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Chakras for beginners. Work with chakras for beginners

Esotericism is a practical science that studies and develops its own "I", where the material body is a bioenergetic conductor to the thin shells of self-awareness. This is the way to understand and accept yourself as you are, the door to a world of unlimited possibilities and immense tranquility.

Modern esoteric systems are based on knowledge of the existence of six subtle bodies. Three of them can be learned, and the rest are practically weightless and inaccessible. Some ancient Eastern cultures and views distinguish the seventh shell, which is periodically challenged by other systems.

The definition of the chakra for beginners can be formulated as follows. This is a kind of energy center, developing which, it is possible to achieve spiritual perfection and balance.

7 "I", or Thin bodies in esotericism

It is believed that a man - the Logos - is the embodiment of various energies, which are locked in the flesh by the thoughtform of the great Creator. It is impossible to see them with ordinary vision. Yoga allows you to open the "third eye" and, using the chakras, to know yourself.

Thin bodies are associated with specific functions of the body, but they can not be described as something tangible. They do not have certain forms, structures, but each energy envelope is colored in its own color, which, however, can vary depending on various life circumstances.

The etheric body is the most vulnerable, since it envelops matter and, in the presence of weak unprotected sites, attracts lyarvas, which are created by a person in stressful situations and cause various forms of illnesses in the body. Hence began the belief in the materialization of negative thoughts. Do not think about the bad, behold the beautiful.

Why do we need chakras?

In the East, they say that yoga is directed not only to the realization of one's strength, but also to humility with personal opportunities. Equilibrium is unattainable, but you can immerse yourself in it and feel its existence. The chakra does not allow you to gain security, but it helps to understand that it is real. Bathe in the senses, merge with emotions - that's the task of the esoteric system.

Chakr is only seven. Each of them has its own name and is responsible for the activity of various organs and systems in the material body, but does not duplicate them, it forms knowledge of needs and desires. These are energy plexuses - nodes, through which you can control physical and spiritual health.

The development of the chakra for beginners can be carried out with the aid of various literature, to which an unimaginable multitude is written, or by contacting esoteric centers. However, one must understand that disregard for the basic principles, namely humility, tranquility, patience, often leads to irreparable consequences in the integrity of energy bodies.

Start understanding

All that we feel, realize what we are striving for is the definition of the human chakra. For beginning esotericists, the discovery of the spiritual world does not take place from the first minutes. It is important to find harmony in your soul, pacify anger and excitement. Only after this, you can begin to improve your "I".

Writer-esoteric writer Pond David became very popular. "Chakras for beginners" - his book, a practical guide to the discovery and development of energy nodes - the controllers of all human life.

Rainbow of the soul

Aura, consisting of subtle bodies, has an amazing feature, confirming the inseparable connection of people and nature. In an innocent, luminous person, it looks like a soap bubble, which in the sun shines with all the colors of the rainbow. The more correctly you work with the chakras for beginners, the purer the aura spectrum will be. A person gains control of the body while remaining subject to the Creator.

Each chakra corresponds to the color of the energy shell and is located in three projections: on the physical body, etheric and astral shells.

Red - Muldahara - the most tangible of all. It is located in the lower part of the sacrum near the genital organs. The Chakra of the Earth, provides a desire for self-preservation and transfer of genetic material for the reproduction of offspring. Responsible for the health of the pelvic organs, intestines, glands.

Orange - Svadhishthana - unlike the first, its opening attracts the desire for pleasure. Responsible for the health of the genitourinary system, thighs.

Yellow - Manipura is a desire for self-control, influence on people. Ethics and discipline, confidence and work.

With chakras (for beginners it is especially important) to experiment it is necessary very accurately not to damage thin shells. This can lead to the destruction of the ether.

Green - Anahata - a drink of love and life, controls sensuality. Logically responsible for the work of the heart system.

Blue - Vishuddha - reveals the talent, using the creative potential inherent in every person. Regulates the work of organs in the neck.

Blue - Ajna - the highest channel for communication with the supernatural. Anatomic location - between the eyebrows, the "third eye".

Purple chakras for beginners are inaccessible. They come to them only when the knowledge of the first six is perfect.

Meditation to music

Work on the opening of their own energy centers should be conducted in a relaxed atmosphere, a comfortable relaxed pose and cleared thoughts. Additionally, music for chakras is used.

For beginners, it is better to advise simple mantras of meditation. The words of the song are repeated cyclically many times. Mantras need to be listened to, singing them "inwardly", and then out loud. Each text is calculated for a certain number of repetitions, it is usually repeated 11, 21, 31 times.

To whom is contemplation available?

Help in opening the chakra for beginners can be provided by a more experienced person who has often felt calm and joy, whose fantasy is beyond the scope of what is possible during meditation. Mantras and relaxed postures, practiced in yoga, allow you to immerse yourself in consciousness.

Esotericists argue that a person of any age and religion can work with chakras. Everyone who is interested in not only matter, but also energy essence. Through the chakras, you can develop extrasensory abilities with time .

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