
Chronic cholecystitis, its symptoms and treatment

Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder, which is accompanied by impairment of its motor functions. Clinical manifestations include pain and a certain heaviness in the right hypochondrium, their occurrence causes the intake of alcohol or too fatty food. Seizures are often accompanied by bitterness and dry mouth, nausea and vomiting. Concomitant diseases of cholecystitis are enterocolitis, gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis. Chronic bile stagnation can promote the formation of stones in the bile, as well as the development of cholecystitis calculous.

Chronic cholecystitis is the same inflammation of the gallbladder, but also has a recurrent, chronic character. It is often combined with various disorders associated with the excretion of bile.

Chronic cholecystitis and its symptoms

The development of chronic cholecystitis occurs for quite a long time, with exacerbations constantly alternating with periods of remission. One of the main symptoms of chronic cholecystitis is pain, which is moderately pronounced, aching, and the place of its localization is the right hypochondrium. Pain can last up to several weeks. Chronic cholecystitis is characterized by intensified pain symptoms after another intake of alcohol, carbonated drinks, fatty or spicy food. Exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis occurs due to violations in the diet, hypothermia and stress.

In patients, in addition to pain symptoms, often there is a belching, bitterness, nausea and vomiting in the mouth.

Chronic cholecystitis and its treatment

Almost always chronic cholecystitis is treated conservatively by the gastroenterologist. During periods of exacerbation, the treatment is directed exclusively at the removal of acute symptoms, the patient is also assigned to sanitize the focus of infection with antibiotic therapy, detoxification of the body and restoration of digestive functions.

For the removal of inflammation and analgesia, drugs belonging to the group of anti-inflammatory non-steroid agents are used. Spasm of the ducts and gall bladder, more precisely of its smooth muscles, is removed by spasmolytics.
In order to eliminate stagnation of bile used drugs that contribute to the increase of the entire peristalsis of the biliary tract. Drugs that increase the secretion of bile, are used with extreme caution, since they can lead to aggravation of stagnant phenomena and increase morbidity.

In the treatment of uncomplicated chronic cholecystitis during exacerbations, phytotherapy methods are used: a decoction of various herbs (chamomile, dandelion, valerian, peppermint, calendula).
Diet in chronic cholecystitis, tjubazhi with magnesia, sorbitol or xylitol - are recommended to patients in the stage of remission. Phytotherapy of chronic cholecystitis includes the reception of yarrow broths, althea, buckthorn, tansy. When physiotherapeutic treatment is applied: mud treatment, SMT-therapy, electrophoresis, reflexotherapy, etc.

In the case of chronic calculous cholecystitis , only surgical intervention is indicated, namely, removal of the gallbladder. In case of contraindication of surgical intervention, the technique of non-surgical destruction of stones with the help of lithotripsy (shock wave) is recommended, but in this case it should be understood that the crushing of the stones will not lead to cure, and it is possible that they will soon re-form.

There is still a technique of destruction of stones by a medicamentous method with the help of drugs of chenodeoxycholic acid and ursodeoxycholic salt, but this treatment will take about two years and will not lead to complete cure. With this treatment there are no guarantees that the stones will not form again with time.

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