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Bio fireplace - what is it? Device bio-fireplace, features of operation. Bio fireplaces for an apartment

Surely you have already heard about the replacement of bulky smoky ovens having a chimney on an environmentally friendly bio fireplace. What it is? Many find it difficult to answer. In this article, we will discuss in detail the design, its types, characteristics and advantages. And also we learn how to fill a bio fireplace.

What it is?

It is a new generation heater that can be used in any room. Its installation does not require complicated installation work. In the process of exploitation bio-fireplace does not emit ash, soot, smoke, ash. It does not have a hood, because the flame is formed by pure organic biofuels. All that is required to install the structure is a small free space in the room, be it an angle, wall or shelf, on which a desktop bio-fireplace can be placed. The heater can also be located in the center of the room.

A few words about the origin of

When the bio-fireplace appeared, what it is, the Europeans first learned in 1977. A patent for the invention of a furnace without a chimney was received by a resident of Italy, Giuseppe Lucifora, who used alcohol as a combustible material. Since that time, interest in an environmentally friendly focus has steadily increased. The fireplace - as a fashionable decor of the premises - was appreciated by interior designers, because it is very convenient to use, as it is not tied to electricity and communications.

In Russia, the demand for a new invention was low, since a bio fireplace, the price of which was thousands of dollars, could not compete with traditional models with chimneys. Only a few years ago, autonomous foci with biofuel began to evoke interest along with electric fireplaces. And later appeared models at a very affordable price for the Russian citizen (on average from 30 thousand rubles for floor and wall models).

Construction of the hearth

Consider how the bio fireplace works, what it is and how to use it. The main construction is a furnace with a built-in tank and burners. The fuel produced for these devices is poured into a special heating unit. Adjustment of the flame is made by a lid-slider, which under the influence of a metal rod slides along the guides. The bio-fireplace is lined with fire-resistant glass, steel, marble or granite. Thanks to stainless steel, the heating unit is not susceptible to deformation at high temperatures. The displaced filling system eliminates burns when the biofuel is poured into the tank. Due to the construction of the walls, the gases in the bio-fireplace do not accumulate, which excludes sudden claps and explosions.


Fire in the bio fireplace is formed by burning ethanol. It is made from vegetable raw materials, such as wheat, rice and corn. In the process of production, environmentally friendly fuel for the environment is produced. When burning, bioethanol releases only carbon dioxide and water. No toxic products contain fuel.

Bio fireplaces for an apartment are melted only by a special product of burning, which is offered in the departments of building stores. Thanks to the properties of fuel for modern fireplaces, the burning of nearby objects is excluded, since during the combustion the flame does not have sparks. Also, biofuel eliminates the presence of volatile substances, so the body of the bio-fireplace always remains clean.

Combustion product consumption

It depends on which type of bio-fireplace burner is installed in the structure. Small desktop models burn about 200 milliliters per hour. Wall-mounted appliances, with a long and wide burner, consume an hour to 500 milliliters. Here it is worth noting that even in a small design, more fuel will be burned than in a large model that has a fire regulator, which in turn reduces the flame, saving bioethanol. In this case, with the lid closed, the fire will create tranquil flames of peace.

Buying a floor biofireplane with a large burner, it is necessary to know that, using the center for a long period, it will be necessary to ensure the ventilation of the air in the room. For structures of a smaller size, there will be enough air in the room itself, since their flame does not use a large volume of oxygen.

To ignite biofire, fuel is bottled in 2.5 and 5 liters bottles. Based on the foregoing, it is possible to calculate how much time ethanol will burn out of one container. The results of calculations indicate that the combustion product in a volume of 2.5 liters will provide the fireplace with a continuous flame for ten hours. Since the fireplace does not have a chimney, all the heat remains in the apartment when the fuel is burning. This power raises the efficiency by more than 95 percent and is comparable to two operating electric heaters.

Benefits of using

Bio fireplaces for the apartment are reliable and safe, due to the design of the heating block and the insulation of an open fire located in a separate zone. Methanol denitrification, which melts the device, does not form smoke, excludes spattering of sparks, does not emit harmful substances and does not smoke the air.

