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Bunin, "Natalie": a brief summary, the main characters of the work of the Russian classic

Many wonderful works were written by Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. "Natalie" (a summary of the story) will be of interest to us first of all. The plot, the main characters are waiting for the reader in this article.

Chapter 1. A gloomy prediction

It all starts with the fact that a young boy-gymnast named Meshchersky has firmly decided to end his inexperience and innocence in a sexual way. And he did not seek love, but only carnal satisfaction. Therefore, he began to search passionately for a friend for these purposes, made visits to relatives and friends. The searches of the female body led a "pale young man with a burning eye" (V. Bryusov) to his maternal uncle's estate.

The train was late, but Meshchersky Victor Petrovich patiently waited for Sonya Cherkasova - the daughter of her uncle and, accordingly, the cousin of the protagonist. Young people quickly found a common language and agreed that their "novel will begin right from tomorrow."

But the most important thing is not that the dreams and hopes of the young man came true, but what happened next. Sonya said quite calmly: tomorrow Meshchersky will fall in love with Natalie, or Natasha Stankevich, a friend of her cousin. Then Sonya also without a shadow of a doubt reports: the young man will suffer for Natalie, and seek solace in the arms of Sonya.

Meshchersky only laughed.

The reader probably already understands that he wrote a Russian classic - IA Bunin. "Natalie" (a short content will try to reveal and show this) - a work about the tragedy of involving people in a love triangle.

Chapter 2. Love Joys are not hastily and the duality of the main character

At once it is necessary to make a reservation and say that we concentrate only on the main line of the story - love-erotic.

So, in the second chapter, the main event of the whole story is the first meeting of Meshchersky with Natalie. The girl is really chic. It really is very difficult not to fall in love with her at first sight.

Most of the events of the chapter occur in the head of the main character. Having drunk coffee and having eaten countless sandwiches with butter, he dreams of Sonya all morning. Then, unexpectedly, Natalie sees in the negligee, she liked the young man very much. And the fantasy began to work in two directions. On the one hand, he dreamed of unhurried carnal pleasures with Sonya, and on the other hand, was imbued with a pure spiritual erotic desire for Natalie. Sonia, of course, sorry, but "what is given, it does not attract."

The described state of affairs is the main result of the second chapter. There were other events, their reader can find out if he addresses the full version of the story that Bunin left to his descendants. "Natalie" (a summary is meant) is moving in terms of the plot further.

Chapter 3. Meshchersky renounces love for Sonya

The main tragedy of love is that even the most passionate, sooner or later it turns into a routine. So, for example, the main character at the beginning of the narrative passionately wanted a young female body to meet his needs. But after a while secret meetings with Sonya became boring.

Sonya began to suspect that her cousin was using her, and to Natalie, he was experiencing deeper feelings. At the same time, others began to think that between cousin and brother is not just a kindred love. Therefore, Sonya herself tells the hero of the story to spend more time with Natalie. And he's glad. At one such meeting, Meshchersky almost admits to Natasha in love and renounces his love for Sonya. Viktor Petrovich claims that he has purely platonic and related feelings toward his cousin. This, of course, is not true.

I remember the work of S. Maugham "Rain", the moral of the story of the English classic is roughly the same: all men are bad people and very pale against illicit and forbidden things. All the same it should be noted that a fairly bold composition for his time was written by IA Bunin ("Natalie"). The summary of the story reached the middle.

Chapter 4. "Yes, yes, I love you"

The subtitle is best illustrated by the main event of the story: Natalie confesses to Meshchersky in love. But all this was by no means as rapid as it seems.

Sonia got in that period, which happens to every woman from time to time. The hero was, on the one hand, annoyed that he could not eat his cousin, and on the other hand, glad that he could finally admit to Natalie in her feelings.

Since then, the interaction of the elements of the love triangle has begun. After a while, Sonya appeared from her room, and Natasha, on the contrary, lay on that day and left her room only in the evening.

Vitaly Petrovich also said that he wants to leave in the near future, but his uncle rebelled. After the indirect recognition of the young man, the girl (Natalie) changed her anger to mercy, but continued to avoid Meshchersky's society. And only under the incomplete moon in the late evening, according to all the laws of the genre, she confesses to him in her feelings. And then the third player - Sonia Cherkasova interferes in the matter. Intrigue, as we see, added to the story "Natalie" Bunin. The summary of the work is moving steadily towards the finale.

Chapter 5. Inertia of habit pushes Meshchersky's happiness

This chapter is the smallest of all. It captures a familiar phenomenon to everyone: when a habit prevails over courage and determination and, as a result, almost destroys the possibility of happiness.

The main character came to his room, and outside the storm was already playing, as if illustrating the inner state of the young man, and there he was waiting for Sonya, the girl who had not been with him for five whole days. Of course, she asked me to caress her. Viktor Petrovich without desire began to do what he had been doing all this time. And then they are caught by Natalie.

Chapter 6. The Ball and the Funeral

A year after the well-known events, Natasha married, she chose her husband's cousin Victor Petrovich. Someone, perhaps, will find here a trace of female perfidy, but we do not undertake to judge whether it was or just so the map lay.

Our hero finished high school and was a capital student. The fate for the Christmas holidays threw him in his native Voronezh, where he expected to have fun with the same students as he.

Of course, there was a ball. Victor Petrovich, finding himself there, saw that his adored Natalie, whose loss he almost became accustomed to, elegantly danced with her husband. Without delay, the young man decided to get drunk and, possibly, if lucky, to die of it. Bad luck.

Another year and a half passed. From the cousin's house and Natalie came the sad news: the husband of Meshchersky's love passed away without suffering for a long time, from a stroke. I had to come to Victor.

It is possible to imagine what atmosphere reigned in the house of the deceased, but in this chapter it is important only that when Viktor Petrovich expressed to the widow of condolences, she did not show any interest in communication either on the day of the funeral or on the next.

Chapter 7. Not too happy reunion

A little more time passed. Our hero is already 26. He is actually married, but not legally, in his servant, he has a young son. He can do almost anything except formal marriage to another woman. If suddenly this event happens, then his current wife drowns in the pond with the child.

Victor Petrovich has a crazy thought: "Why not go to your cousin - Natalie?". He was just returning from his foreign voyage. No sooner said than done. He appeared to her. At first, communication did not go, then they confessed to each other, the hero told her about which marriage he fell into despair. The cousin told Victor that he would not worry about anything. And the lovers finally became lovers, true, secret.

But we can not say that history has a happy ending: after some time, Natalie died of premature birth.

So Ivan Bunin wrote "Natalie". The summary was not too laconic, but a person who is not interested in the delights of the Russian classic's style can confine himself to our retelling. And this is the undoubted plus of the latter.

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