
Attraction of the sexes. Lack of sexual desire: how to fight? Female Sexual Attraction

Almost every kind of living creature is created in nature by a couple. Attraction of the sexes is the basic need of the organism, the same as satisfying hunger, sleep and all kinds of needs. The nature of this instinct is simple, its purpose is to continue the genus. Attraction to the opposite sex, as a rule, is accompanied by the intention to enter into intimacy. And if in nature, though not vowels, but precise and specific laws act, then everything in the human world is much more complicated.

What does it depend on?

Attraction of the sexes is based on biological instincts, the strength of which directly depends on genetic heredity, the functionality of a certain part of the brain, the hormonal background, as well as a complex of conditioned reflexes formed under the influence of the received psychological and social experience. Sexual desire arises to the image of a person, which corresponds to the internal notions of physical attractiveness, as well as behavior.

What is the name of sexual attraction? He is referred to as the "libido". This term was introduced by Sigmund Freud. Libido directly depends on the concentration of androgen hormones, the leader among which is testosterone. It is he who is responsible for the appearance of secondary signs in men, such as the more massive body compared to the female, the presence of vegetation - a beard, hair on the body, and also developed muscular muscles.

What affects the production of testosterone and sexual desire in general?

The hormone of sexual desire, or rather, its production, affects several factors. These include: castration, that is, surgical intervention, therapy with synthetic agents, stressful situations, severe fatigue.

Sexual attraction in men, as well as in the fair sex, is affected by psychological factors. So, the fiasco at the moment of intimate affinity can permanently block the desire to try again. At a young age, guys are the most vulnerable to criticism from girls. An incorrect statement regarding the size of sexual dignity or a similar remark can inculcate in a person a deep complex.

It can take a long time to struggle with this problem, but not everyone can solve it. Men, unlike women, are more secretive and, as a rule, very rarely turn to qualified specialists for help. Nevertheless, sometimes the problem can not be solved independently. In such cases, consultation with a sex therapist is a must.

Among women

Sexual attraction in women occurs under the influence of the hormone estrogen. When an object meets internal perceptions of appearance, the picture becomes clear, but when the cause of sexual desire is the behavior of a man, then there are many questions. What exactly attracts the attention of a woman? Of course, the championship. At the subconscious level, a woman, like a female of any kind of animal, chooses the strongest man.

And scientists have long proven that people find themselves a couple to match their level of hormones. That is, if a woman is at the peak of her abilities, she is healthy, then, most likely, she will be attracted by the corresponding man. Many explain the attraction of the sexes with energy and vibrations emanating from a certain person to another. Power always attracts, its absence - repels. In terms of psychology, women almost always step on the same rake in the process of building relationships with the opposite sex. Winning the attention of a strong man, they try to subordinate his will to himself.

If he surrenders, then in character gradually prevails such traits as complaisance, and in relations the leading place is occupied by a woman. Further, she, not seeing in the man of strengths, grows cold towards him. Moreover, she also considers him to be the culprit of what is happening. Relations outlive themselves.

Female Attraction and hormonal background

From a purely physiological point of view, female sexual desire depends on hormones, and therefore varies depending on the period in the menstrual cycle. When the follicle breaks and the endometrium is renewed, critical days pass. Then, in the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs - the egg separates from the ovary and descends the fallopian tube in hopes of fertilization. As a rule, shortly before and during this period a woman feels a surge of energy, a sexual desire appears. This is due to the release of sex hormones. Then the cycle ends, so everything is repeated anew on a monthly basis.

Why is it reduced?

Female sexual desire can be reduced due to several factors: taking medications, including contraception, chronic fatigue, nervous strain or severe stress, and other causes. With the disappearance of the negative impact, the attraction is restored. Sometimes you can not do without medical help.

What to do?

So, the sex drive was gone. The first thing to do is to find out the level of hormone concentration. And in this case, not always the culprit is estrogen. In addition to it, such a condition can affect the hormones of the thyroid and adrenal glands. Further, following the recommendations of the doctor, apply the appropriate treatment methods. The absence of sexual attraction in women is sometimes associated with psychological factors. Unsuccessful experience of intimacy, a case of violence, a strong emotional shock can block the ability to have fun.

In this case, it is necessary to resort to the help of a sex-therapist, who will help not only to identify the true cause of the problem, but also will offer methods to combat it. According to statistics, the lack of desire and ability to receive sexual satisfaction in women is due to the presence of psychological blocks. Physiological frigidity is present only in a few percent of the fairer sex and is considered curable.