Installing a bio fireplace is extremely simple. It is enough to take it out of the package and put it in the chosen place. That's all, the device can be used. The flame and its intensity in the structures are easily regulated. The heating block is cleaned with tap water. Biofireplaces are autonomous and not tied to communications, so you can easily change their location.

There is a wide variety of models on the market. You can choose a fireplace on the wall, floor or built-in, as well as a mini fireplace, located on a coffee table or shelf.

Installing the heater

The bio-fireplace, fully staffed, is usually provided to the buyer in ready-made form. When clearing the goods from the packaging, do not damage the surface of the device and its walls with a sharp object. Insert the heating unit inside the product and place the hearth in the desired location. If you have occupied a floor bio-fireplace, then it must be installed at a distance from the wall of at least 3 centimeters. If the bio fireplace is built into the wall, then decide in advance what height you want it to hang. Often it is not more than 40 centimeters from the floor. For an even layout, use the building level.

You can fill up the bio fireplace if the fire is extinguished, and the heating block has cooled down. Fuel is added to the tank by a special pump or funnel. Watch for the filling of the tank - it should be filled with a maximum of 2/3 of the part. In cases of spraying ethanol, wipe the drops with a dry cloth.

Care instructions

It is quite easy to take care of a bio fireplace. Dust from it is removed with a usual cotton cloth. A special liquid can be used to clean glass surfaces. Rinse the heating unit with hot water. Before cleaning the fireplace, the main thing is to put out the fire and wait until the hearth completely cools down. Never try to ignite a flame with paper, a log or other rapidly flammable material. Use for this purpose a special lighter included in the delivery of the fireplace. During operation, do not touch the heating elements, logs and stones.

Requirements for the room in which the bio fireplace

Due to the fact that the device does not require additional installation of special bends, it can be placed almost anywhere. The heater can be located in the living room, at the dacha, in the bar, restaurant, in the fresh air. Decorative firewood placed in the hearth is made of ceramic stone. They create the effect of natural burning logs. However, there are some requirements for the future location of the bio fireplace.

If this is a dwelling, then it must be ventilated. Infiltration during operation of the device should provide room with a sufficient volume of air. In a small room of less than 25 square meters, such as a bath or shower, it is forbidden to install a modern fireplace. If the room is isolated, it is recommended to open existing doors to adjacent rooms during the operation of the device . These measures will allow for air exchange and prevent excessive accumulation of carbon dioxide in the room. In a more spacious room, it is enough to open the window or window. The fuel used is non-toxic and safe if inhaled. Any bio-fireplace, desktop or built-in, can be used as a means of aromatherapy. On sale there are special kits containing aromatic herbs and plants.

Tips from designers

Wall-mounted fireplaces are often used in insufficiently large rooms, in which there is no place for installing large-sized models. Such devices occupy a small area. Wall biofireplaces produce not only heat, but also perform a decorative function. Here are some tips from designers on the proper arrangement of heating devices in a small room.

If your hearth should serve as the center of the room, then choose for him a place on the longest and freeest wall. This will allow the furniture to be arranged so as not to obstruct the contemplation of the playing flame from any angle. Soft corners with cozy cushions will complement the interior with comfort and create a relaxing atmosphere.

A large bio-fireplace, located on a small wall of a small room, visually expands the space and creates the appearance of a spacious room.

Arrange family photos on both sides of the device - they will attract attention and switch it to observe the burning logs.

The existing TV plays an important role in the room. If there is a fireplace in the room, it is better to place it below the screen and turn it on when the TV is not working. In a single row, they are not recommended.

You can hang a tapestry or picture on the available space above the heating device. This bright spot in the tone of the hearth will be a perfect addition to the decor of your room.

Currently, the choice of bio-fireplaces is quite large. There are models not only for wide rooms, but also for small rooms. This type of heating devices, like bio fireplaces, keeps the ecology, and also protects your breathing, providing clean air and heat.

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