
Beautiful wiggel. Reproduction and care

The pride of the gardener is a perfectly flowering bush of the honeysuckle. In our climate it is very difficult to cultivate this plant, and it is even harder to make it bloom. The owner should have a lot of secrets to care for such a girl, like a wagel. Reproduction is one of them. Not only the choice of a landing site, a variety and soil is important here. Of course, you need a vast knowledge of the subject, but first of all intuition and ability to wait.

Types of Weigels

Depending on the variety, the height of the bush varies from half a meter to two. Although in the climate of the middle zone of Russia it is not more than one and a half meters, it does not grow. Flowers are exceptionally beautiful, tubular, there are single or umbellate inflorescences. In our country, the hybrid veigel is most often grown, the multiplication of which is somewhat more successful. Also found in the Weigel Middendorf, garden vegels, early and Korean. Weigel Middendorf was brought from the Far East, it is quite large, a beautiful shrub with large cream-colored flowers in orange spots. Blossoms two or three weeks at the beginning of summer and sometimes the second time in autumn. This is the most winter hardy variety, but it also requires increased attention of the horticulturist. Weigel hybrid is created from numerous garden forms obtained by crossing different species. It is so diverse and so beautiful that it is difficult to keep from buying, especially to those who do not present all the complexities of care and cultivation.

Veigela: reproduction, planting and care

The landing site must be protected from the wind, but at the same time be sufficiently sunny. Single plantations often freeze, so the best place is under the canopy of trees, in an openwork shadow. So it is better to hold the snow and provide protection from the wind. Soils are suitable for humus, friable, peat bogs. Watering should always be moderate, the bush does not tolerate overmoistening. Loosen after watering. For fertilizing willingly responds: in the early spring, right on the snow - mineral fertilizers, in the first half of summer - once again, when flowers are formed. In the second half of the summer, it is no longer necessary to feed. In September, you can make phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, so the plant will winter better. Pruning is carried out immediately, as soon as the bush fades, necessarily cut off the faded branches. In spring, cut dry and frozen. In winter it is necessary to shelter in front of frosts: surround the bush with high pegs, fill all the voids with leaves or lapnik, wrap them in a dense film. Especially carefully to cover the veigel is needed in winters with little snow. Planting should be only in early spring - in March or April. If the seedlings are bought in the fall, it is better to sprinkle them just before spring.

Veigela - propagation by cuttings

This is the most common way. Woody cuttings are a long way, flowers will have to wait five to six years. And the wagel, the reproduction of which, in general, is not so simple, most well grows out of green cuttings. It should be done before the beginning of kidney activity, in April-May. A straight cut is made, cutting off 10 centimeters of the cuttings, which is then processed by a growth stimulator, for example, heteroauxin, shoots are kept in a dark and warm room for 12 hours, then planted to a depth of half a centimeter for rooting into a mixture of sand and peat, sprinkled with sand and covered with a film. On a permanent place, cuttings will only get in a year and a half. For the third year, if everything else is normal, a new bush will blossom. That's how much trouble brings the breeding of such an exotic plant as a wagel. Reproduction is a very long process. But how good it is after all efforts, how decorative it is in the landscape design of the garden! The dense crown will give amazing flowers to the gardener, with which the propagation by cuttings cut the wagel. The photo clearly demonstrates its exceptional decorativeness.

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