
Candles with papaverine in pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most critical period in a woman's life, when any carelessness can result in complications and harm the fetus. During the carrying out of the child, it is necessary to protect yourself as much as possible from illnesses, stresses and other conditions requiring medication. After all, almost all the medicines for the future mother are protopopakozany.

But there are cases when drugs can not be dispensed with. And then come to the rescue drugs that have proven themselves not only as effective medicines, but also as harmless for women and for the future baby.

These medicines include papaverine, a relaxing antispasmodic drug. It is produced in several forms: injection, pills, candles with papaverine and children's pills.

Papaverin reduces the tone of all smooth muscles and organs without exception, relieves spasms of blood vessels, bronchi, abdominal organs, eliminates pain.

The drug slows heart rhythms, reduces the force of the heart, reduces blood pressure, increases blood supply, stimulates the outflow of bile at its stagnation.

Papaverine is prescribed for spasms of smooth muscles with diseases of the internal organs, most often in the abdominal cavity. Indications for the use of the medicine are renal, intestinal and hepatic colic, cholecystitis, spastic colitis, pylorospasm.

Papaverin is prescribed for vascular diseases: stenocardia, narrowing of the heart vessels, spasms of blood vessels in the brain, hypertension, migraine.

In combination with other drugs, papaverine is used to treat bronchitis and other respiratory apparatus diseases.

It happens that oral medication is not possible, which may be due to diseases of the digestive system. In this case, prescribe a very convenient form of the drug - rectal and vaginal suppositories with papaverine, which has a stronger spasmolytic effect on the pelvic organs.

Indication for the use of papaverine in pregnancy is hypertension of the uterus. Future mothers are usually prescribed rectal suppositories with papaverine, which are very convenient to use.

Hypertension of the uterus is a dangerous condition, because the muscles in this strain can at any moment be reduced and lead to a miscarriage. To prevent this from happening, they must be relaxed, which is done with the help of papaverine. Candles with papaverine relax the muscles of all internal organs, lower arterial pressure, make the woman more calm, slow down the heartbeat.

The long experience of using papaverine suppositories during pregnancy proves that the drug does not harm either mother or fetus. In this case, the medicine perfectly prevents the threat of miscarriage, strengthens the vessels, helping them to withstand the burden during childbirth.

Like all medicines, papaverine has a number of contraindications and side effects. It can cause allergic reactions, drowsiness, constipation, sweating, lowering of blood pressure. Contraindication to the use of papaverine in pregnant women is hypersensitivity, tachycardia, high intraocular pressure, liver and thyroid disease.

Most often the drug is well tolerated and can be used for a long time.

When pregnancy papaverine can not be used alone. Prescribe a medicine and determine the dosage can only be a doctor. The most acceptable form of the drug is candles. Papaverine for pregnant women is sometimes prescribed in the form of injections.

Usually 2-3 candles per day are recommended at regular intervals. They are convenient to enter, and the action of the medicine comes almost immediately.

If at the beginning of pregnancy the drug is prescribed to relieve the tension of the muscles of the uterus, the candles with papaverine before delivery are needed in order for the cervix to become softer and easier to open.

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