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When do they celebrate World No Tobacco Day?

Tobacco smoking is the most common bad habit in the world. In Russia from this addiction every year, about 400 thousand people die, and according to statistics, the world - 6 million people. Disappointing data prompted WHO to create a special day aimed at combating smoking - the World No Tobacco Day. It was planned that due to this measure the number of smoking people will be significantly reduced.

The abundance of smokers in Russia is caused by the low cost of tobacco products, their availability in comparison with other countries of the world. Despite all the restrictions on the sale age of smokers "younger" - you can often meet on the streets of teenagers with a cigarette in their teeth.


Initially, the anti-smoking day was decided in the West. In 1977, the American Cancer Society proposed a bill according to which every third Tuesday of November was considered the World Day of Quitting Tobacco. Due to the fact that the number of smokers around the planet began to grow, 11 years later at the 42nd WHO Congress issued a decree on a new date, marking the World No Tobacco Day. Thanks to the conducted actions every year anyone can quit smoking, having received support from like-minded people.

Date of World No Smoking Day

The last day of spring is a great time for cardinal changes in life. Summer comes, nature blooms and smells, you want to breathe deeply. May 31 was not in vain chosen by the date of the celebration of the annual day of refusal from tobacco dependence, because it is at this time that everyone is particularly keen to lose the shackles of an aggravating bad habit.

Danger of smoking

The sad statistics show that Russia is one of the most smoking countries. According to the indicators and observations of specialists, the percentage of deaths from tobacco use far exceeds the number of deaths from chronic and acquired diseases. The greatest danger to tobacco smoke is for children and pregnant women. The substances included in its composition provoke the development of oxygen starvation, asthma, allergic reactions, prematurity, intrauterine fetal death, early birth, mental and physical deficiencies. Children whose mothers smoked throughout pregnancy, at birth had a lack of weight, developmental disabilities, as well as a predisposition to viral diseases and weak immune protection.

The use of tobacco, mainly in women, causes the development of early menopause, infertility, and also provokes skin aging: the face of the smoker has more wrinkles and pigment spots than a non-smoking woman. The World No Tobacco Day is celebrated annually in order to save the present generation and secure the future of nicotine addiction. First of all, women and children, because the health of the nation directly depends on the health of the weak half of humanity.

Diseases caused by smoking

Nicotine and other harmful substances that make up cigarettes have a rapid absorption. They have a depressing effect on the nervous system, respiratory organs, hematopoiesis and vision. Tobacco smoking causes the following diseases: laryngeal and lung cancer, asthma, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, stroke, heart attack, glaucoma. Among men who smoke, there is a significant decrease in libido and, as a result, impotence.

World No Tobacco Day. Events

Annually on May 31, worldwide special events are held, providing people with visual information about the dangers of smoking and the consequences of nicotine addiction. World No Tobacco Day has several goals: to help smokers to abandon the addiction and support them, and to prevent smoking among children and adolescents.

On this day, the media informs people about the beginning of events, the authorities organize and control various mass relay races and crosses. According to WHO instructions, doctors and information on diseases caused by tobacco smoking speak on the radio and television. Also, those who wish receive leaflets, which clearly show the consequences of tobacco use. The World No Tobacco Day is held in the library, in every educational and medical institution. In schools and clinics special "Corners of health" are created, where everyone can get acquainted with the structure of the human respiratory system, and also learn how nicotine affects the body.

The name of the event "World No Tobacco Day" implies not only fighting with smoking, but also improving the nation, supporting youth and children's sports, as well as helping people who are confronted with nicotine addiction and wanting to get rid of it. On the basis of medical and preventive establishments "hot lines" are created, calling on which a person can get a free consultation about getting rid of cravings for smoking. Calls are anonymous.

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