
Climbing rose Casino: reviews, photos, description

The design of the suburban area requires a lot of time from the owners. However, the result can exceed all expectations. Successfully in the landscape design, the climbing roses look. Virtually all of their species have large buds and blossom several times per season. This is an elegant natural decoration of the country plot.

будут представлены далее) является одним из лучших представителей вида. Climbing Rose Casino (reviews, photos will be presented below) is one of the best representatives of the species. This plant has certain requirements for care and planting. To make wonderful roses adorn various objects on the site, you need to know its features.


Scrofulous roses are of different types. They are divided into plants with small flowers (ramblers) and large buds (claymings). They have a height of up to 5 meters. In the first case buds bloom on last year's shoots, and in the second - on the branches of the current year.

Among summer residents, those varieties that blossom several times during the summer are very popular. представлены далее). A striking representative of claymings is the climbing rose Casino (reviews, photos are presented below).

This plant with large yellow buds. It blooms twice during the summer. The shoots of the plant reach 4 meters in length. Dark leaves and pronounced large spines are also the hallmark of this rose. Many summer residents agree that this is the best kind of yellow roses for any garden.


представлено в обзоре) была выведена в 1963 году в Ирландии. Rose Casino stalks (photo presented in the review) was bred in 1963 in Ireland. Flowers have the shape of a glass. They are painted in lemon color. The most beautiful look is already blossoming buds. The outer leaves have a pale color. Central small leaves contrast with them. The diameter of the inflorescences reaches 10 cm. The aroma of the buds is saturated. He has fruity notes.

Flowers appear alternately in the first flowering. This they are like hybrids of a tea rose. With repeated bloom buds appear already with brushes. This is an indescribably beautiful sight.

представлены в статье) достигает в высоту 4 м, а в ширину – 2 м. Куст ее прямостоячий. Rose Casino stalks (reviews, photos presented in the article) reaches a height of 4 m and a width of 2 m. The bush is erect. Foliage is shiny and dark. It contrasts with lemon buds.

Selecting a landing site

о которой помогут оценить всю прелесть этого растения, должна быть посажена на видном месте. Rose climbing Casino, photo, description, reviews about which will help evaluate the beauty of this plant, should be planted in a conspicuous place. They need to admire. It is best if the rose bush is visible from the house.

This plant loves sunlight. Therefore, when choosing the place for planting it is necessary to ensure this condition. However, direct sunlight is also harmful to it, as is the absence of light. Therefore, the optimal location should be carefully considered.

Rose Casino loves the morning or evening rays of the sun. If the cottage is in the southern region, you should provide sufficient protection for the buds. Direct sunlight will cause burns on the petals of the inflorescences.

The place for planting roses should be well ventilated. Not suitable for this low places. If you plant a rose here, it will hurt.

The soil

смотри ниже в статье) требует правильного выбора почвы. Rose Casino stalks (feedback, photo see below in the article) requires the right choice of soil. The best option in this case is considered black earth. It is also allowed to plant this plant on loamy ground. However, it will be necessary to add organic type fertilizers.

The level of raising groundwater in the region should not exceed a depth of 1 m. It is desirable that the site has a slope. This will prevent waterlogging of the soil.

It is also important to know what acidity of the soil is present on the site. The rose of the species presented prefers slightly acidic soils. The level of Ph in this case should be of the order of 6-6.5 points. If this condition does not correspond to the actual situation, the soil can be acidified. For this, peat or manure is added to it. Excess acid is removed by introducing ash into the soil.

That the roots of the plant are not depleted when planted near the wall of the house, the plant should be away from it at a distance of not less than 60 cm. Near the rose there should be no other plants at a distance of 50 cm.

Planting time

которой помогут оценить красоту этого растения, требует правильного выбора времени посадки. Rose Casino is stingy, the photo and description of which will help to appreciate the beauty of this plant, requires the right timing of planting. The flower reproduces only vegetatively. This is necessary to preserve the species characteristics. At home, cuttings for planting can be taken after the first flowering bush.

In a temperate climatic belt, it is recommended to plant a rose in the last decade of September or the first week of October. The first roots in this case will appear to frost. The plant is actively developing in the spring. By the time of flowering, the bush has time to grow well.

If the planting is carried out in the spring, the flowering will be delayed by approximately 15 days. In this case, the rose will require more careful care.

Landing feedback

Experienced gardeners argue that the planting of the presented plant is carried out without any problems. However, a number of recommendations are required. производится высадка, следует учитывать при проведении этого процесса) высаживается достаточно быстро, если работы выполнять вместе с помощником. Rose The casino is stumpy (for which zone the landing is made, it should be taken into account when carrying out this process) is planted quickly enough if the work is carried out together with the helper.