Strong attraction

Increased sexual desire, as well as low or nonexistent, is also a problem. When what is a manifestation of the basic instinct becomes a problem, a person loses a normal sense of life. As a rule, in this case, people often resort to self-satisfaction, that is, masturbation. However, this state of affairs is not always a solution to the problem. Frequent sexual relations at first seem to be the norm and even an indicator of diversity. However, soon a person can stop experiencing satisfaction, despite the presence of orgasm. Strong sexual desire, as a rule, is more common in men, especially at a young age.

When this phenomenon comes back to normal as it grows up, there is no problem. But if nothing changes with time, it is often explained by health features. For example, you need to explore the brain. A certain part of it can affect the body, causing a constant sense of excitement. There may be a fluid retention, which in a similar way affects the function of the brain. Sometimes there is a malfunction in the hormonal background of a man. In any case, the examination, as well as further therapy, should be entrusted to the doctors.

How to increase the attraction?

The 21st century, according to many, is an era of stress. Therefore, people often encounter a problem such as lack of sexual desire.

If, according to physiology, in the absence of any psychological factors, a man is almost always ready to enter intimate proximity, then in women this happens only during the period of ovulation. This is the nature of the human body. However, it is possible to influence the power of sexual desire, as well as the frequency of its occurrence. Many people who study this issue say how to increase sexual desire. If there are no deep and serious problems, then the solution lies in the normalization of the way of life.


First of all, you should pay attention to the diet. When foods that contain the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals and beneficial microelements are fed, food can be considered complete. This is mainly due to the normal functioning of all systems of the human body.

Physical activity

The second factor that has a sufficient impact on the state of health is physical activity. When a person is in a sitting position for most of the daytime, and then by car leaves home from work and fits on a sofa, the blood circulation obviously suffers from such a rhythm. The appearance of transport reduced the motor activity of a person almost in half. This affects not only the intimate life of citizens, there are many diseases of the cardiovascular system, problems of excess weight and others.

The absence of sexual attraction does not threaten people who regularly engage in physical activity. The best prevention of this problem is at the gym at least 3 times a week. An alternative can be swimming in the pool, cycling, jogging in the fresh air. If none of the above options for any reason is available, the usual morning charge will do. It is necessary to give only 15-20 minutes of its time, then blood circulation is established, giving good supply to all organs and systems. Engaging in daily, you will get the desired result - increased sexual desire.

Medication intervention

Often, when solving problems with sexual attraction, people resort to medication. However, such therapy, in addition to positive effects, has a list of contraindications, as well as side effects. As you know, healing one, you can cripple another.

As a rule, when taking medication, the liver immediately suffers, being a filter of the human body. When this organ is weakened, poorly functioning or has any irregularities, drugs for sexual attraction will have to be canceled. Such therapy is designed mainly for the male half of humanity. Thanks to the advertising sources, the names of the drugs are known, which promise to give an unforgettable pleasure during intimacy. It is reasonable to resort to such methods in order to correct the real state of affairs. For example, most often men who reached adulthood resort to the help of such drugs.

But here they may be in danger. Increasing blood pressure, medicamentous preparations of an intensifying effect quite often provoke occurrence of heart attacks, spasms and other negative influences on an organism. Do not take these pills to those who have appropriate contraindications. In any case, before using the drug, you need to consult your doctor.

Advice to women

How to increase the sex drive for women? First of all, pay attention to your diet and daily routine. Perhaps there is too much stress, and the food is overloaded with animal fats. Introduction to the diet of products of plant origin, the normalization of the drinking regime, regular and optimal physical load can work wonders.

You should also pay attention to the situation, because for women, the emotional component of the relationship is so important. If in life there is a constant partner, then, perhaps, it is necessary to introduce a variety in the usual course of communication. Go to an interesting event together, organize a romantic atmosphere at home, listen to music, relax together - all this sometimes helps effectively even in the most seemingly hopeless situations.


Attraction of the sexes - this is the basic instincts, prudently laid by nature to prolong life on Earth. Around this topic there is a lot of controversy, as it is truly inexhaustible. This phenomenon contains two main components - physiological and psychological. The presence of problems in this area indicates the need to seek professional help from professionals. After all, the intimate sphere is an important and inalienable component of a normal and fulfilling life of a person.

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