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Chronological table of Turgenev. Life and work of IS. Turgenev: the chronological table

The fate of Turgenev is of considerable interest to researchers, since it is saturated with bright events and is directly related to the difficult fate of the Motherland. Due to the powerful talent of the writer, readers around the world were able to get acquainted with the amazing and unforgettable works that entered the annals of history. For almost a century and a half we have been gratefully and tremblingly holding Turgenev's favorite books and learning from him the ability to understand and feel the beauty of our native land, to respect human dignity and to value freedom as a supreme gift.

Use of the chronological table

When studying any historical era, the stages of a particular civilization or the work of an art representative, the researcher must systematically require a chronological table. We begin to study Turgenev for the first time in school, at literature lessons. In the 5th grade it is the touching story of Gerasim and Mumu, in the 6th - the story "Bezhin Meadow", and then - "Biryuk", "Asya", "First Love" and "Poems in Prose".

At a more mature age we come into contact with his more serious works - novels, which brought fame to Russian literature and won the love of foreign readers. Naturally, at each stage, studying the biography of the writer, we learned about him new facts that help to better understand the work of this remarkable man. The biographical chronological table of Turgenev, which allows us to systematize data, reveal the most important moments and show the dynamics of the development of events, can provide irreplaceable assistance.

Starting with the origins

The chronological table of Turgenev, when working with her at school, naturally starts with the most important event in the life of any person - from the moment of his birth. This is the starting point of the whole future destiny. The writer was born in the ancient Russian city of Orel on October 28 (November 9) in 1818. Ancestors on the part of the father belonged to the ancient, well-known, noble nobility, who once played a prominent role in Russian history. On the mother's side, the ancestors did not differ in such a nobility, but they were rich. The chronological table of Turgenev must necessarily include the reference to the patrimonial nest - Spasskoe-Lutovinovo, which became for the writer the source of great love for Russia and a passionate hatred for serfdom.

Childhood and adolescence

Diaries writer noted a special role in the fate of Ivan Sergeyevich his mother, Varvara Petrovna Lutovinova. When a chronological table of Turgenev is compiled, it is simply necessary to briefly talk about this extraordinary and ambiguous woman. After all, many of her character traits and even many life events were reflected in the literary heroes - the lady from Mumu, Glafira Petrovna from the Noble Nest, the grandmother from Punin and Baburin. The father's personality also left an indelible mark in the life of the future writer. Therefore, Turgenev's chronological table should briefly tell about the complex relations between them, because they also found artistic reflection in one of the best lyrical novels - "First Love".

Education and the first steps in creativity

1827 is an important date, beginning with which Turgenev's biography changes dramatically. The chronological table should include it because this year the writer's family moves to Moscow. And after a measured life in the manor-house, with its settled way of life, a narrow circle of close people, home education, Ivan Sergeyevich gets involved in a new existence - in a big city, in private boarding schools, where he gets training for university education.

1833 - admission to Moscow University, 1834 - transfer to St. Petersburg at the verbal department of the Faculty of Philosophy. In these same years, the young student begins to try himself in poetry and drama. And the first critic of him is PA Pletnev, a close friend of Pushkin. Turgenev's student biography continues (he records the chronological table) already abroad, in Germany, where he goes in 1838. Not only philosophy, but also familiarity with Western political trends, acquaintance with progressive social movements and ideologies make a real breakthrough in the formation of the Turgenev personality. Holland, France, Italy also made a great impression on the future writer. To this period belongs also the photo of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev , made from his portrait and presented to your attention below (author KA Gorbunov, 1838-1839 gg.).

First recognition

Return home, examinations for a master's degree, a desire to teach - all this is at the beginning of the 40-ies. Turgenev is a professor of philosophy, but in Nicholas Russia she is banned. And that's why Ivan Sergeevich becomes an official. And in 1843 the poem "Parasha" - the first truly Turgenev's work - was published, and already in it the dotted line shows an amazing female character, which in literary criticism was called "Turgenev's girl".

Photo Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich is a daguerreotype, dated 1840-ies. A taut, attentive glance, frowning brows and deep fold between them indicate serious meditation. After all, very soon, since 1847, stories begin to appear, which then will compile a collection that brought the writer fame and recognition - "Notes of the Hunter", "Mumu" and others. So be sure to mark the date on the timeline! After all, Turgenev's stories are a real encyclopedia of the people's life, an illustration of peasant life, the disclosure of the subtleties of the psychology of a simple Russian man.