First you need to dig a hole (about 60 cm). At its bottom lay the drainage (crushed stone, gravel) 10 cm thick. Next in the pit fall asleep humus. It can be mixed with the ground. This layer is also 10 cm. Then the garden primer is buried in the hole.

Clay soil should be mixed with a lot of water. The roots are lowered into the mixture and spread out. A rose is placed in the prepared pit. One person holds the bush so that the root neck is 3 cm below the ground level. The second neatly pours the hole on the ground. Loose soil should be slightly compacted around the roots. Next you need to water the rose at the root. If the soil comes up, you need to add it again.

Reviews about care

First of all, it should be noted that it is best to purchase such flowers not in the market, but in special state farm of ornamental horticulture (SDS). Today, there are a lot of offers from such companies on the market, and the choice of products is really huge. They propose to buy a plant such as the Rose Climbing Casino, SDS. садоводов свидетельствуют о необыкновенно высоком качестве растений, которые они приобретали в подобных совхозах, что, несомненно, может и облегчить уход за описываемым кустом. The reviews of gardeners indicate an unusually high quality of plants, which they acquired in similar state farms, which, undoubtedly, can facilitate the care of the described bush.

It is worth noting that the Rose Casino is characterized by moderate resistance to diseases such as black spotting and powdery mildew. However, during the growth of this species, it is required to carry out preventive maintenance periodically.

Care involves the systematic loosening of the soil, the removal of weeds, as well as pruning and feeding. In spring, the soil is fertilized with nitrogen, and in the summer - with potassium and phosphorus. This stimulates the lush flowering of the bush.

In droughty periods, it is necessary to produce copious watering. In the first year buds from the bush are cut to the beginning of August. Early flowering is an unfavorable factor for a young plant. In August, you can leave a couple of buds on each shoot. Also, the rose should be provided with a quality support. It can be a fence, an arch, a column, etc. Fulfilling all the requirements for caring for the presented plant, you can achieve great decorativeity of the climbing rose Casino.


за которой требуют соблюдения некоторых правил, нуждается в обрезке. Rose The casino is pletely, landing and caring for which require compliance with certain rules, needs pruning. It is carried out in the spring, when the buds begin to form from below the bush. The procedure can be carried out in the summer. In this case, remove the faded buds. This stimulates a second flowering. If the bush is overgrown, excess shoots can be removed in the fall. In this case, it is necessary to cut off the branches that hit the fungus.

In spring, the trimming procedure removes branches that could not survive the winter cold. Such a procedure can help to achieve abundant flowering or create the required shape of the bush.

If the bushes are old, they are severely cut off at the level of 3-4 kidneys. This stimulates the rejuvenation of the plant. If it is required to provide abundant flowering, shoots are cut at a level of 5-7 kidneys. The plant in this case will be as decorative as possible. Weak pruning is performed in the summer. Only the tips of shoots are removed, which have already faded. This type of pruning is used in the first few years of growing roses. However, it should be carried out and its other varieties. With the right combination of trimming options, you can achieve a continuous flowering of the rose.

Plant cover

которой позволяют дачникам определить целесообразность ее высаживания на своем участке, требует правильной защиты в зимний период. Climbing Rose Casino, reviews (photo above), which allows dacha owners to determine the desirability of planting it on their site, requires proper protection in the winter. Hurry with her shelter is not worth it. The plant tolerates freezing to -7 ° C.

When approaching a persistent cold, shelter should be given increased attention. The rose must be removed from the support. Further the base of the bush is hilled. It is best to cover the rose bushes with fir branches. They are placed between shoots, and also on top of the plant.

On top of the branches establish a wire frame. It should be raised above the plant by 25-30 cm. The frame is covered with heat-insulating material and polyethylene film. At the bottom, leave room for ventilation. Airing is carried out in the spring, raising the side walls.

The film must be removed early enough. Otherwise, a rise in temperature in the shelter will lead to an increased development of the kidneys. If the ground has not yet warmed up, this may cause the upper part of the rose to shrink.

и требования к ее выращиванию, каждый садовод сможет украсить свой сад этим неповторимым по красоте растением. Considering the features that distinguish the climbing rose Casino, reviews, photos and requirements for its cultivation, each gardener will be able to decorate his garden with this unique beauty plant. It will harmoniously fit in almost any style of landscape design. Rose Casino will bring to the design of the garden romanticism and charm.

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