LawRegulatory Compliance

Certification standards: Rosstandard. Decision on attestation of standards

In September 2010, the government of the Russian Federation issued a decree in which a procedure for attesting standards was prescribed. Rosstandart developed methodological documents for management, while ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Information on certified standards is entered in the Federation's information fund, and through this, a single standard is provided throughout the country. What is the attestation of standards, Rosstandart has determined consistently and comprehensively, and this is what will be considered in this article.

What is a reference

The standard of units of the physical quantity (measurement standard) is called the measuring instrument or the whole complex of them, which is intended for storage and (or) reproduction of the given unit, and also for transferring its size to the measuring instruments that are below the verification scheme. This means of measurement (or a set of tools) is approved as a standard by an established procedure, which is the certification of standards. Rosstandart provides for its main course some notes.

First, the design of the standard, its set of properties and ways of reproducing the unit determines the nature of this physical quantity, the level of development of measurement techniques in a particular area. Secondly, Rosstandart provides for the attestation of standards only in the case when the standard has at least three essential features, closely related to each other. It is immutability, reproducibility and consistency.

Primary and secondary standards

1. The primary standard is one that ensures the reproduction of a unit with the highest accuracy in the country in comparison with the standards of the same unit. Here, too, makes a note Rosstandart. The attestation of standards by metrological properties (only primary standards of units of quantities) does not depend on the metrological properties of other standards, where units of these quantities are measured.

2. The primary special is the standard that reproduces the unit under specific conditions, that is, at high and ultrahigh frequencies, at low and high energies, temperatures, pressures, under special states of substances and the like. And in these cases the methods developed by Rosstandart are applied. Certification of standards that reproduce a unit under conditions of specific specificity is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on them.

3. The secondary standard is the one that receives the unit size from the primary standard of this unit directly. These include working standards, reference standards and comparison standards, which will be considered below.

The reference standard and the original

1. The standard of comparison (transfer standard) is called the secondary, which is used for comparison, if they can not directly be compared with the primary one. The certification of standards of units of values Rosstandart prescribes to conduct and in such cases.

2. The reference standard is one that has the highest metrological properties of those available for a given type of measurement in a laboratory, in an enterprise, in an organization, in a ministry or agency, in a region, in a country or in a certain group of countries . It is from the original standard that the size of a unit is derived through the means of measurement that are subordinate to it.

Here, regarding the certification of standards of units of values Rosstandart also gives two notes. First, some CIS countries use a secondary one instead of the original standard, which is given the size of the custodian's unit of this standard, and it is the primary standard of the country. Second: those standards that stand below the original in the verification scheme are often called subordinates.

Reference standard, working and state standard

1. The standard copy is called the secondary one, which is intended to transfer the unit size to the standards for workers, it replaces in some justified cases even the primary standard, although this is not always its physical exact copy. The attestation of the standards of units of values is much less likely to use this method.

2. The working standard is called the secondary standard , which transmits the unit size as the most accurate, exemplary measurement tool.

3. The state primary standard is the primary one, recognized by the authorized state body as the initial one in the territory of the given state. An example of such certification of measurement standards of units can serve as the state standards of kilogram, meter, second, kelvin, ampere, newton, candela, pascal, becquerel, volt.

For government primary standards of units there are certain rules: they are always in federal ownership and are not subject to privatization, as the relevant laws say. They are used and stored in state scientific centers of metrology.

National and international standards

The national standard (national standard) is officially recognized as the source on the territory of the country. In essence, this concept coincides with the definition of the state standard, concerning which there is a special Resolution on the certification of standards. Therefore, this term is applied for cases where it is necessary to compare the standards of different states with the international standard, and also for carrying out circular comparisons (for the standards of a number of countries). But first in each country the certification of measurement standards is carried out. Rosstandart affirms the measurement of each unit in our country.

An international standard is one that is accepted by the international agreement as an international basis for harmonizing the sizes of units that are stored and reproduced as national standards. For example, the prototype kilogram, which is stored in the BIPM, claimed the First General Conference of Weights and Measures (CGPM).

Single and group standards

A single standard is the one with only one measuring device (reference device, measuring device or measure) in the composition for storing and (or) reproducing one or another unit. When, according to Rosstandard, the attestation of measurement standards passes, the orders of the Federal Agency for Metrology and Technical Regulation regarding measuring instruments must be strictly observed. They determine the procedure for examining documents and their passage for accreditation to ensure the complete unity of measurements, in which field this activity would be carried out.