Link to Spassky

The name of the writer is taken censorship to the note, and he himself was sent into exile in the family estate until the end of the fall of 1853. Herzen for no reason called Turgenev's stories "an indictment of serfdom." Mutilated water, and Ermolai and Melnichikha are narrated about mutilated destinies, shattered hopes, derailed by life. The amazing spiritual beauty and talent of the people are revealed in the work "Singers". The destructive influence of serfdom is felt in every story.

"Notes of the Hunter" became the first significant contribution of the writer in the irreconcilable struggle against shameful slavery. So the realization of the "annibbal oath", given to itself by Turgenev in his youth, was realized. And another very important point. In these stories the hand of the Master, a subtle singer of Russian nature, and an amazing style, linguistic expressiveness, which the researchers will also call "Turgenev", is already felt. More VG. Belinsky highly appreciated the literary gift of the writer.

"The Edge of Another's Nest"

Turgenev's life is the eternal search for truth, the desire to comprehend the "mysterious Russian people's soul." He had a unique talent: to notice, to feel only emerging ideas of social thought, to see new heroes appearing on the stage of social and political struggle and to display them in their works. At the same time, one should not forget about the psychology of Turgenev's prose and the poetry of his manner of narration. And also - about love.

The theme of love is one of the main in all the novels of the writer, in many of his novels. By love he checks the value of his characters, their conformity to the high rank of a person. To the personal life of his characters, Ivan Sergeevich makes the strictest demands. Why is that? Probably, because Turgenev's personal life was rather dramatic. Pauline Viardot, the French opera singer, became his muse, an unattainable dream, and her family and way of life - his family and his home, but the edge of "another's nest." For his he never got. And even the writer's daughter, born from a courtyard girl at the time of his youth, was brought up in the Viardot family. To some extent, Turgenev's life was divided into two halves-until she met Polina and after. So, 1843 should be marked on the timeline, and in connection with this, the most important event for Ivan Sergeyevich.

Cooperation and break with "Contemporary"

Chronological table of Turgenev's life should be continued with such figures as 1850 - the beginning of work in Nekrasov's Sovremennik, friendship and ideological cooperation with the democratic intelligentsia: Nekrasov, Dobrolyubov, Chernyshevsky and others. 1855 - writing of the novel "Rudin", 1859 - the appearance of the "Noble's Nest", 1860 - the creation of "On the Eve"; 1862 - the publication of the novel "Fathers and Sons".

Each of the works presented to the public is an answer to the question of how the current hero and the progressive public figure can and should be . In his sociopolitical views, the writer gravitated toward the liberals, believed that life in Russia should be changed through government reforms and did not accept the revolution with its violence and sacrifices. Literature, Turgenev particularly insisted on this, has no right to call "Russia to an ax." Artists have a huge responsibility, because they contribute to the formation of public consciousness. And the terror of the revolution will not bring anything good to the people. On this basis in 1860, the relationship with the leadership of "Contemporary" becomes a writer extremely tense, and in 1861 completely ceased. On the chronological scale of Turgenev's biography, this date must be fixed.

Life Abroad

The starting point of the new period of Ivan Sergeevich's life is 1863. He goes abroad, to France, lives with the Viardot family, collaborates with her husband in local publications. There he wrote his last best things - the novels "Smoke" and "Nov", as well as the story "Spring Waters". He comes to his homeland occasionally, in the spring, with a sadness noticing the traces of the aristocratic culture leaving in the past. And only in the 1870s, when a new wave of the social-liberation movement began in Russia, the mutual interest between the writer and his Russian readers revived. Arrivals of Ivan Sergeevich are marked by frequent meetings with young people, he is honored at literary evenings, invited to return to his homeland forever. Turgenev thinks about it.

"Poems in prose" and death

During the last 4 years of his life, Ivan Sergeyevich wrote small lyrical miniatures, collected in a collection under the general title "Poems in Prose." Capable, concise masterpieces, amazing depth of thought and perfection of expression. They became a kind of confession of the writer, his personal diary, reflecting the reflections, feelings, moods of Turgenev. In 1882, the writer discovered a terrible disease - cancer of the spine. And on August 22, 1883 (September 3), he died in Bougèville. The writer was buried in Russia, in Petersburg. These data are permanently fixed on the biographical time scale.

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