
Catching bream in the winter - drink beer, but let's understand!

Winter catching bream - a fascinating activity! This process is so addictive that hundreds and thousands of people go fishing. Even in winter and even at night. Bream refers to the species of deep-sea fish, wintering at the bottom of underwater pits, depressions, and brow-holes (sharp drops that form a step). Therefore, catching bream in winter begins with the definition of bottom relief with the help of a depth meter, which you can buy or make yourself.

After finding a suitable place in the ice, several holes are drilled, and their bait begins. To do this, a little (about 50 grams) of bloodworm is poured into each well. In exceptional cases, bread products are used instead of them. Bite begins not immediately, but after about half an hour. At first the bream acts actively, but then it becomes more cautious, slightly touching the nozzle. At this point it is recommended to move away from the hole, so that the fish can calm down. In about ten to fifteen minutes the bite will resume with the same strength. Then you can start direct fishing.

The bream is a timid fish, and to get it out of the spot, a good nozzle is needed. Usually successful catching bream in the winter is when you use a fresh and live bloodworm, gum or a small worm. And it is desirable to plant them on the hook in an amount not less than five pieces. The diameter of the line is small (up to 0.12 mm), but its length on the coil should not be less than 20 meters. The nodal plate also has a considerable length - not less than 6 centimeters.

The choice of mormyshka depends not only on the fishes of the angler. Its color, if fishing is carried out during the day, does not play a big role. However, the night catching bream in winter dictates its conditions - mormyshka should be light and shiny. The best is an elongated shape, but the size is preferable to take the average. For a small depth mormyshki can be single-piece - lead, or made of two materials (copper and silver foil). For significant depths, heavy alloys are selected.

Since the bream is shy, when you squeeze it, wrinkle, it is desirable to twitch smoothly, and wiring to lead calmly and slowly. So, if the fisherman has the skill of quick reaction to bite, he will have to stop - catching bream in winter does not tolerate fuss. Bream, which was cut, rather calmly behaves at depth, and only coming to the surface itself, starts to twitch, breaking off the tackle. In principle, the specified length and diameter of the line can withstand any tricks of the fish, if its weight does not exceed 300 grams, but for the specimens exceeding this size, the technique of cutting requires special care.

When the bream comes across a large one, the process of dicing is very slow: with constant stops, and sometimes with a weakening of the tension of the line, which is passed between the fingers of the right hand. With his left hand, the fisherman backs the process of drawing fish, and sometimes brakes it. An interesting moment, which is known for catching bream in the winter is a false release of a bream and the surrender of several meters of fishing line in order to easier to catch the tranquilized by its victory fish.

Very often, young fishermen, following the released fishing line, look into the hole, as if they are trying to consider bream in it, although they should concentrate on the tackle to avoid mistakes. But, in general, a large bream is caught, as a rule, at night, in the area between 23 hours of the last day and one o'clock in the morning.

Catching bream in winter night requires illumination of the holes. Each fisherman uses his own lighting for these purposes. Some install candles in caps from under trimmed plastic bottles. Others use different portable lights, and there are those who believe that the best lighting device is a mining lamp mounted in a hat.

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