
Chrysalidocarpus: home care, photo

The secret of home cosiness lies not only in furniture, its correct arrangement, decor and dear to the heart objects of the interior. Even the most dreary atmosphere potted flowers can transform beyond recognition. Domestic plants can give a sense of warmth, tranquility and joy.

A real pearl of the flower collection will be a chrysalidocarpus. Care at home for him does not require special efforts, and his spectacular greens are able to please the eye of even the most exacting amateur pot flowers.

The birthplace of chrysalidocarpus

In our country this palm tree is an exotic guest. The range of its natural growth is Oceania, Madagascar and tropical Asia. In natural conditions, the height of the chrysalidocarpus can reach 9 meters, and the diameter of the trunk is 25-30 cm. The palm belongs to the family of arecacae, so sometimes this plant is still found with the name "areca". The name "chrysalidocarpus" in Greek means "golden fruit", and it is quite reasonable - on the stems of a palm tree in the natural habitat appear fruits of yellow color.

Chrysalidocarpus. Home care

Exotic plants in our homes have long been common. The most adapted type of palm tree for domestic breeding is the yellowish carp. It is also called "chrysalidocarpus lutescens". Care at home for this plant is not difficult.

That is why the palm tree deserves many admirers, its lush voluminous bushes decorate dwellings, offices, public places. Like many representatives of the tropics, such as arechus, chrysalidocarpus, home care after which suggests some specificity, needs increased attention.

Rules for the maintenance of plants

One of the basic requirements that must be met in order to grow a beautiful and healthy palm tree is quality lighting. For this purpose the southern windows of the dwelling are ideal. But the bright sunlight, especially in the summer, the chrysalidocarpus will not have to taste. From noon, it is better to protect the flower from direct rays. As the plant grows, the pot can also be rearranged to a less lighted area. An adult palm easily tolerates penumbra. In what pot should the chrysalidocarpus grow? Care at home assumes complete exclusion of drafts and overheating of the plant. These factors are fatal to the foliage and root system of the palm.

The optimum temperature for good development is 20-25 degrees. But even if the thermometer's column drops to 18, the palm tree will not die. However, growth in such conditions will be slow. Watering is made as necessary and in no case should be excessive. The root system does not tolerate overmoistening. It is necessary to make sure that there is no moisture in the pot tray with the plant. To eliminate impurities, water from the tap for irrigation needs to be filtered or defended for several days.

What else does the hrizalidocarpus yellowish need? Care at home should necessarily include moistening of the leaves, especially in the summer. With the help of a spray it is possible to spray the green part of the palm tree every 3-4 days. For adult plants, you can arrange a real shower, but with care, so as not to break the stems with a jet. Excess moisture on the leaves is to be removed.

How to Transplant a Chrysalidocarpus

This palm has a fairly powerful root system, so a young plant must be transplanted annually. Chrysalidocarpus rather painfully tolerates this procedure. Therefore, it is best to make a transplant by transplanting the plant, when the pot is replaced by drainage and earth replenishes. Adult specimens should be transplanted no more often than once in 3 years. The optimal period is March-April.

It is better to buy a deep pot, in which the caris will feel comfortable. Care involves high demands on the soil mixture in which the palm will be grown. Its drainage qualities are very important. The stagnation of moisture is disastrous for the plant, so the optimum composition will be a mixture of pumice, pine bark, pebbles, peat, humus, charcoal. Suitable and ready-made substrate for growing palms from a flower shop.


Chrysalidocarpus at home breeding multiplies by seeds and root processes. Vegetative division of the root system occurs regardless of the season. The appendages are next to the main stalk. It is not necessary to use for rooting root offspring less than 30 cm in height - the plant will be ill for a long time. To transplant a suitable process, it is necessary to separate it from the mother's root with a sharp knife, while trying not to damage the main trunk. With a new shoot, you need to remove all the leaves, and place the cut on the main plant to dry for two days, treated with a fungicide.

The root system of the offspring must also be treated with an antibacterial preparation and then with a root stimulant. For rooting, the cutting is planted in a substrate of large perlite or sand. The optimum temperature for good rooting and growth of the plant is 27-29 C. The pot should be kept in partial shade. The period of rooting is about three months. After the plant begins to build up the green mass, it can be transplanted into soil mixture for palm trees.

You can grow a palm tree from seeds. Chrysalidocarpus, home care beyond which is not complicated, in this case will require more patience. First, soak the seeds for a couple of days in warm water. After that they are ready to land in a light soil mix. Shoots will appear no earlier than 12-16 weeks if the temperature, humidity and lighting conditions are observed. The optimum temperature for seedlings is 20-25 degrees. Pot with seedlings should be well lit. Transplant a young palm tree after the first leaf is formed.

Top dressing

For the development and spectacular appearance of the palm will require fertilizing. In addition, a strong plant will be more resistant to diseases. For these purposes, an ordinary fertilizer for indoor flowers or mineral for ornamental-deciduous plants is suitable. Feeding is carried out from the end of spring and to the beginning of autumn with a frequency of once every two weeks.

Diseases and pests

Chrysalidocarpus is prone to fungal infections and root rot. The main symptom of the disease of the plant - spots or bands of red, brown and even black, surrounded by a yellow edging, found along the entire length of the leaf plate. The appearance of the palm is significantly deteriorating. If the plant is not treated, the spots merge, and it dies. For treatment and prevention, any fungicide sold in a flower shop is suitable. In addition, the plant can be infected with pests: mealybug, whitefly, scutellum, spider mite.

That's what requires a carnival carp at home. Photos of pests can be seen in the special literature or on the forums of flower growers. For the prevention of fungal diseases and pest infestation, it is recommended to remove dried leaves and do not over-moisten the plant.


Unfortunately, even with the most thorough care at home, the chrysalidocarpus does not bloom. But even without this, the palm tree will become a real decoration of the home interior, and in the care of oneself it will not require much time and special skills.

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