Spiritual developmentAstrology

September 25 - the sign of the zodiac Libra. Feature and compatibility

Each of us has heard something about horoscopes, many are interested in what role stars play in their destiny. If you are born on September 25, your zodiac sign, respectively, is Libra. What features are inherent in it, with which signs are Libra compatible? Time to figure it out.

Horoscope. September 25 - the zodiac sign Libra

Some people take astrology very seriously: they trust horoscopes, they are guided not only by predictions from radio and newspapers, but also make personal cards from astrologers. In some ways they are right: knowing what awaits on the way on this or that day, you can insure yourself and help yourself.

September 25, Zodiac sign Libra ... People born on this day are very charming, friendly and witty. Open, optimistic, always the soul of the company, but they are characterized by a sharp change of mood, despondency, during this period they need to give time to meditate and ponder. Scales have astounding intuition, insight, a living mind, which allows them to carefully process information and highlight all the most important. People of this sign are very smart, wise, they look at life philosophically, their subtle receptiveness borders on telepathy.

What you should pay attention to

People born on September 25, just need to engage in physical education. Very often they can hardly be forced to look into the gym or visit the stadium. The ideal option is walking on long distances, during which there is an opportunity to reflect on something high.

Most often, Libra finds satisfaction in simple food, but if their diet is overloaded with carbohydrates, proteins, fats, it is worth thinking about a more balanced diet.


People born on September 25 (zodiac sign - Libra) should know what to look for in terms of health. To avoid problems with the mental state, it is better to completely abandon the use of alcohol. Weights that lead a sedentary lifestyle, very often have problems associated with the lower back. Special attention is given to the kidneys, the gallbladder and urinary bladder. It is necessary to drink a lot of water, at least two liters a day.

Libra in the society

Born on September 25, the sign of the zodiac characterizes as very curious personalities. These people often openly criticize other people's apparent shortcomings, point to how to change one or another order for the better. Although their estimates seem too critical, they often lead to a positive result. Libra is often regarded as the brightest representatives of any social circles or ethnic groups. Very often they are critical of others, their relatives, their native city, region and the state as a whole. With the fatherland, their relationship can be described as a symbiosis, often beneficial on both sides.


Born on September 25, the sign of the zodiac (a man or a woman - a horoscope does not specify) Libra gives some secrecy when clarifying the relationship. At first glance, these people are very reserved and even cold. In fact, an unemotional and closed life from society is not typical for representatives of this sign. Many Libra suffer, if there is no love in their life, they are immensely pleased with any response to the manifestation of their feelings. As for friendship, Libra is very careful here. They seem to be deliberately keeping a distance, fearing betrayal in a relationship.

Libra (September 25). Zodiac sign, compatibility

Libra + Aries. Meeting of antipodes. Despite the many contradictions in the character, these two signs often build a strong alliance. If Aries does not re-educate a partner, and Libra - all equalize, smooth, bring everywhere "harmony," then the couple can become happy.

Taurus. The union between these two signs is unlikely to bring anything good. Life principles they have the opposite.

Twins. Often the marriage of these signs ends in a fateful separation. Although they are somewhat similar - that they do not like to remain alone, they find a way out of this situation in marriage. They are united not only by feelings, but also by intellect. Both Libra and Gemini adore companies, parties, humor, jokes, the world of art. To live together as long as possible, they need to constantly adjust to each other, flatter, please.

Cancer. Problem marriage. In the period of courtship, Cancer attracts the beauty, activity of Libra, but in a joint life, the closed Cancer is beginning to be annoyed by a partner - a fan of noisy activities and entertainment. Feelings become dull, mutual understanding is lost.

A lion. Perfect marriage. From the moment of courtship and in the process of family life, partners always find a common language. In this pair, Leo must be an earner, and Libra - always look perfect, in order to be ready at any time to seduce his king.

Virgo. Doomed union. Very often in the decay of the Virgin is to blame. With her criticism, she brings the partner to a rage. Both are too selfish to live under one roof.

Libra. Two Libra do not get along together because of the various vicissitudes of fate. They like to enjoy all the joys of life, but do not want to do hard work. Who should support whom and provide entertainment, it is not entirely clear.

Scorpio. This union is subject to great trials. Scorpio often brings up a partner, expresses his fair claims to Libra. In order for the marriage to survive, Libra must cunningly fight against Scorpio, but in such a way that he does not guess anything.

Sagittarius. A lasting happy union. If there is true mutual love between partners, they understand each other from a half-word. Between them, quarrels and conflicts never arise.

Capricorn. If you were born on September 25, which sign of the zodiac is exactly not suitable for you, it's Capricorn. Even in friendship, mutual understanding is seldom achieved, and marriage is out of the question!

Fish. Often, marriage ends in divorce and even widowhood. These signs are excellent friends, cooperate in business, but they can not get a family.

Aquarius. This union is especially favorable if it is Aquarius, and he is Libra. Both are indifferent to official marriage and live peacefully. Everyone can afford an open relationship, but returns home. Joint life is very informative, everyone brings changes to life. These two signs enrich each other spiritually.

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