A collective standard is a benchmark that uses aggregate means of measuring a single type, range or nominal value that is used together to improve the accuracy of a unit or to store it. Group standards are variable or permanent. The result is the arithmetic mean after measurement by reference installations or by the same type of measurement tools.

Transport standard and reference set

A standard set (group standard) refers to that standard, in the composition of which there is a set of different measuring instruments, then it becomes possible to store a unit or reproduce it in the combined ranges of the indicated means. For this type of standards there is also a register (Rosstandart). Certification of standards occurs when it is necessary to cover a certain range of values of a given physical quantity.

A transport standard is most often a standard of special design, which is intended for transporting to the place of comparisons of standards of a particular unit or calibration (verification) of measuring instruments. Rosstandart conducts attestation of measurement standards for units at certain stages. The set of documents is prepared by the holder of the standards (Order No. 36 of 2014), which includes certificates of primary certification and calibration of the standard, a passport with the rules of application and content of the standard, which also contains a section with the methodology of certification. Then the holder of the standard applies to Rosstandart. Certification of standards requires its submission in order to be able to approve the results of the initial certification and record data on these standards in the registers of the Federal Information Fund.

Periodic certification

The standard must periodically receive a confirmation of compliance, therefore in due time the holder sends documents for examination. If the results are positive, Rosstandart issued an order to approve these standards, and this will be the basis for making this information in the appropriate section of the Federal Information Fund.

Rosstandard requires that such attestation of standards be made periodically, and each time the holder of them must inform about the results. The standards passed are appended to the list, which will be sent to the electronic document management system, for which the holder must fill in a special form. If the results of certification are negative, an official letter is sent to Rosstandart about the unsuitable for making amendments to the data of the Federal Information Fund.

Decision on attestation of standards

Rosstandart is the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, which is an executive body providing public services and managing state property in the field of metrology and technical regulation. This agency has been in charge since 2004 by the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Russian Federation. In 2010, the Government adopted Resolution No. 734 with the Regulation defining the procedure for introducing mandatory requirements for measurement standards used in state regulation and ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

It also contains information on the procedure for assessing compliance with the requirements of each standard units of values that are presented to them, and the order of transfer from state standards. This Regulation contains an order on the procedure for comparing, maintaining, approving and applying primary state standards. The government decree introduced a procedure for periodic and initial certification of measurement standards to assess and verify compliance with all established requirements.

Certification procedure

The Regulation given by Resolution No. 734 determines the composition of the documents required for the procedure for attesting the standards. It:

1. Information about the primary attestation and the results of the research.

2. Rules for the application and content of the standard.

3. Determination of the inter-certification interval.

Owners of certified standards can be individual entrepreneurs or legal entities. They send all the prepared documents to Rosstandart for making a decision regarding the approval of their own standards.

Order of Rosstandart

In January 2014, there was an order № 36 Rosstandart, which talked about the approval of the initial certification and the periodic, as well as the preparation standards for approval.

It dealt with those standards of units of values that are used in state regulation and ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Certification should be conducted on the recommendations, which contain nine applications with descriptions of the stages of the initial certification (Annex 1) and periodic (Annex 9).

Functions of Rosstandart

The Metrology Department of the Federal Agency performs the following actions in the course of attestation of measurement standards:

1. Applications of holders are registered.

2. The conformity of materials provided by the holder to all requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation is checked.

3. A draft order is submitted to the deputy head of the Federal Agency for Metrology and Technical Regulation on the approval of the standard for signature.

4. The standard of unit of value is registered.

5. A copy of the order for approval of this standard is issued to the holder.

6. The accounting journal for the issuance of a copy of the approval order is completed.

Further, FSUE "VNIIMS" determines the number of the standard and certificates of attestation, which it contributes to the information fund.


Certification of standards is a voluminous work that is carried out not only by Rosstandart organizations (FMCs, GNMI), but also by individual entrepreneurs or legal entities that contain and use state standards and no measurement standards.

For 2016 in Russia there is a register of 65 688 approved standards. For example, FBU "Rostov UCM" was able to certify in 2016 1125 standards, FBU "Volgograd FMC" - 657, FBU "Krasnodar FMC" - 1256, FBU "Stavropol ЦСМ" - 704, and ФБУ "Крымский ЦСМ" - 417.

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