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Kronotsky lake - the pearl of Kamchatka

Kronotsky Lake is the largest natural reservoir in the Kamchatka Territory, mysterious and unexplored until the end. Its name is translated from Itelmen as "highland". Close attention of scientists was attracted to these most beautiful places by historical standards: at the beginning of the last century (1908) the first documents prepared by P. Yu. Schmidt appeared. With the expedition, he went around the lake from the eastern and northern sides, giving a description of this amazing reservoir and adding to it a topographic sketch of the terrain. All earlier mentions were based only on information received from the indigenous inhabitants of these places - the Itelmen, since the isolation of the lake and the complex landscape served as a serious barrier protecting against any invasion. Only in 1920, the scientist Malles R. managed to visit these places, draw up a detailed map and unravel the mystery of the birth of the reservoir.


The area of the lake is 242 km ², and the catchment area is about 2330 km ². This is not surprising, because 10 flowing rivers flow into it: the Northern, Unana, Uzon, Larch, etc. It makes its way, emerging from the reservoir, the river Krodakyg (Kronotskaya), stormy and wayward, overcoming many obstacles. With an impressive water volume of 12.4 km³, the lake is the second largest in the region. The depth is also impressive: although the average is 58 m, the deepest places are marked by very solid figures - 136 m. According to all listed parameters, Kronotsky Lake is the sixteenth largest and deepest Russian lake. We will add that it is located in the places unique in beauty, with which the mysterious Kamchatka is famous.

The water supply is traditional - snow and rain. The lake freezes in December and is opened by the end of May. The ice cover in some places reaches a meter thick. The water level varies at different times with an amplitude of up to several decimeters. The eastern part of the lake is decorated with 11 islands that rise 25-50 m above the water mirror. They all bear the names of outstanding scientists and travelers who took part in the Kamchatka expedition of the early 20th century: Komarova, Konradi, Baer, and others.

Kronotsky lake is distinguished by its triangular shape, so unusual for a natural reservoir. It is explained by the severe limitation of the basin by mountain ranges and a volcanic series consisting of 16 volcanoes, of which 12 operate.

Where is the Kronotsky Lake

This reservoir, unlike any other lake, is located on the territory of an equally amazing Kamchatka natural complex - the Kronotsky Reserve, three dozen kilometers from the famous Geyser Valley.

On the east side, 8 km from the lake there is the volcano Kronotskaya Sopka, from the south - 10 km - the Krasheninnikova volcano. Completes the exotic picture of Mount Schmidt, towering in the north-east.

Kronotsky lake: origin

Formed by a body of water almost 10 thousand years ago. It is located in the caldera of the volcano, and therefore it was previously believed that the origin is volcanic in nature. In fact, it is proved that the appearance of the lake was preceded by volcanic eruptions, called today by the names of scientists Kronotsky and Krasheninnikov. They caused the overlapping of the riverbed of the ancient river with wide and powerful lava deposits. The result of this cataclysm was a mountain pond at an altitude of 372 m above sea level, located in one of the most beautiful places in the world - at the foot of the volcano Kronotskaya Sopka.


The lake is interesting not only for its origin, but also for the creation of a separate natural complex within its borders.

The outflow of water goes through the river, the channel of which in the upper current for 12 km is practically cluttered with powerful rapids that prevent the salmon from entering the lake. As a result, due to long-term isolation, a special form of sockeye salmon (kokan) and several types of loach of an endemic group were formed in the reservoir. A similar mechanism of species formation is an object of study for ichthyologists. However, in the source of the river every year a small amount of river and passing mulma is raised to spawn, and several rare cases of coho salmon are found.

Flora and fauna

About Kronotsky Lake, not everyone knows. The islands are inhabited by colonies of Pacific gulls. Considering the sufficient distance from the sea coast (30-45 km), such nests are a rare phenomenon. They say that brown bears swim to the islands to eat seagull eggs.

Kronotsky Lake, being the center of a natural complex, is surrounded by a surprisingly beautiful nature. There are relic specimens and especially valuable breeds. For example, only here grows Kamchatka larch and Ayan fir meets .

In the larch arrays - nests of rare birds (osprey, Steller's sea eagle), and the surrounding mountains became home to peregrine falcons, gyrfalcon and golden eagles.

But the symbol of this fabulous place is the swans. In summer they are almost invisible, since there are few places in the lake basin suitable for nesting. And by the beginning of winter, the impressive approach of these legendary birds begins.

This is it, the mysterious Lake Kronotsky - a magical place on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

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