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Bullmastiff: characteristics of the breed, reviews, photos

Large dogs are strong, beautiful and always attract attention. Their appearance is sometimes menacing and ferocious. And meanwhile, behind him often a very kind and affectionate character hides. This is Bullmastiff. Characteristics of the breed has long been no longer in terms of fighting qualities. Clever and good-natured dog will become a faithful friend and reliable companion, as well as a sensitive guard. Bullmastiffs have an unusual charm and inner strength. For a long time they were famous for their ferocious temper, now they are reliable and calm, despite the impressive growth and weight.

From the history of the breed

The first mention of bullmastiff dates back to the end of the 18th century. They talk about an interesting cross between a bulldog and a mastiff. However, they started talking seriously about the standard only at the beginning of the last century. In 1924, the English Kennel Club recognized the breed as full and unique. His example was followed by an American organization in 1933. Two years later, an official standard was approved, which has since been revised several times. Bullmastiff (description, photo below) was created as a night watchman to help the huntsmen fight poachers. They wanted to have a dog that would combine the persistence and grasp of a bulldog, the watchdog characteristics of the mastiff and the restlessness and perseverance of the hounds. This is what ultimately turned out to be Bullmastiff - decisive, fast, obedient, temperamental, but silent in battle. Now they remind us of good-natured giants, whose appearance is quite severe. However, treatment with it must be skillful, since deep in the genes hiding fighting nature.

Standard: dimensions, general view

Powerful and harmonious physique, but not cumbersome, smart and talking about great physical endurance and strength - that's the real bullmastiff. The characteristics of the breed and the photos presented in the article may differ slightly, since at the moment the requirements for the standard in the United States and Great Britain are also not the same. The growth of a male is determined in the range from 63.5 to 68.5 cm, weight 50-59 kg, and females, respectively, 61-66 cm and 41-50 kg. Color is very variable: shades of fawn or red, brindle, but always clean and bright. A small asterisk or speck of white on the chest is undesirable, but permissible. The presence of other marks on the body is considered a vice. Must be a dark "mask" on the face, which brightens to the eyes and has vague contours. Claws are usually dark. The coat is short, firm to the touch, close to the body.

Head shape and standard

The big-ass Bulmastiff, the characteristic of the breed, the photo of which is presented in the article, certainly resembles a mastiff, full of tranquility and dignity, and a small bulldog on the characteristic features of the structure of the skull. The head of pedigree dogs is large, broad, massive and deep. The cranial part is quite voluminous and can look square on all sides. The cheeks are muscular, the transition from the forehead to a short but proportionate muzzle is clearly pronounced. In profile, it is blunt due to the fleshy upper lip, which forms a right angle with the back of the nose. Nose with open nostrils, slightly flattened, wide, not upturned and not pointed. Bears do not hang at all or hang very slightly, very rarely protrude beyond the lower border of the jaw. Ideal is an even bite, a small undershot is acceptable, but not desirable. Eyes of a shade of a hazelnut or dark. When bullmastiff is interested or concentrated, his head is covered with numerous wrinkles and wrinkles.

Paws and tail

In general, bullmastiff (the breed's characteristics, owner's reviews further in the text) has a squat, stumpy type of addition. His paws are powerful and straight. The lower part is bulky, round, the pads are strong, the claws are dark. Loose paws are considered a violation of the standard, a vice.

The tail is set high, at the base it is thick, and gradually narrowing towards the end. The length reaches the hocks. The dog keeps it straight or slightly curved, but not like a hound breed. A vicious one is considered to be a downtrodden tail with a kink at the tip.

Bullmastiff: a characteristic of a dog

The breed is characterized by a balanced and calm disposition, the dog is not inclined to spontaneous and unreasonable aggression. The animal will be an infinitely loyal friend for all members of the family, gets along very well with the children, treats friends and friends smoothly, sometimes with suspicion. Familiarity to his person does not like, especially from outsiders. Serious and frightening appearance - this is only the first impression, in fact, bullmastiff is kind and affectionate. Excellent gets along not only with young children, but also other domestic pets, including cats, especially if they grow together.

If you are looking for a formidable guard and a general favorite, then for this role is better than many others is suitable bullmastiff. Characteristics of the breed is positive, but do not forget about the education of the dog, respectful attitude to it. He is very intelligent, easy enough to train from a small age, clear, neseteliv. Bark only in exceptional cases, when he warns about his presence or for the purpose of threat, when the growl does not act, and at the rest of the time is silent.

Place for the dog

In a city apartment bullmastiff contain still more difficult than in a private house. This dog is big and loves space. And he likes to sleep, so first of all he needs to organize a place for sleep and rest. First, watch the pet: he chooses the corner from which all family members will be visible to him and will be under vigilant control, here you need to make him a place. Soft litter is necessary, but it should be borne in mind that the dog has a feature for a long time spinning, spinning on the spot, settling and padding a blanket or pillows under itself. In this regard, it makes sense to think about the filler litter.

Physical exercise

Long trips, watchful guard, heavy loads - that's what the bullmastiff was for. Characteristics of the breed is such that it becomes clear: the dog needs physical exercises in sufficient quantity. Just go out and stand with him on the street will not work. An adult dog needs long walks lasting 2-3 hours to maintain a good shape and mood. Keep in mind that such a heavyweight child or a slender woman to keep on a leash will be very difficult. Choose not equal clearings, and mountainous or hilly terrain, with ravines, obstacles, use sticks, accustom to swimming.

To wash the dog too often with the use of shampoos is not recommended. It is best to regularly brush the hair with a special brush.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about the positive qualities of the dog, then we can express them literally with a couple of words: affectionate, first-class watchman, kind and patient. This is such a formidable and serious-looking bullmastiff. Characteristics of the breed in all sources begins with an indication of a calm disposition. The dog is very sensible and serious, the team performs without question, but with a little delay and deliberation. She loves her family unlimitedly and at any time in the event of a threat is ready to rush to defense. Bullmastiff is patient, and this feature is especially evident when he communicates with children. He will endure their society indefinitely, and if patience comes to an end, he will simply throw himself off from everyone and peacefully go into a secluded and peaceful place.

Moves silently, to hear from him a formidable barking or roar is possible only in an extreme situation. Strangers when meeting with him, as a rule, have a terrible form. Guard instincts in his blood.

Reviews of the breed

According to the owners - this is a very smart and kind dog. Bullmastiff (the characteristic of the breed is given above) is not a "sofa" favorite, although he likes to sleep. Sometimes he is lazy and spoiled, but always happy jogging in the fresh air, an active game. In this regard, many note that the maintenance in a city apartment for him is undesirable, the dog needs space and a large yard for a normal and comfortable life. Bullmastiff owners emphasize their grateful and calm nature, as well as the ability to snore and occupy the sofa in their absence, gnawing at home furniture and clothes at a young age. However, the latter most often speaks of a lack of attention. Bullmastiffs can be terribly spoiled, but always charming and interesting.

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