Spiritual developmentAstrology


If you decide to reproduce yourself like that, then you can not be privy to responsibility. Yes, the child has his own program, which he must implement on earth, so he should be endowed with specific qualities and should be born in an environment in which he could implement his program. That's the reason that his parents should be you. It turns out that his program is part of your program and is closely related to your program.

It is possible that you, being ignorant of all this, will leave all this to the mercy of fate, and the child, growing up in unintended conditions, will receive an incorrect upbringing, there will be numerous deviations from the program. As a result, you do not fulfill your program, create not what you were supposed to create, but your child because of you must perform his program under more difficult conditions, and then - if he can. If you are indifferent to your shortcomings, they will be rooted in your child more than once, which is undesirable. You do not know and you can not know what personality you should give birth to, but when your brain develops the idea of pregnancy, independently of you, you already imagine how much you would like your child to be. This is already becoming a program that in the life of the child can play a role, so first of all, program carefully what kind of boy or girl you would like to have. Your thought creates a living entity, it goes directly to realization, and if you change your mind and want your thought to fail, then you must send a more powerful thought that would destroy the first. As you can see, the law is strong and you can not joke with it. Your thoughts are a program for the child, you must follow it before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and also after the birth of the child. You must guide him, give direction to his actions right up to the time when the child becomes independent and will be able to properly guide oneself.

Suppose you want to have a boy and think: if only there was a boy, whatever it was, it does not matter. You have already made a mistake, and you do not have the right to desire any being that can become evil for others. You should dream of having a child with the best qualities and destiny: beautiful and kind. It would be more correct to think that instead of a boy with bad qualities, it would be better to have an honest, intelligent, moral girl with a good soul.

The impact of the moon at the time of conception is enormous, it provides daily children with certain qualities. And their sex is determined by a system consisting of several formulas, where the role of the moon is paramount. For example, one of them requires that at the moment of conception, the Moon be in a certain sign of the Zodiac. If the moon at this moment will be in one of the following signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Aquarius and especially Sagittarius, then the probability of a boy's birth is great, but if it is in one of the constellations: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn Or Pisces, then the probability of a girl's birth is great. If the moon is 3 days, then an uncontrollable, indomitable creature will be born, and if it is a 29-day-old, it will serve Satan, evil, it is more correct not to plan on this day of conception neither the girl nor the boy. The same Moon can give you good children if you are worthy to be the parents of such children. Of course, to have good children is already happiness, whether it's a boy or a girl, but astrology can solve this problem. To program, to foresee everything is one thing, and implementation is a completely different matter, more serious and difficult. Much more serious work is required during the 10 lunar months of pregnancy. In particular, the mother should have a special relationship with herself and the child each month, according to the various conditions of the child.

1. During the first lunar month - four weeks in a row 1 child is under the control of the Sun, he forms the male "yang", with his positive and negative qualities. During this time, the role of the mother is great. Parents within the first month should imagine their future child beautiful, endowed with the best qualities, especially - without the negative features of the father. Since each person has both male and female beginnings, it is necessary that the mother should eat the food "yang" - in order to have a healthy, vigorous and bold child.


You are the first time or re-become a mother, which is the highest happiness on Earth, but your even more serious work will begin after the birth of the child. The first question that should bother you is the name of the child that you must necessarily choose, do not give priority to anyone, since this can change a lot in the fate of the child. Choose the name that you like, which you want to name the child by inner aspiration, and not at the bidding of others.

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