
Automotive fluorescent lamps. Specifications, reviews of motorists

Cars on the roads are getting bigger - it's quite possible to understand the newly-minted drivers. Indeed, this is a very convenient means of transportation, which greatly simplifies life. But in addition to their own independence in the choice of routes, there comes also a responsibility. Traffic regulations clearly define very many provisions that must be observed. And it is not only and not so much about driving on the streets, as, rather, about the complete set of the machine as a whole. A prime example is a car fluorescent lamp.

What kind of headlights are there at all?

Actually, before you start talking about any particular kind, it's worth telling about the principle as a whole. Thus, differentiation occurs in several main categories. For drivers this is really significant, because it can cause a fine. In addition, saving will never hurt. Yes, and to understand why it is necessary to do this, and not otherwise, is also important.

Some categories can be omitted, since they are not so significant in this article. But two of them will remain, because they are really defining. These include the separation of lamps by type, as well as by location in the machine and, accordingly, purpose.

Incandescent lamp

They are often called halogen - for the last century it was the main lighting device. Accordingly, and lamps for automobile headlights, too, did exactly this.

The design here is extremely simple - because of the electric current passing through it, the metal thread (preferably tungsten) is heated. Thus, a glow is created, and the instrument itself works. The inert gas is pumped inside the bulb with one goal only: to make the maximum heating temperature higher, and therefore to increase the light. Actually, gas-filled automobile lamps are usually just such.

Now they are gradually withdrawing from the market, the volume of production is decreasing, etc. That is, their golden age is over. This was predictable, since they give light not very strong, but the power is quite large. This snag does not help to solve neither the new gas mixtures nor the other design of the spiral.


That's how in everyday conversations drivers call xenon headlights. Strictly speaking, this is the gas-discharge automobile lamps. The technology is used similar to an incandescent device, but operates a little differently. Here the basis for everything was the electric arc. The filling of the flask, again, is an inert gas. As can be understood from the name, it is basically xenon with other additives. The advantages that these automobile gas-discharge lamps give are obvious.

The light here is very, very bright, comparable to the daylight in some cases. And the price is not that it's very high - almost everyone can afford such devices.

The design, of course, is somewhat more complicated, but this is understandable. When the light is switched on, the ignition unit starts to work , which controls the luminescence. The main thing here is to observe the exact values both in the current strength and in the applied voltage.

LED Light

This is one of the newest technologies used at the moment. Here is a completely different operating principle than the one on which gas-filled automobile lamps work. Actually, this is the marker of progress.

Of the obvious advantages are low-voltage power and a very long service life. If you comply with all the conditions, the latter can last up to infinity. Also worth noting is the low glow temperature.

In general, these "Led" car lamps are excellent for a variety of purposes. This, and also quite an adequate price explains the growing popularity of the mechanism.

Head Light

The second category is the purpose of the headlamp. In fact, this is the main point that should be discussed. Dipped beam is used to illuminate the nearest part of the road. The latter also includes part of the separation lane of oncoming traffic, and a curb line.

The light beam here spreads by such a vector, so as not to dazzle other drivers who are coming to meet you. Actually, this is the hint of installation of such devices as automobile fluorescent lamps. Most often it's just the dipped beam, unless you put another pair.

High beam

Here the mission is quite different. The driver using this function of the car should lighten the roadway to the maximum distance. That is for night driving this is a necessary condition. Accordingly, lamps for automobile headlights are used by others, capable of providing the necessary light.

The drawback here is only one, but you can not avoid it at all. The bottom line is that the direction of the photon beam differs from the passing beam. Therefore, there is a high probability of blinding drivers on the oncoming lane. This can be the reason for creating an emergency. Because of this, very strict standards are here.

Fog lights are located on the front of the car, which is natural. Use them in cases where the road can not be seen because of unfavorable weather conditions. The main factor here, of course, is fog, which is clear from the title.

A beam of light is directed from the top down, covering a large enough area. Thus, two hares are killed at once - the driver gets a wide enough viewing angle, and such light does not affect the counter cars.

Often they are used and as night lighting. The brightness of car lamps that are inserted into these headlights, it is quite possible to do this.

Why do we need daylight at all?

As already said at the very beginning - because of the rules of the road. A few years ago, such a need was only on country roads. Now the car's fluorescent lamps are mandatory for use even in cities.

Use conventional low-beam is not very economical. Some manufacturers generally initially install on machines Day Running Light, or DRL, - a much more economical option. Actually, even if you did not get these from the assembly line, the law allows you to install your own lighting. If only it would meet the standards.

Pitfalls in the choice

Impure sellers may well slip you something else under the guise of daylight. Strangely enough, most often these are fog lights.

Distinguish difficultly enough, especially in appearance, such a detail as an automobile lamp. The price for it is not very different (about 50 US dollars). The main indicator for you here should be energy consumption. For DRL it's about 5-6 W, but the fog shows the result almost ten times more. Be more careful with the choice.

Salt is that the car's fluorescent lights are not used to illuminate the road. More precisely, they also do it, but their main function is quite different. The car should be visible on the road - that's why the drivers install new pairs of lamps to save on the use of a passing beam.

Place for installation

The main characteristic for you as for the owner of the car is not the brightness of the lamp bought - it is almost impossible to distinguish it by the eye, but those few millimeters on which the light is mounted above or under the bumper will determine the future.

Actually, the higher, the better. So if there is such an opportunity, put daylight over the bumper. Technical regulations, described in the SDA, allow you to do this.

Should I install the navigation lights?

Independently nothing to decide is not necessary - the advice is not entirely understandable, of course, but now everything will clear up. The fact is that most drivers decide which lamps to deliver, based solely on the aesthetic component. This is completely wrong, because it can even be dangerous. And not so much for the car enthusiast and art historian, as for his associates.

Rules have been created for choosing the place and the lamp itself. You just need to thoroughly study them, understanding, therefore, what and where you can install. Further, it will only be necessary to purchase suitable light bulbs and place them. The latter can be done both independently and in the service center.


Most often as a daylight "Ice" is used - automobile lamps. They are more expensive than conventional xenon. Or, even more so than an incandescent lamp. However, they have their advantages, for example, a long service life. After a while, a higher price will still be repulsed. True, the more expensive the headlights, the later it will happen, respectively.

Also you need to know that the light from the "Ice" lamp will be less bright than in other species.

This is due to many reasons, but the fact remains. On the market today, there are automobile lamps of high brightness, but you hardly need them - only if you do not use daytime running light as a near or fog light. Then, of course, this parameter will become very significant.

It is possible that new models even of domestic cars will be equipped with DRL immediately in production. In Western Europe, this practice is already being applied, since their traffic rules are much tougher than in Russia. Until then, read the installation rules - in case of violations, if the latter reveals a state technical inspection, there may be some difficulties with your vehicle, and you do not need them at all. Also pay special attention to the area of the headlights and the power of light - the other two determining factors.

So, we have found out the types and characteristics of modern automobile lamps.

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