
Cortisol or stress hormone

The stress hormone, which in one or another quantity is constantly present in the body of any person, is called cortisol. This chemical substance, produced by the adrenal cortex, is vital for the realization of many biochemical reactions. In particular, it narrows the vessels, provides better work of the liver and brain, and also increases the pressure. Analysis of cortisol in the blood allows the doctor to detect a large number of various diseases in the early stages.

As soon as a person experiences psychological or physical stress, the adrenal cortex immediately begins to actively develop stress hormones that concentrate attention and stimulate cardiac activity, helping the body to cope with the destructive influence of the external environment.

If we talk about the standard of cortisol, then for people under the age of sixteen, it varies from 80 to 580 nmol / l, for the rest it is from 130 to 635 nmol / l. This indicator depends on a variety of indicators. For example, the level of cortisol depends on the time of day. In the morning hours, its amount in the blood rises, and in the evening the stress hormone is contained in a minimal amount. When pregnancy, the level of cortisol also rises, and very much: 2-5 times. In most other cases, high blood levels of the stress hormone are one of the signs of a serious illness.

For example, elevated cortisol may indicate adenoma (adrenal cancer), hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome, obesity, depression, AIDS, liver cirrhosis or the development of diabetes mellitus. Also, an increased stress hormone in the blood can also be a direct consequence of taking medications such as estrogens, opiates, synthetic glucocorticoids and oral contraceptives.

A low level of cortisol is likewise not a good sign. A lowered stress hormone can mean adrenal insufficiency or pituitary gland, liver cirrhosis, Addison's disease, hepatitis or anorexia. The latter is due to the fact that cortisol is the main regulator of metabolism, and its small content in the blood can provoke a sharp decrease in body weight. That's why, by the way, this kind of chemical substances are called only as hormones for weight loss.

A small indicator of the level of cortisol in the blood can also be triggered by the intake of a number of medications. For example, barbiturates. The reasons for reducing or, conversely, increasing the stress hormone can be very much. However, an accurate assessment of the state of health can only be given by a qualified endocrinologist, based on the specific results of the analysis.

To summarize, it should be noted that cortisol affects all major physiological processes occurring in the body. This is the regulation of sugar, the transfer of fats and carbohydrates into energy, enhancing the activity of anti-inflammatory hormones, stimulating the work of the gastrointestinal system. It is important to remember that as a result of prolonged stress, the functions of the adrenal glands begin to weaken and can no longer independently come to normal, which means that a visit to a doctor in this case should become mandatory.

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