burdened with complex responsibilities.

What should be the curator of the project?

The curator should be a real leader, he must allocate the necessary amount of time for work and engage in volume planning of operations, as well as sales. But its main function is to encourage employees performing important tasks, and to be an example of perseverance and purpose for all. The most capable and active employee should be a curator. Who it is, many people who are engaged in business know.

Who can be the curator of the project?

Who should be appointed to this position? Of course, it would be great if the president became the curator, but only if he has the time and the desire to do such work. What if he can not or does not want to hold this position? Then you can appoint a vice-president as curator. It's great if the chosen employee is not too lazy to deal with volume planning. He should also always be in touch with the president. The project manager should be relevant to one of the following industries: sales, operations, product development, marketing or finance.

The curator at the university

Who can students always contact if necessary? Of course, to the curator or the headman. These people should always be ready to provide the students with the necessary information. However, in many groups it happens that students see the headman constantly and closely communicate with him, and they do not support special contacts with the curator. But among these people there are a huge number of outstanding, creative and original personalities. It is necessary to understand that the curator is able to provide such support, which even adults need. But during the training at the university, it can have a different character: at the beginning of the student's life, the children need to explain a lot, support them. It is very important. And somewhere in the fifth year students experience some difficulties with scientific self-determination. Here, too, the curator of the group can help. It is also necessary to understand that in any course in the group there can be both conscious and rather irresponsible people; One approaches to study with full seriousness, and others - after sleeves. The curator must take this into account. Regarding the list of functions that these people prefer to perform, you can divide them into several types.

  1. Curator reporting information. This is quite a serious person. He believes that his main goal is to convey certain information to the students in time (about various events, medical examinations, couples, etc.). He does not want to interfere in the lives of students, because they, in his opinion, are adults and independent. It is this curator who is most detached. Who is this, know all the students.
  2. Curator, arranging activities. What is its peculiarity? He believes that the life of the group can not be complete without any extra-university activities (visits to opera, party, etc.). Usually he takes part in the election of the elder. In addition, he considers himself responsible for the emerging interpersonal differences in the group and always tries to prevent them. He understands that the one who should always come to the rescue is the curator. Who is this, even children know.
  3. Curator, who can be called a psychologist. For him, personal difficulties encountered by students are of great importance. He always listens to their problems, strives to support them with words. The main amount of time he spends on close communication with students, becomes their best friend. There is a possibility that one day he will have a breakdown, as he is constantly busy with the problems of others.
  4. Curator, replacing the parent's students. You can say that he acts as a father or mother. He controls every action of students, sometimes deprives initiative. He believes that he has the right to interfere in the interpersonal and family relationships of students, but not to support them, but like a strict parent who expects his unconditional obedience to his will. As a rule, such curators are older than students, and when communicating in a group they like to emphasize their rich life experience.


Now you know everything about the curators of projects. You know who can hold this position. Also, you met with who is the curator of students. Now when communicating with someone, you will not get into an embarrassing situation, since the meaning of this word has become clear to you. Moreover, you can freely operate on them in your speech.

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