
'Codelac' syrup, instructions for use

In order to cure a cough, which often causes a lot of inconvenience, a large number of drugs are currently used. Some of them eliminate the cough reflex, others contribute to better sputum discharge, which is quite important in this disease. The latter includes "Kodelak" syrup, which is made on the basis of plant components.

In addition to the dry extract of thermopsis, which increases the secretory function of bronchial glands, it contains codeine, which reduces the excitability of the cough center, and licorice root, which exerts an expectorant effect. In addition, in 5 ml of syrup is 1 gram of liquid extract of thyme. Additional substances in the composition, sorbitol, purified water, nipose and nipagin.

Use "Codelac" syrup instruction for use advises in the treatment of dry cough of any origin arising from bronchopulmonary diseases. It has a thick brown color and a characteristic aromatic odor.

The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the patient. For example, children aged 2 to 5 years, the maximum dose per day should not exceed 5 ml, divided into several receptions. Up to 12 years, 10-15 ml is prescribed, and those who are older, including adults up to 20 ml. It should be noted that before starting therapy, it is worth consulting with a doctor who will prescribe the dosage, as well as the duration of the drug. In this case, it is worth remembering that the "Kodelak" syrup instruction recommends taking a short time (several days), but if there is no change for the better, it may be worth replacing the remedy with a more suitable one in this case.

Side effects, manifested by the therapy of this drug, are observed quite rarely. However, if there is drowsiness, a headache, the drug should be stopped. It is also possible the occurrence of allergic reactions, including itching, skin rashes.

In the following situations, "Kodelak" syrup instruction for use does not advise to use: bronchial asthma, respiratory failure. Contraindications to the reception of the funds will be children's age to 2 years, periods of expectation of the child and breastfeeding. If there is a sensitivity to the substances contained in the preparation, it also can not be used in treatment.

When the syrup is used for a long time as a medicine, dependence may develop. During therapy, it is not necessary to drink alcohol, as well as morphine-like drugs, among them "Nalbuphin", "Buprenorphine" and others.

With caution, "Kodelak" syrup instructions for use recommend that patients who have any impairment of kidney function. In this case, delayed excretion of codeine from the body, from the intervals between doses are advised to increase. Do not prescribe this drug at the same time as other drugs that have an expectorant and mucolytic effect. Under the supervision of a doctor, "Codelac" syrup is used, the instruction for use indicates that in patients who have high intracranial pressure.

Those who professionally play sports should remember that codeine, which is part of this drug, is equivalent to doping. During treatment, it is worthwhile to refrain from driving and working in dangerous conditions, requiring concentration, since sedation is possible.

In case of an overdose, side effects can manifest themselves much more, in addition to this, arrhythmia, bradypnoe, atony of the bladder are characteristic in this situation. For treatment, gastric lavage is done, after which symptomatic therapy is prescribed. In this case, a medical examination is absolutely necessary.

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