
BAA "Anantavati": instruction, price, reviews

Nervous tension and stress, accompanied by irritation, loss of strength and other unpleasant conditions, unfortunately, are an integral part of every person's daily life. Emotional perception of external factors is individual. Someone reacts to what is happening around to a lesser extent, someone - in greater. But internal experiences one way or another affect health.

In the most stressful moments of life, you must take care of yourself and support your own nervous system, which will help with minimal damage to health to endure the emergent problems, knocking out of the rut. And it's time to learn that there is a special drug "Anantavati", reviews about which are very good and indicate a real help in the fight against nervous and emotional stress. It is not a medicinal product, but a biologically active additive, which in its composition contains exclusively natural components of natural origin.

Food Supplements

What is the use of this tool? What is the preparation of Anantavati? The instruction says about the presence of the following plants:

  • The Bacop Manier grass helps to reduce the level of anxiety and stress, positively affects the ability to concentrate attention and memory, relieve fatigue and headache, fight insomnia, and give a rush of energy.
  • Bindweed provides control over stress hormones, normalizing their level.
  • The Indian backgammon acts as a sedative.
  • Marena hearth has an antioxidant effect.
  • The Asian centella improves blood circulation in the brain.
  • Vitalia sleeping pills removes chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • The woodlogger ventilator has a neuroprotective effect, relieves irritability and tension.

Indications for therapy

When should I take "Anantavati" supplements? The instruction describes the following states when you need to resort to this tool:

  • Stressful situations leading to moral exhaustion;
  • Vegetovascular and neurocircular dystonia;
  • Chronic feeling of fatigue, lethargy;
  • Constant fluctuation of blood pressure;
  • Frequent headaches;
  • Depressive conditions;
  • Poor sleep;
  • Decreased learning, attention concentration, memory and perception of information;
  • Sexual dysfunction of men and women.

The therapeutic effect is achieved by regulating the activity of the brain and restoring the natural balance of the nervous system of the body.

Scheme of admission and contraindications

How to drink "Anantavati"? The instructions for dietary supplements contain the following information regarding the regimen for taking and contraindications:

  • Adults are recommended to drink 1-2 tablets a day after eating for two months;
  • Children, pregnant and lactating are not prescribed;
  • The presence of an individual intolerance of the components is contraindicated;
  • When allergic reactions occur, therapy with this drug is canceled.

Cost of BAA "Anantavati"

The price for this product ranges from 250 rubles per 30 tablets. The cost depends on the region and the pharmacy network. The drug belongs to a group of products that are sold without a doctor's prescription. However, it should be noted that before taking a dietary supplement should consult with a doctor about therapy.

Reviews about the drug

Today, few people take medication prescribed by a doctor, without first reading the reviews about them. What do people say about the addition of "Anantavati", the instruction of which was discussed above? In most cases, experienced the effect of this drug notes an improvement in well-being. Many people say that after the reception they felt a surge of energy, a decrease in irritability, an improvement in memory and reaction. Of course, among positive reviews you can find negative statements, but rely solely on the assessment of others is not worth it.

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