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Care of newborns: whether it is necessary to swaddle children

Accessible, comfortable and familiar clothes for a newborn always considered a diaper. But with the advent of the opportunity to purchase sliders, a rash before young parents, the question was asked more often: "Is it necessary to swaddle the children?" Every member of the family is concerned about the correct development of his child, besides, if one listens to the recommendations of some doctors, That wrapping a baby in a sheet is not such a comfortable state for him. Therefore, this publication will consider all the pros and cons of many families worrying: "Do I need to swaddle newborns?"

What for have thought up diapers

One famous doctor gave an intelligible answer about the causes of diapers. He explained this from an economic point of view. Since the clothing of a person must be adapted to the size of his body, it is logical to assume that the growing baby by day is very difficult to provide financially with all sorts of sliders and turtlenecks. Therefore, intelligent ancestors solved the problem with the help of diapers. And after all, the truth is economical, and at least half a year in the presence of several dozens of sheets you can not worry about new clothes for the baby.

A little later pediatricians substantiated the advisability of swaddling the development of flat legs, pens and the entire skeleton of the child. An unquestioning answer to the question of the times of the Soviet Union about whether to swaddle the children was: "Be sure, and tighter!" Later, scientists decided to check the results of such claims, and as it turned out, the crimson from the birth of the limb did not become even after the tight wraps of the baby.

Criticism of tight swaddling

After proving that the cramped vestments of a child in diapers have no effect on the further development of the skeleton, the scientists began to move further in these studies. Then pediatricians came to the conclusion that the baby in such a tight cocoon is difficult to breathe and a normal blood supply in this state is impossible. In addition, these babies were more likely to have sweats and diaper rash.

Going further in their studies, smart doctors decided that a tight swaddling caused discomfort. After all, a natural posture for a child is a posture with podgy handles, legs and the ability to move them. A stand "soldier", which was considered a standard for a newborn, brings mental and physical discomfort. Henceforth, the parental and medical community became opponents in the discussion on the topic: "Should I swaddle a child from birth?"

Alternative to tight clothes

But no matter how much the swaddling was criticized, it did not receive a final ban. A golden mean in this matter was found - free wrapping. That is, the child is like in the sheet, but is not limited in movements within the created space. Such satisfaction of the need suited everyone: moms, dads, children, but only not the conservative views of grandmothers. And they complained about the aesthetic component of the swaddling, they said, before the kids looked like flattened ridges, and now with free wrapping it looks like an inaccurate bag.

And when, it would seem, agreement was reached on this issue, information began to appear in the media, giving a categorically negative answer to the question: "Do I need to swaddle the children?"

Even a slight wrap was condemned. Now it was believed that free swaddling restricts the perception of the world to the baby, hinders the harmonious upbringing and development of the personality, and also restrains the individuality. And such harassment is simply impossible in a democratic 21st century.

Is swaddling really hampering development?

After the public got acquainted with the conclusions of psychologists proving the negative impact of swaddling on the further development of the child, a huge number of couples clutched their heads because of the wrong way they chose to educate the kids. They believed that their children, past the period of wrapping themselves in the sheets, would grow up less developed and less initiative people. While the children, dressed from birth in loose clothes, will be harmoniously developed personalities.

A well-known pediatrician described this behavior of his parents as a group instinct, which has a detrimental effect on common sense. After all, if you think, not succumbing to emotions, then for what period did the flowering of human civilization occur? The development of space, the invention of computers and all the existing equipment, the construction of nuclear power plants, and much more - all this was created by people whose parents did not have the question: "Is it necessary to swaddle a child for the night or only during the day?" Geniuses of science and the same psychologists, Who came to the above conclusions, swaddled, and they grew up to be accomplished and gifted people.

Do I need to swaddle a child: the opinions of doctors

The undisputed fact and capital truth are the following factors that really influence the full development of the individual:

  • Genetic component.
  • Psychological climate in the family.
  • The state of health of the child.
  • Religious, pedagogical education.
  • The system of values in the family, formed by generations.

There is no swaddling in this list, because there is not a single scientific justification that would tie the sheets in the sheets with the problems of personality formation.

Therefore, the opinion of doctors on this matter is this: swaddling or not a child is a matter for a particular family. Parents, depending on their abilities, desires and lifestyle, choose how to meet the needs of their child.

Advantages of rejection of diapers

When there is an alternative to anything, there will always be its supporters and opponents. So what is the situation in the fight diaper and raspashonok? The opinions of some experts on this issue are based on the economic component. Anti-propaganda propaganda is an opportunity to earn money on the issue or resale of beautiful children's gizmos: suits, sandpipers, sliders and other colorful, lovely clothes.

No matter how expensive children's products are, there are several positive moments in the denial of diapers:

  • Reduces the probability of overheating baby.
  • The use of sliders and raspashonok simplifies the procedure for changing a child, it does not require special skills, and therefore the father can cope with it.
  • The natural stay of a baby in ordinary clothes is a comfortable state for him. That is, the motor activity of the child is not limited.

When it is necessary to wrap in baby's diapers

There are times when you should not refuse wrapping a child with sheets. If up to this point the cases in which the child was full and healthy were considered, then how are things with the babies born before the term?

Therefore, the question of whether you need to swaddle a premature baby, an unambiguous answer - yes. First, such children are not properly prepared for a meeting with the outside world, and therefore they feel themselves in a wrapped state, as well as in utero, that is, habitually and securely. And secondly, the weakened premature baby in the diapering is limited in movements, and all energy in the body is directed not to physical actions, but to the strengthening of all life-supporting functions.

Swaddling is also prescribed for children with dysplasia. That is, if there is a need for this, then doctors at the time of discharge from the maternity hospital must assign such swaddling to such babies.


It is worthwhile to understand that the decision on the question of whether to swaddle the children entirely falls on the shoulders of parents at the recommendation of doctors in some unusual situations. The above-mentioned pros and cons are unprincipled. And if an older child has been raised without a raspberry in the family, then it is not necessary to change the tactics of behavior in this case in relation to the younger.

The main thing is a stable psychological climate in the family, when parents are not nervous, do not swear, and the child develops as he likes. If the baby sleeps perfectly in the diaper, well, let it. After all, it still does not affect the health of the child and the development of his personality.

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